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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I had to return a crew from the Mun before they could land because I hadn't noticed some absolutely insidious little screw-ups with the descent stage until it was on orbit (seriously, how did I screw up the fuel lines THAT badly?).

But while it wasn't able to land the lander itself was still quite spaceworthy for about 300m/s of dV, so I decided to have some fun and role-play out a catastrophic failure of the main service module and several other systems while in orbit, forcing the return burn to be done by hand, no SAS, using the descent stage engines with gimbals locked and only the lander RCS system for attitude control, basically making my own Apollo 13.

Yeah... Jack Swigert had a much tougher time flying back Aquarius and Odyssey than I had with the Dres 2L and Duna CSM. Turns out that the lander was the aproximate center of mass anyway. :/

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Had Jeb deliver 6 mini comsats to the new interplanetary driver:


He hasn't been told yet that he's one of three slated to spend 2 Earth years on Eve in this ridiculous piece of junk:


Of course that time depends on how long it takes us to get around to lifting those three off of Eve, might be extended with a re-supply mission, or two...

Just got a note from Wernher Von Kerman: "Remember to add zee parachutes to that."

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Of course, before that we got a thorough map of Eve. Using Custom Biomes for a little more flavor. The side trip to also get a map and gravioli detection of Gilly left the scansat and the other half of the probe which were supposed to act as comsat relays in bad positions, hence the need for another network.


Edited by NoPanShabuShabu
Typed "through" instead of "thorough"
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I made it to Jool with a test probe and performed my first successful aerobrake! I threw together a small probe with just a bunch of science gadgets, 2 solar panels, an antenna and a battery and then strapped a ton of fuel to it to see what would happen. Jool wasn't my plan, but when I realized it might be possible, I gave it a shot and made it.

There's hope for my future Jool 5 challenge attempt just yet!


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And yesterday did a pretty solid Duna mission. Didn't take any pics, but here's the ship in the VAB. Landed Ike and then Duna. Forgot to expose a goo canister on Ike, so did it at low Duna. When we were docking back to the command module, I realized that I had forgotten to expose the other goo on Duna. Well, the lander's still orbiting Duna with a goo canister ready to be exposed!


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And here's the launcher for the aforepictured Interplanetary Driver. Lovely peek through by the nuke engines through the fairing. I'm kind of surprised, since the launcher weighed in at 415 tons, and the final package in orbit is 96 tons. That's a pretty good payload ratio, especially since VOID's claiming that there's 9k m/s dv in it right now.


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I set up a geosynchronous communications network for Kerbin.... and then proceeded to run a few missions to the Mun...The first using the tweaked Aries (my version of the Saturn on a 2.5M scale) system to complete an Apollo style mission..... Due to operator error, the follow up missions have not.... Gone exactly to plan.


This is an equivilante to the Saturn IVB booster... Gloriously pushing it's poor Kerbals towards unforeseen stress and possibly... Heartbreak.


The above is my command module with the return portion of the lander docked to it.... Story here is that I had run out of electric on the lander and the crew managed to dock before the crew of the lander died.... Wewt!

Follow up mission didn't meet quite so much success.... But... The launcher works, so when I ACTUALLY pay attention, I should be able to gain a lot more SCIENCE! Wewt! Wewt!

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I made an Eve return lander that works and looks halfway believable! I'm going to have a stupid grin plastered on my face for days because of that one :D

Pics or it didn't happen.

Video or it was fabricated! x^D


I'm having quite a busy weekend:

I sent an Astro-Jeep to the Mun, and another one to the Minmus. It was SUPER FUN.


Craft file!

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Tried to build a crane out of struts and girder. It wobbled all over the place before tipping my thing over. After about 40 or so attempts at this adding weight ect I went for a different approach. A VTOL ship with a KAS crane on each side so I could land it on top and winch things up. I failed and smashed into the top, lost a jet engine and it went out of control...

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Behold - Asteroid Queen Dressmeralda!


On her shoulder is a great rocket launcher, fueled by blood and powered by hatred.


She will use it to destroy the pretender queen standing before her. But it's hard, because that thing is really difficult to aim.


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Behold - Asteroid Queen Dressmeralda!


On her shoulder is a great rocket launcher, fueled by blood and powered by hatred.


She will use it to destroy the pretender queen standing before her. But it's hard, because that thing is really difficult to aim.


Nice :D - You could always install the Lazor Docking Cam to target your weapons. It wont even add parts to your game and removing the mod would do nothing to your save file.

You can find the mod here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/lazor-docking-cam/

And in action:

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You're gonna laugh... I was trying to come up with something as cool as THIS,

and like this:


(It's a Cayman)

And to have a little bit of HMMWV in it too...

Please don't laugh too hard...


Too late! :P Laughing aside though, it's very well done! I wish my career mode was far enough along to let me build stuff like that--Yes, I know, I can do it in sandbox.... but, this is my current challenge and I shall not shy away from it!

On a different note, here is an image of my CM and MEM (Command Module and Munar Excursion Module) prior to Munar orbit.....


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I started to build a space station, finally having unlocked the KW 3.75m fairings. But after repeatedly failing to sucessfully launch the lab module, due to being too agressive on my gravity turn, forgetting to put a docking port on the damn thing and launching into a completely wrong orbit, I gave up for today.

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Meanwhile in career mode...

After many jumping and hopping around Mun & Minmus I've developed lots of new tech... BUT it wasn't enough: I still need turbo jets and ram intakes, to make a Laythe lander for a Jool-5 mission.

And I need little cubic struts so I can have all my clippy & airhoggy space planes on career :^3

I now conducted a mission to Dres. Strangely, aerobraking didn't work, so I wasted some of my return fuel for a Dres-capture:


That's Jebediah in there - he's got lots of room in that 4-man canister, and he likes his solitude :-)

He's been doing all the missions so far.

The ship has finished the ejection burn, but then there was the ~500 m/s midway/inclination :( I only managed 50~100 m/s

I actually already DID have jumbo's and mainsails available, I just wanted to see how well skippers can handle... and the rocket looks more aesthetic that way ;o)

Anyhoof, I immediately started a rescue mission - there's a lot of valuable science that needs to be retrieved!!! ...Oh and a pilot.

I designed a ship with a ludicrous amount of delta-v:


(if you're wondering how did the capsule de-couple from the 4-man-can, well - there's a medium sized de-coupler between them, concealed by attaching poth parts to the wrong ends of the decoupler. I call it, the "Kraken-Decoupler")

The valuable research has been retrieved!! Oh and the stranded pilot. Now I have all I need! turbo-jets, ram intakes, and little cubic struts! hurray.

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I tried using a grabber to remove some debris around Mun. I was going to grab it, de-orbit it and then let go. Aside from being hideously expensive with fuel, the grabber wouldn't grab it. I've managed to keep the orbit around Kerbin free of debris so far despite building a space station around Mun.

Still, it was a useful exercise. I've mainly been practising docking manoeuvres around Mun and trying to remember how to spell 'manoeuvres' when doing quick saves.

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Did my first orbital test of my two kerbal X-20 Dyna-Soar style vehicle (unmanned).



Unfortunately I forgot to refill the monopropellant tanks and was only barely able to deorbit with the small amount of mono in the command pods. However, it was still successful in reentry and landing.

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