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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I have returned from the dead to this forum.....

(that counts as something right?)

What updates have we had. I left right before the Asteroid thingy

We have the asteroid thingy. .24 got delayed, because something big is coming. Squad wanted to make things crisp before releasing the next update. Just read the actual Developer Tuesday Article.

And welcome back!

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No pictures, but here's some learnings:

When you decouple a lander from an orbiter in prograde direction, then switch to map mode and fire the lander retrograde, you may turn your ships into confetti.

I don't think I'll ever be able to use the 20k orbit around the Mun for anything else after this desaster...

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No pictures, but here's some learnings:

When you decouple a lander from an orbiter in prograde direction, then switch to map mode and fire the lander retrograde, you may turn your ships into confetti.

I don't think I'll ever be able to use the 20k orbit around the Mun for anything else after this desaster...

Don't worry, the junk will spread out over time, and unless you plan on going retrograde in that same 20k orbit your relative velocities shouldn't be a bother.

In other news, I decided to take a crack at an even heavier cargo SSTO than I had attempted before, and I succeeded! My previous record was 21.4 tons with my Kylon SSTO (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79535-The-Kylon-my-best-high-capacity-SSTO-so-far) and my new craft, innovatively called the Kylon-2, has surpassed it by lifting a full Jumbo (+two Snr docking ports), 36.4 tons, into orbit.

Not only that but it was 100% successful on the very first flight! You'd almost think that I'd somehow gotten good at this game.





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An update from my Duna project (for last post, click here)....

I finnished designing the three components that I intend to use for the mission. So it was time for a little more testing in Kerbins orbit, today with the whole package.

First launch was the service module.


It carries enough supplies for the return trip and also the huge ammount of live support that is needed to keep a Kerbal awake through the time till the next launch window.


Next up was the lander craft. Lucky shot of the booster ejection...


A few hours later it docked up with the service module. In this automated configuration the complex would await for the Kerbelnaut one launch window later.


Next for the test came Jebediah in the crew transfer ship to get himself familar with it. The vehicle itself revealed a minor design flaw at once, as the 2 X 3 solar panels were easily blocked by the external live support tanks. 1 X 6 panels will be used later instead to reach out further.


After rendevousz with the base on the nightside of Kerbin, Jeb had to do the docking maneuver in darkness.


When docking was done, I was eagerly waiting for the sunrise to see the whole setup in light. But as the complex came arround the planet, I was greeted by a solar eclipse. A bad sign for the Duna project? :mad:


Jeb didnt care and decided to watch it from outside instead of doing boring indoor tests.


At last, sunshine came up and it was time to check how the complex is doing in terms of keeping Jeb alive in the long run.


As it turned out, it is running at a slight energy deficit due to all the live support systems. Its not a major factor around Kerbin, but since the solar power on the outer Duna orbit is quite reduced, it would certainly pose a threat to Jebs survival. So I am debating now wether I should postpone the mission untill I have better technology or if I should add another pure energy-supply module since I have one spare docking slot (that was just put on the service module for symmetry reasons) anyway. A 4th ship to transfer probably wouldnt look that good once budgets are in at least.

Or maybe I can put on some more solar panels on the existing setup. Hmmmm...

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Yesterday, made my first prototype Payload (four Kerbals and Science) Rocket to Minmus, AND it was a success. Well, except that I couldn't return, and the tall lander WITH narrow legs placement was not ideal for land-hopping on Minmus (responded by giving the MK1 Rocket 4 girders to increase the legs' width for the landing struts).

I also downloaded Mechjeb (for rendezvous and orbital coupling ONLY) and... Career Mod wasn't too kind on giving me Mechjeb stuff (only certain commands are unlocked).

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A example of a stock Ares I that I have built that can loft a 5-man Orion type spacecraft into a 100 km by 100 km Low Kerban Orbit. The Orion itself has limited orbital capabilities, like the real spacecraft it is mostly dependent upon other hardware to get it beyond LKO and to other more exciting destinations.

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Just goes to show you. One can get into space with just a basic jet engine and SRB. Just now I need to figure out a decenty thrust rate so I can make orbit with it:


I might try 75% then 50% then 25%. Not sure how well it will work. But, at least I'll have fun passing the time trying.

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A decision has been made and my little energy problem has been fixed.


With the new solar array installed, I now have an energy-overflow of three times as much as I loose during the night. That *should* be enough even out at Duna.


I guess I am ready for a final test run in the Mun orbit with a simulated landing included...

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Tried over and over and over and over again to get Shadowplay to record ~one minute of footage so I could upload a youtube video

Everything reports that it's working, all the icons pop up saying it's working, no video output is written, MFW :huh:

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Today I posted episode 6 of Colonizing Tylo, my YouTube series. In this episode I sent a Kethane rover over to Tylo. I had used the Kethane up right around my base (I think, or else it was a glitch), so this rover can transport Kethane to my conversion station from another deposit 1.8 km away. Now my Tylo base is all set up for sending dozens of Kerbals to live there in the next episode!

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I built a truck, Dergan got to test it but he just yelled "hey y'all watch this!" and flipped it. Hudlock wasn't wearing his seatbelt and fell out.

...Yeah, that's pretty much all I accomplished today aside from adding some new terrain scatter to the runway trying to make a cargo plane.


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While waiting for the transfer window to Moho I sent up a debris deorbiting probe, using my now nearly working space plane design... Well, at least Bob, who was piloting that thing, survived the spashdown. I'll have to improve on the dry CoM/CoL alignment, since it was not possible to get the plane horizontal during "landing"...

<iframe class="imgur-album" src="http://imgur.com/a/g2cPg/embed" width="100%" frameborder="0" height="550"></iframe>

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Not sure how well it will work. But, at least I'll have fun passing the time trying.

That's the spirit! :D

Mission to Jool is on hold, the CEO of KSC is going on RNR - no WIFI in the mountains of Corsica, so no boosters for me until July.

Who knows how .24 is coming along and if I will stick to .23.5 for this last mission ... ?

Cya! :)

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Just goes to show you. One can get into space with just a basic jet engine and SRB. Just now I need to figure out a decenty thrust rate so I can make orbit with it:


I might try 75% then 50% then 25%. Not sure how well it will work. But, at least I'll have fun passing the time trying.

Haha! Brilliant! Makes me want to experiment with SRB-powered spaceplanes too! :D

As for myself, I made a long-range 3-man SSTO spaceplane which I think can make it from runway to Duna (maybe even land?) and back without refuel. I also finally found a good use for RAPIER engines (the traditional aerospike-turbojet always struck me as the more efficient, but RAPIERS really shine on heavy spaceplanes where there's just physically not enough room for a lot of engines)

Edited by Cirocco
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