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The Ctrl+V thread!


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On my board today is part of the next chapter of some KSP fanfiction that I'll be uploading tomorrow. Take a look:



Part 28- Criminals Needed, Apply Within

"Twenty-seven dollars in cash, one wristwatch, one rubber chicken, one thousand-dollar smartphone, and one uncashed check to the First Jool Bank. Sign here, Ms. Valerone."

Valentina leaned forward, over the dotted line on the floor, to reach the clipboard the officer behind the desk was holding. Holding the pen in her left hand, she gingerly scrawled an "X" over the line.

"Initial here."

Valentina examined the pen as Jeb, Bob, and Bill stood behind her. "The chain isn't long enough." The officer pulled out a pair of scissors and cut the nylon rope tethering the pen to the desk.

"Say, haven't I seen you before?" The officer at the desk narrowed his eyes as he looked at Jeb. In the corner of the room, Bryce Kerman gasped and looked around desperately for the door. With dismay he realized that the only one that wasn't locked led to vacuum. "You're the Kraken's Spit crew!" He spun toward Bryce. "Get behind this desk. You're demoted. I'm the cop now."

The IA suits traded places, and the officer who used to be behind the desk led them to a cell after taking their mugshots. "We let you out for meals, and to take you down to Tylo three days from now.

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The Sun is a giant, active sphere of plasma constantly emitting unfathomable amounts of energy in all directions through nuclear fusion in its core. Enormous twisting magnetic fields siphon gas and plasma about in its atmosphere, occasionally breaking and flinging large quantities of ionized matter towards the planets.

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//Rock Paper Scissors
var userChoice = prompt("Rock, Paper, Or scissors?");
var comChoice = Math.floor(Math.random()*3);

if(comChoice == 0) {
  comChoice = "Rock";
} else if(comChoice == 1) {
  comChoice = "Paper";
} else {
  comChoice = "scissors";

Half-completed Javascript game.

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Jeg skal aldri gå med ring ikke faen hvis jeg finner ei dame jeg vil være sammen med sånn på ordentlig ikke bare på fest eller noen uker om sommeren så er det nok at hun sier at hun er glad i meg hun kan gå med så mange ringer hun bare vil hun skal til og med få en dyr en i en sånn liten svart eske men jeg nei jeg går ikke med ring jeg ville bare se femi ut ring er nummeret før jeg fikk tørkle i halsen rødstripete skjorte og sånne sko som må pusses hele tida

From some things in school


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The Moon is geologically inactive today, but billions of years ago it had active volcanoes. These volcanoes produced underground channels of molten rock that, when drained, left huge caves behind. Due to the Moon's low gravity, these caves are much larger than any lava tubes on Earth, many extending 50 meters tall and 50 kilometers long. Some have collapsed with skylights providing entrances to the caves, which may contain water ice along with thermal stability and protection from the radiation of space.

Another one of those, then.

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ATTENDANCE (225 points) 15% of course grade: This should go without saying, but those students who show up for classes usually score considerably higher on exams and projects than their fellow students that do not.  With this in mind, it is in your best interests to attend classes as much as possible.  Keep this in mind – why buy a movie ticket and not see the movie?  In other words, someone paid for you to attend this class, so you might as well attend and get as much out of the investment as you can. Each regular class is worth 5 points. Excused absences are given 3 points per class meeting date (with documentation), but must be discussed with me the week of your absence.  Partial points will be awarded for each 15-minute increment of attendance; students that miss a half hour of class will only be awarded points for the time actually in the class (3 points). Students missing over 30% of the scheduled class meetings will forfeit all earned attendance points.


·         INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY:  Please take note of the following policy regarding inclement weather policy:

o    If the college is closed or issues a delay in opening that affects this course:  As soon as I am notified of a delay in opening or a closing of the college because of adverse weather conditions, I will send an e-mail through the college’s blackboard system notifying you of the latest information.  You will be responsible for the content of the lecture that would have been given on that day since the materials will be made available through the college’s blackboard system. 

o    If I am unable to attend the course because of adverse weather conditions:  I will notify you at least forty-five (45) minutes ahead of the scheduled course time through the college’s blackboard system.  Although class will be cancelled at that time, you will still be responsible for the contents of the lecture that would have taken place since the materials will be made available through the course’s Blackboard system.

    • If you are unable to attend the course because of adverse weather conditions:  Use your best judgment.  Some of you may live in areas where the state or county does not provide snow and ice removal/preventive services.  If you feel that you cannot safely make it to the college before class, you must e-mail me at least 45 minutes before class.  You will receive credit for attending the course providing that temperatures within the area were within freezing or a winter storm (or other adverse weather condition) advisory had been issued for the area where you reside.  Chronic use or abuse of this policy when there is lack of adverse weather conditions in the area will result in your absences being considered as unexcused. 

  • EXCUSED ABSENCES:  An excused absence requires documentation, to include doctor’s notes, notes from the Student Health Center, court summons, funeral announcement, or at the instructor’s discretion.  Should you have an absence, always contact the instructor as soon as possible in the event you believe your absence should be excused.

  • NOTE TO ALL STUDENTS:  Initialing the attendance roster for a classmate who is not in class or having a classmate initial for you when not in attendance will be treated as an instance of academic dishonesty.  Both parties will be reported to the department chair, as per KCTCS or Henderson Community College policy regarding academic dishonesty.  Signing the attendance roster for any other date other than the scheduled class session you are attending is also considered as academic dishonesty.  Presenting forged or otherwise altered notes to have an absence treated as an excused absence is a serious and criminal offense and will result in being reported to the division chair with a recommendation of receiving an “E” in the course.

  • NOTE TO COMMUNITY ATHLETES AND OTHERS IN HENDERSON COMMUNITY COLLEGE ORGANIZATIONS:  Activities for college teams or groups are considered as excused absences; however, it is your responsibility to provide documentation from your coach or group leader.  These will be treated as excused absences.  In the event your absence coincides with a paper or exam date, you have three days from the due date to turn the paper in without penalty and one week to make up the exam.

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