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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Today, I got KSP working again!!

First time since the update. I had a huge clearout of the KSP folder, and spent an hour or two reinstating only those parts which I have fitted to existing ships.

And now 32 bit loads like a dream, and so far no crashing or weirdness. I haven't tried 64bit yet, but one thing at a time. The CoM of my ships looks correct, the missing radial parachutes have all reappeared, the launch button in the VAB actually takes me to the launchpad, F12 takes screenshots.... what more could I ask? It seems to all be running as well as it did with .235, and I'm delighted :)

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First KSS pylon on the pad, waiting for its launch window...


Lift off in the morning hours...


Launch boosters dropping off...


Accelerating into the sky...


Gravity turn at 11 km...


Levelling out for orbit, main engines cut off...


Rendezvous with the space needle...


Coming in to deliver the payload...


Docked up...


Payload released...


Reverting the lifter...


Mission successful...


Lifter going for de-orbit...


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  Thomas988 said:
Some company (Probably Kerbodyne) wanted me to test out the S3 25x4 Engine Cluster in orbit. It was a hard contract, but through "ingenious" engineering I managed to complete it.


These "Deliver ultra-heavy thing to orbit and activate it there" is quite easy, actually.

First: you do not need to actually run engine, merely activating it it enough. So set its throttle limiter to 0 and don't attach any fuel tanks to it. Just stage it so you could activate it when time comes.


This is my KR1x2 test ship. Also, some KW, FASA and PF parts.

I use NEAR and Deadly Reentry, so I have to build aerodynamically (hence adapters, nosecones and fairings). Funny thing is that this ship has about 3500 dV, and it won't make it in orbit with stock aerodynamics.

KR1 and its silver adapter\nosecone is unfueled. On top of it are control unit (probe and some batteries). Three RGUs for control.

The price of this thing is 41Kfunds, contract that it helped to fulfill gave me almost 1 million.

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A bunch of part testing, mostly. It has actually provided the vast majority of my science - to the point that heavy science equipment like the lab, the materials bay, and the goo are obsolete and I'm extremely unlikely to use them in future (I hate those things).


A probe, hopping into the ocean to test the big Kerbodyne engine. By activating it with the context menu, then only actually staging it while splashed down, I can put the engine there and do the test without needing to attach any other engines.


Same probe, parachuting onto the runway after a water liftoff.


A silly looking thing, isn't it? This is what happens when you need to get over 430m/s before 8000m to test the Skipper. It also had a parachute test a touch higher and faster, and was testing the basic jet at a rather lower speed over 20km up. I'll be looking more closely at the speed/altitude on in flight part test contracts, and possibly refusing them in future.


Managed to parachute it onto the runway.


Decided to spend some money on preparations for future missions: that tower is three nonatmospheric science modules (thermo, seismic, gravioli, antenna around a battery and probe core, capped with tiny docking clamps), one atmospheric one (barometer instead of antenna, atmospheric nose cone clipped in), then a small ion tug (3k xenon). That'll cover my science equipment for my future planned Duna, Ike, Minmus and return to Mun manned missions. The tower cost a little over 100k.

I put it atop a refitted orbital rescue mission, thinking that I could just get the kerbonaut into the capsule, then decouple the tower and leave it in LKO until it's needed. Unfortunately, the fuel of the lifter ran out before periapse was out of the ground, and the Round-8 ran dry before it was out of the atmosphere... fortunately, the ion engine can still provide thrust when blocked by a capsule.



Got close with the ion engine, a little more slowly than I typically do. Took a few orbits, but I managed to circularise, rendezvous and match orbits for ~500 xenon.



I decoupled the capsule and fired all the monopropellant to deorbit, running out with periapse just under 40km, which was a relief. The return from there was just a matter of letting the parachute automatically open as planned.

I managed to turn a profit on that mission, what with the rescue and the three part tests (launch stabiliser, LV-909 in flight, and ion engine in flight). Just goes to show that you don't have to spend money to build infrastructure, you can build it incrementally on someone else's dime.

Edited by Concentric
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What Did I Do well thanks to contracts I got bob motivated to to plant a flag on mun and Jeb tried to impress the geeks back in the lab by retieving science data from a minmus probe. only problem was the craft he took only had the fuel to get thier and retrieve not to get back :huh:


So now I might send Bob out to rescue him and the SSTO he took

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Mun multi mission.

I was told to plant a flag on Mun so I decided to do some science, that rover has 8 material labs but I forgot goo containers.


Carries an Kethane mapper who can also do orbital science.

The top tank was originally thought for the Mun transfer but the reusable tug also carries an mainsail and a ant engine to Mun for testing so I used it for the tug and dropped it.

Put the mainsail engine module in LKO as I might get use for it later.

The small thing with the static solar panel is an probe I planned to drop on Mun for ground science, I had to keep it until takeoff as I forgot antennas on the rover.

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Its not what I did, but what I realized.

I realized if you approach missions as the means to raise money to fund your usual bizarre craft builds and missions, missions are far more interesting. I.e., "If I do these 5 missions, I'll have enough money to build a space plane to visit minmus and drop Jeb off there, just because I can".

Missions and contracts are not always married together...I played my first few hours of v.24 acting like they were.

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Well a few minutes ago. I test fired this ship and got a Minmus Encounter then polar orbit:


The amazing thing is. That is was the very first ship to leave the VAB. Wasted a little bit to get the encounter since it was so small:


As you can see this is the end result for a 10 km by 14 km polar orbit.

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Well firstly I continued my career game but due some weird error it had become extremely laggy. The lag in the tracking station was unbearable so I deleted the save. I didn't feel like starting a new career game at present so I went into Sandbox and built some ships.

First pic is the Wraith SSTO. It can get into orbit ok it just needs more oxidiser. So the Mk 2 version is currently at the design stage.

Then I built the K.S.S Palomino which is a Kerbal rip off of the U.S.S Palomino from The Black Hole. I couldn't get it exactly how I wanted. This thing would cost at least 2 million so glad I was in sandbox mode. The lifter was monstrous and the ship itself steers like a drunk cow. :D


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The last couple of days I've been continuing my career mode, now updated to 0.24. I haven't actually done nothing more than taking on contracts and finishing them, except from my Minmus trip two days ago.

Here's a picture from the Minmus trip, with Minmus to the left in the image, and Kerbin and Mun to the right.


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  Thomas988 said:
Some company (Probably Kerbodyne) wanted me to test out the S3 25x4 Engine Cluster in orbit. It was a hard contract, but through "ingenious" engineering I managed to complete it.


I wonder what Kerbodyne think of the discovery their engine has inherent antigravity :D

I think I would have simply stuck the test engine upside-down on top, and capsules could go on the side with the aid of girders.

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Decided that the next kerbal to lose his ship in orbit would get to visit the 'special hell' of space rescue.


Yes, that is an external command seat that the rescued Kerbal is now sitting in, and.....


managed to safely ride down to a somewhat lopsided landing. Side note, a Kerbal in an external command seat is considered to be EVA, so this is an easy way to get any atmospheric eva reports you are missing.

Side note #2, an external command seat does not count as a 'ship' for getting the rescued kerbal contract credit, so have him hop into your lander before retrieving the craft.

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Got a little fed up trying to get the science contract for science experiment in space around gilly, had my probe down to an orbit of just 2k from the surface, so I decided to put the probe ON the surface.

Here's a picture of the probe after it landed 10 minutes ago.


Strangely enough the picture from 10 minutes ago, and one taken now, look exactly the same. Wonder how many years it'll take for the probe to finally fall from that angle. :)

*edit* PS. Just noticed the probe's SAS was still on, which was causing the defying gravity ability it had.

Edited by Ruthgar
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Getting into it again, although still in .23.5 - I want to finish the missions I started and to many mods that I use have still to many error posts, so ... :)

First Moho landing ever! Just a small probe with lots of science gizmos, but I never got around doing it (or failed the two times I did try).

Duna Return Mission is all docked and fueled - long wait for the transfer window begins at the press of <.> though. :wink:

Ion probe to Jool launched about 25 days before the manned mission of the Explorer III will. Solar panels are just about enough and aligned to have enough electricity for 28 minutes at full 2kN of thrust - as long as Kerbin does not get in the way that is. Found out that when I put the probe in a very excentric orbit (200x8000 here), with the PE roughly in the direction I want to go, I am able to thrust for several hours along my orbit while also accelerating towards the planet without loosing sunlight.

Eve probe duo is close to destination now, will be the next in my KAC schedule.

In other news: A renegade group of the Eve worshippers - naming themselves Bel-eve-rs - seized control of an orbiting asteroid capture vessel of the Kerbin Asteroid Protection Division. The vessel is now on a very costly trajectory towards Eve, close along Moho's orbit. As of now it is unknown if the three buccaneers will be able to return to Kerbin - should they even want to do so?

(Found one of two asteroid redirect vessels still in orbit and out of a whimsy put a maneuver node to see where it would go - got an Eve encounter rather easily by just burning prograde a lot and simply started the burn. I do not know if I can/will bring them back, therefore the quick RP excuse above. :P Most likely they will go for a Gilly landing and stay there - or crash into Eve, as the vessel has no parachutes at all ...)

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