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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Whoa! May I ask what parts pack you used to get that cockpit and those engines? Spaceplane fanatic here wants to have more options.

Let's see... there's

To make this baby work somewhat realistically, I added fuel capacity to the engine mounts and crew compartment (like a centerline tank in an aircraft).

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Gotta teach myself docking so I can go to places not name Mun or Minmus :)

5th Horseman did a thing on how to grab and asteroid, and while it is a bit different than docking it did help me finally get it right. Keep practicing you will get it in time, best advice I can give as I do not know how I just started getting as of now to be honest (but that video helped me to know what goes where type thing).

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5th Horseman did a thing on how to grab and asteroid, and while it is a bit different than docking it did help me finally get it right. Keep practicing you will get it in time, best advice I can give as I do not know how I just started getting as of now to be honest (but that video helped me to know what goes where type thing).

Sweet! A plug! :D

Today I started toying with the idea of an all-stock, claw-based crane. Here's an image of it dragging (Sadly it can't lift it. It can barely lift the arm!) the superstructure that held the claws before attachment to the crane.


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Realised that I'd put the barometer and seismo, which I won't ever use until coming back to Kerbin, next to the hatch and the gravimeter and thermometer, which I'll use regularly, on the other side of the command pod. Cue EVAing round all the time. -_-

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Drove the Eve Science Rover over to the lakes to catch the sunrise. Never saw the sun through the clouds. Grabbed some "spashed down" science by driving into a puddle, and used the rockets to get back to shore (that's what their there for.)

We discovered some thing though:

1. From 2300 to 0 meters is a difference of just about 1.5 atmospheres.

2. Eve is lifeless obviously because some race wiped itself out by warfare. The evidence is the numerous landmines that lurk in perfectly smooth looking places which will toss your rover into the air and making most of it explode... Or possibly that was all a dream...

That island doesn't look too far... someone should swim over there and plant a flag.


Jeb: "Someone needs to swim over to that island. Bob?"

Bob: "I don't know, I once had a bad dream about spending a year in Eve's oceans..."

Jeb: "I see, I'll do it."

Bill: "No, I'll do it."

Bob: "Oh, OK, I'll do it."

Jeb & Bill: "Douzo, douzo."

Bob: "Hey!"

Thus Bob bravely volunteered! Not really any point in doing it, but he did get to name the island: "Bob's Island."


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Sweet! A plug! :D

Today I started toying with the idea of an all-stock, claw-based crane. Here's an image of it dragging (Sadly it can't lift it. It can barely lift the arm!) the superstructure that held the claws before attachment to the crane.


Hey it is true, not sure why but it just clicked something in my 3lbs noodle to get how to dock (although I am far from pro as noted by todays near miss LOL)

As for the picture this is the first thought in my head:



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I started to play the non-sandbox mode now that I found out I was missing out on a ton of science points. Also added 3 mods (Mechjeb, Kethane<sp>, and one that provides sounds.

Did the entire mercury stile flights, and now building a little spacelab with the one person pod. Including a lander that who base I might be able to use for at least robotic types (you can fall out, but you can climb in since I can't figure out how to extend the ladder all the way down. I am new at this.)

So I had my "Gemini" style missions with the new spacelab. The Mark I and Mark Ib Helix missions where hectic, in the Mark I, Billy Boblan K on a EVA lost his footing, and I had a crash course in the backpacks, after 15 mins and using way too much fuel, I was able to get him in the pod again and headed home. He had the non-lander version and I found out I had the stage separator at the wrong place. figured he was doomed, but he landed on water and it was a easy landing.

His comrade Chadfry K became my first kerbal to pass away, as his lander sequence was poorly designed, and the fuel tank that was dropped exploded, causing him to loose control and his Helix ended up being pieces across the Kerbal Launch complex.

The Mark II Helix was redesigned for Kerbal safety, and had a flawless test mission. Also launched a probe into Polar orbit.

The proposed Mun orbiter/lander that is on the drawing board has been named the Chadfry Memorial Orbiter (Staff felt that it would be too cruel to name the lander after him.)

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I'm a little late to this but I had been taking a break from KSP due to just being burned out... I had vowed to come back when the new version came but I'm slow apparently. Today I dove in on .23.5 and started a new game. I unlocked a couple tech tree nodes and ran a mission to orbit the Mun but silly me I forgot my goo pods... So after unlocking a little bit more tech, I went back with a redesigned ship:


Ugly ship, but I was just playing around and as I said I don't have much tech yet (and it's been a while since I played :)). That's the only proper screenshot I have of it because I made a video of the mission that turned out to be an hour long because of... Well, I'll explain (but I apologize for the rest of the images being crappy because they were pulled from a recoded video). As a matter of fact, if you take a look at my staging order you can see exactly what screwed up this entire mission right when it counted the most. Everything was going great at first, with Jeb at the helm I could do no wrong. It was a simple mission: Grab as much science as I could between Kerbin and a low pass around the Mun, and come back home. Jeb swooped down to ~40km from the surface of Mun and passed over as many biomes as he could, then collected the experiments that were about to be dropped with the cruising stage to save weight. Jeb burned the last of the fuel in the cruising stage we had set up as he made the escape trajectory from the Mun. Everything was going according to plan until this moment. He surveyed the trajectory and plotted course for a ~80km encounter with Kerbin (if I remember correctly) and then went to drop the dead weight. Stage separation -- engine dropped. Stage separation -- experiments dropped. Fire off the last engine? Hm. Seems to be throttled up, but nothing is happening. Fire off the last engine! Oh... It just separated the capsule from the little putt putt engine I had intended to go back to Kerbin with. DAAAAAMMMMNNNNNIIIIIITTTTTT JEB!!

He must have spent a good 2 minutes just looking around. What do I do now? Sit here in a wonky orbit and wait for help? No, not Jeb. As he looked at the trajectory he has also made another mistake that he tends to make in this situation (which wouldn't have mattered if he had an engine) -- He was going to have another encounter with the Mun and get thrown out into Minmus territory. Unacceptable. Jeb did no less than what I'd expect him to... Against mission control's advice he calmly exited the capsule, grabbed all the data from it, and began to burn retrograde with his jetpack like nobody's business. He was looking at a Kerbin periapsis of ~1500 km, which wasn't good but we could deal with that. Then a streak of luck -- He managed to alter the encounter with the Mun just enough that it actually brought him closer to Kerbin -- ~600km. So we waited... And when that periapsis came, he started to burn retrograde again. He was able to bring the apoapsis down to ~2000 km before thinking he'd better save some fuel for the rescue ship that was sure to come. ...Right?




Let's do this!

Of course, a rescue ship was immediately thrown together from debris laying around the launch pad from the last 5 prototype rockets. Up up and away! Except wait a minute. The rescue ship has already started its gravity turn when everyone realizes Jeb is orbiting in the opposite direction. Let's try that again. James Kerman may not be the brightest guy in the world, but he's a decent pilot after all, and the rescue mission is a complete success from here on out, minus a few gallons of fuel wasted on maneuvers that weren't exactly necessary. He was able to get within 25km of Jeb on his periapsis and then burn to match orbits and form an intercept course. 3km. One orbit and he's closing in... He can barely make out Jeb's helmet from the glow of the engine as he closes in at 15 meters. Jeb enters the ship and naturally complains about how long it took James to get there. The trip back to Kerbin was a boring one, as everything went according to plan.


Rescue ship is blasting off after a cursory staging check, all systems go...


Let's get out of here!

It's funny how a simple mission can turn into a huge ordeal for no good reason.

Edited by Duke23
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I learned to stop worrying and love KAS.


Sent Jenbert and two of the rookies up on a service mission to my main space telescope. Took about an hour and swapped out everything short of the probe core and mechjeb pack. Totally worth it.

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Having just installed Kethane I have been mostly been designing extractors;

Made quite a few but I'm most pleased with the one below, flying extractor for picking up Kethane and flying it back to base, for use on Laythe. Made it about half way to Kerbins pole, landed filled up and flew back to KSP. First time I have seriously tried to make a flying tanker, getting it to be aerodynamically stable at two vastly different weights (full and empty) is tricky. . . . its a little nose heavy when flying full at high speeds. Might need an extra canard to be turn off when empty.


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In my experience, you only really need docking for building space stations, or if you're doing refuel shennanigans. It's entirely possible to go to the whole system (and sometimes back) with one launch.

With ARM's 3.75m parts, this is a lot easier. I did my Eve round-trip, Apollo-style, with a single launch. And Eve is the one that probably requires the largest payload, since the lander has to be beefy.

Anyway, my latest shenanigans... :)

Landed on the VAB roof (with the help of MechJeb):


And bounced around on the Mun, visiting a valley overlook, and one of the arches:





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I built an underwater survey ship.


Unfortunately, the ocean floor is pretty boring and lamps don't work when looking under the water, so you can't see anything. :/

Edited by Xacktar
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I finally finished MunBaseAlpha

[TABLE=class: table1]


[TD]Kerbal Mun Base Alpha

Located 1.4km NNE of the Armstrong Memorial

The current outpost including the habitation complex, a fuel depot, and starboard and port lighting.

The lights are approximately 200m from the base so when illuminated, habitation complex isn't blinding.





[TD]Two screen shots of the habitation complex.

Note the communications tower, science lab, and two rovers used to put everything together.





[TD]Fuel Depot

The light stack is the standard white, and that is a docked rover which seats 4 kerbals in the docking gantry.




[TD]Starboard (as in prograde orbit from above) Lighting Stack




[TD]Port(as in prograde orbit from above) Lighting Stack




[TD]There are also blue, orange, and purple light stacks waiting to be launched on Kerbin.

Each module arrived individually with the exception of the tri-couplers and construction rovers, which docked to the bottom of certain modules.

Several craft were lost en route to Mun due to the Kraken.

No Kerbals were lost or injured in the construction of this base.[/TD]



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Well I made a major step. I landed a probe on the Mun. Used a nice liquid fuel rocket with early tech to do it too. Time to build out a whole family of launchers out of stock parts. Then get the Kerbal'ed space program running and start to build some more distant probes.

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Having just installed Kethane I have been mostly been designing extractors;

Made quite a few but I'm most pleased with the one below, flying extractor for picking up Kethane and flying it back to base, for use on Laythe. Made it about half way to Kerbins pole, landed filled up and flew back to KSP. First time I have seriously tried to make a flying tanker, getting it to be aerodynamically stable at two vastly different weights (full and empty) is tricky. . . . its a little nose heavy when flying full at high speeds. Might need an extra canard to be turn off when empty.


Bishop from Egosoft forums?

Anyways. Last night I uhm. Landed a "A Class" roid upon Kernin soil. Just wish the orbit speed switch to surface speed so I could have saved the probe that was under it. Needless to say. I had to switch quickly over to the roid and had to watch it roll to a stop:


Then I had to fly a plane over to the roid and over 2 hours later due to brakes to chat in SC chatroom I was finally able to get a Kerbal over to do some science:


Yes. I know if I went orbital I could have shanved my time down. Just my pin-point re-entry sucks and wanted to make a stock plane as is.

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Today in career mode I finally escaped Kerbin's SOI to start taking science readings. On my return trip, I decided to revisit Minmus for funsies before safely landing back on Kerbin.

Here's a short music video I decided to make for this occasion! Also to celebrate Episode #15 of my KSP Career Mode /w Mods series.


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