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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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First time I landed on Duna without breaking anything. I also caught Ike on the way out. My first landing a few weeks ago fell on it's side, and destroyed half the motors. Somehow I got that one in the air and back to Kerbin, but sent this new design to do it right. (and collect all the science I forgot!)


Still waiting for the transfer window back to Kerbin, but it's lined up in KAC behind a few other missions.

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I've been experimenting (not so successfully) with SSTOs the past couple days... One very simple design was promising so I decided to modify it slightly for more fuel capacity and give it a payload. Originally its mission was to dock with my "space station" (I use that term loosely) with no payload just to test how far I could push the design Delta-V wise. Well when I examined the station I realized I didn't put any Clampotron Jr's on it, which the SSTO would use to save weight and drag. So its first true mission was born out of necessity -- bring up a module that would add a single Clampotron Jr so it could refuel once it made the rendezvous. This mission, of course, was very poorly thought out.

Taking off -- Can't believe this thing even flies straight.


Obviously this isn't going to work... OR IS IT?!


I was too busy biting my nails to get screen caps of this next part but I do have it on video that I may put up after I trim it. Well this was basically an impossible mission -- The ports wouldn't line up no matter what. Jeb radioed from the station that he had an idea... That is never good. Well I got the ports as close as possible, the shuttle below the orange tank close enough to reach out and touch it, and still a significant vertical distance between them... Then fired off the decoupler that the module was attached to. I just KNEW I overshot and it was going to go hurdling through space or blow something up, but the magnetic force caught it just at the right time and it swung around for a few seconds before snapping on and knocking everything out of balance, but I didn't care about that. It worked! I was able to re-stabilize the station and then dock with it. There will be champagne and snacks in the hitchhiker container!


Edited by Duke23
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After I lost my KSS, I decided to go for a new station. a refueling-only station,maybe two or three,scattered around the solar system. Also with the option to transform into along range-ship if the right modules are attached.

Decided to go on with my work on the Kethane-Kyper-Kelix-Drive. Textures and design by far not finished and I might change a few things.It's a fast flower power (keth) powered engine with a small supply tank and an animated viewable fuel stat window from an outside view if possible...

Small rant:

Modelling is no problem , Unity's stupid gui is also manageable but I have no clue about the config files,and I don't find any tutorial on it. My problems are especially the attachmentpoints and telling it when to do what animation.ksp factory even "broke" my test-model(it didn't even load)


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In other seat of the pants news, after successfully docking my SSTO (codenamed SSTOP -- as in STOP torturing yourself trying to make this work), I remembered that I had the previous iteration codenamed Batwing still in a low orbit piloted by the more-skilled-than-we-thought Anfield who has been doing most of my test flights recently. Everything was going alright for the first part of reentry and we were optimistic.


But as we came in over the mountains behind KSC, we realized the fatal flaw that almost caused the first SSTO design to crash -- fuel balance. It was manageable to a point but the lower we got the worse it was and trim wasn't helping. suddenly all control was lost, the plane stalled and went into a flat spin and started careening for the mountain at a lousy ~180m/s, like an insult. We thought it was over. Mission control held their breath, Anfield was cursing the kraken. But then everything just tightened back up and he was able to regain control, sort of. He transferred fuel forward as fast as possible and lit up the engines to plan for a controlled crash in the foothills... But you know what? Screw that. We were going to land at KSC from orbit for the first time, even if we had to cheat a little. Anfield hugged the mountains and steered back on course for KSC (the cluster of markers by the wingtip), staying around 1500m above the terrain.


The kraken would have to wait, this Kerbal was coming home.


Anfield says this plane should be destroyed so no one else can get almost killed in it.


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Finished the "Core complete" of my version of the ISS, and started working on canceled / proposed modules - the first one was the Russian Science Power Platform.

That's pretty cool! I was thinking of building a true station... Not like that, I'd surely destroy it before I ever got it complete. But most of mine just end up being orbital refueling / construction depots with room for a few Kerbals and aren't much to look at.

Not to be a thread hog or anything, but in this post I said there was video... Here it be. The last 2.5 minutes or so is pretty routine docking but yeah. The lucky shot, lol.

Also just wanted to say it's good to see Whackjob building again... This guy and a few others around here have inspired me to keep trying. After seeing some of the things others build and launch, I felt pretty stupid ragequitting over my measly 150 ton payload not wanting to cooperate, or not being able to get to Jool and back, or whatever my problem would be that I just needed some time and a half baked plan to accomplish. I'm still scratching my head over that RCS tug though. Kind of scared to see what you have planned.

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Kerbin got suddenly BIG.

When testing my cargo planes, I encountered a minor problem: They can't get to space.

So I went back to the good old VAB...


I reached ORBIT!!! YEAAAHH!!! top that!!!


That's RSS. Nothing else.

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I've started the design of a Lander for Eve. Since I'm pretty pessimistic regarding the elevation of the landing site, it will be built to be able to take off at sea level. That said, the design is "just" 1.4 kilotons at the moment and still only goes half the way out of eves atmosphere, so the final weight will be even higher. Maybe I should start over and try to keep things even lighter, or use asparagus staging. Also it seems I hit the bug with the biggest decouplers - whenever I try do decouple the first stage, the game locks up. Luckily I found the "Fix" and will try it now.

Edit: The "Fix" does indeed work. Just for fun I tested taking off with that beast from Kerbin. It easily went on an escape trajectory from the Kerbol system, with still three stages full. Eve's obviously a pain. Funny will also be to get that beast to Kerbin Orbit without decoupling anything...

To also report from the not so crazy design side: I landed my first unmanned probe on Moho. Transfer went nearly smooth, only the burn for the gravity assist with the Mun had to be split to two, since the probe ran out of power on the night side of Kerbin. The landing was soft, only one solar panel was damaged. The probe never was intended to return, so this is not an issue at all.


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Launched my second comms satellite via my shiny new spaceplane. The first is geostationary, this one is at a 45 degree inclination. The third will be 90 degrees to this, the fourth will be polar. I'm getting the hang of this now.. I think my next task is building one with a docking port so I can refuel (note to self: build space station) and then take this plane somewhere. Want to try Laythe (and the transfer window is only a month away) but I'll need to send infrastructure there too.. Hmm..


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Antimater powered jool explorer & support craft:

Explorer & lander:


And gooooooooooo!


As Jeb arrives the moons of Jool align as a sign of welcome.


Refueling & Science Reset craft off to meet up:


Jeb: Space Squid for dinner anyone?


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Yesterday, I posted another video! This time I send a plane to Tylo and back without stages or refueling. The only trick to make this possible is using a detachable lander to descend and ascend from the surface. Then it redocks with the aircraft once more.

You can learn more about this SSTO by going to the Tylo SSTO thread.

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[With DRE, FAR, TAC, KAS, MKS and Kethane mods installed.]

Some of my Kerbals landed on Eve this weekend! Of course, getting them back will be another matter... The mk2 lander can (plus some small rocketry attached to it) and the kethane factory both separated from the main rocket during descent (as intended) and survived intact. The whole landing zone is about 50m spread apart, and everything went so well... apart from the main rocket. It tipped over after it touched down at a gentle 10m/s, nearly destroying the kethane factory as it went. I did lose a lot of exterior equipment during the rather violent descent. Such as the proper landing gear for my main rocket (only the auxillary survived) and several toolboxes with what turned out to be rather vital KAS gear. Now I can't connect the kethane factory with the lander can (not that it would help much).

I will have to attempt to send a rescue, but I'm afraid they only have about one year (Kerbal time) worth of life support, so I'm not sure if I can make it in time. And, to be honest, I don't think the rocket that tipped over would have been capable of putting my Kerbals back into orbit, so I will have to design a much more powerful rocket. Oy, I'm not sure if I want to bother, but I can't just let them die without even trying, can I? XD

On the brighter side, I succesfully docked an SSTO with the Kerbin Spaceport and returned to the KSC in one piece.

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Apparently Anfield isn't as good with rovers as he is with planes, and he flipped one over by the launchpad at KSC. I had to send the crane prototype to flip the rover back on its wheels. I'm pretty sure he got a neck injury, hopefully that won't keep him from testing out my new designs. (No, but seriously... I couldn't control him after the crash so I "recovered" him and then didn't see him in my crew manifest).


Bartbree, don't touch Jeb's things. BARTBREE!!


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