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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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After wasting quite a bit of time repositioning my trailing and leading munar relay sats without getting a usable connection, I finally decided to check the Remote Tech 2 manual, and indeed:

  RT2 Manual said:

If the dish’s target is set to a planet or moon, it can simultaneously maintain a link to all targets that are within a cone centered on that planet and that are within that planet or moon’s sphere of influence.

So, the problem was clear: The relays are outside of the Muns SOI, while the LKO relays were set to point at the Mun in cone mode... Since there were no free dishes on them and I need the cone at the Mun, I could only solve this issue by launching another set of relays to LKO...

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  benkh said:

Strangely after my Kerbals left the Rover one of them didn't want to move anymore :( (was probably out of snacks although I have enough food from TACLS). I quit the game for today. Maybe he isn't as stubborn tomorrow.

That is a bad sign. It almost surely means that your game decided to treat that particular kerbal as a debris of the rover. AFAIK the only way of solving that is to edit the save ...

On news on my KSP, today was a busy day :

-Saved unfortunate workers of our subcontractors ( that for some reason, more often than not have a sky high stupidity rate :D )


- Landed a couple of times on the Mun ( 3 landings and rendevous in 3 orbits of the orbiting space lab ... and all while doing the above rescue. I really need KAC )


Made a high atmosphere science retrieval ( I was perusing the received reports when I noticed that I have almost nothing about Kerbin high atmosphere , so I slapped out a SRB with science instruments and lighted it out ). Contents were delivered at door :P


And, while bringing Bill home from his mission at the Mun ( with a precious cargo of science ) in a spaceplane he caught in my LKO Space station, I also tested my high tech new night landing aids ...


With this I finished the carreer mode game I started when 0.24 came out ( as you can see for the date and the number of fulfilled contracts I have been heavy on contracts for the science. Still debating if it is worthwhile to continue it ...


Edited by r_rolo1
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Today i send the KE landers, but encounter some troubles (i expect them since the beginning of this project :D)



Jeb on his way for parking landers


Jeb at Lander 1 door


Night docking


It pass but just !!


Just the place for Jeb to get out


Lander 2 on his way


The only way for put that model of lander inside is to slalom between hinge, mading impossible to put three landers as wanted


Jeb's joyce :D


Jeb feel so small as KE is the bigger thing i give to him, he surely ask himself about the size of the explosion of that thing...


I begin that project by designing the lander, and build KE around, but, at the end, i change the lander, and now, it dont match the bay size !! i just can put 2 of them instead of three, and by making a slalom betwen hinges. but, thats not a big trouble as i can just change the position of the firespitter helix (for duna ballon mobility, that lander will land wiz ballon originaly)

But, im not so proud when i first try to put it inside !!

So, i decide to dock the tug instead of lander 3 (in case of)


After docking all what i can, i plan a Mün transfer as exercice, as i have a few science pt to recolt on Mün

Loading bay close, ready for Mün transfer test flight


When i rotate KE for taking right orientation, structural weakness appear, but i still know that from last test, and that not enough for break ship, so, lets go




I start the transfer acceleration (a long one, wiz that 0.45 t/w !! 3.10m/s max 780t 36 nuclear engines)

It seams pretty cool, a this stade, im still proud :D


To the Mün !


That this time women choose for finding something i have to do... (why women never know when we making something that change the univers face ?!) when im back 5min later, i found that :


Totally loose orientation, and so twisted !!

And KSP crash...

So, i think its an end to the KE project in this form, as i dont want to complexify it again (laggy, but playable, not sure for more parts)

And i learn lot of things :

- Next huge project, ill use ubio welding tool (for hull for example)

- Building solar plateform wiz microwave emitters avoid the need of solar arms (more than 400 parts), make huge plateforms, a lots of, far from ure ship, unlimited power (depend of the number of plateforms)

- I love my sided tanks, but their unusefull as i didnt design a reusable thing, ill have to change all the engine for reuse KE. Too complex, too big number of parts

I think i will keep the main ship, a rethink the engine section and the solar arms...

So, ainsi fini mon plus gros vaisseau :D (mais il a pas dit son dernier mot, Jean Pierre...)

EDIT: WTF i havent neither acitve/quantum struts, nor joint renforcement !!! need them !!!

Edited by FacialJack
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oooo this is a neat thread I can't believe I didn't see it before. finally a place to chronicle the sadness that is my life :P. I try not to see what others build to force myself to resolve problems on my own, so I just skimmed some of the designs but wow.. crazy 1000+ part behemoths everywhere. I've already spent a couple hundred of my meager funds on PC upgrades but.. ::mouth agape::

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Sent my Mining Lander over from Pol to Vall. It does not have much usable fuel, but a small Kethane converter and enough power reserves (Kerbol is sooo small out here) to keep up with what I need.

Still amazed how difficult it can be to to not end up with encounters requiring 1000+ dV to get captured. After three restarts I finally ended up in a very excentric equatorial orbit around Vall - only to realize my mothership is in a polar orbit, as it had to scan the surface for the anomaly there ... After messing up one plane change I noticed rotating my orbit in the other direction would need less fuel - only to realize that I am now orbiting in the opposite direction relative to the mother ship (1100+ m/s speed relative to target at closest encounter ... *Vooooosshhh*).

I thought it would be a perfect moment to broaden my knowledge of the save file ... :P Docking will occur this afternoon.

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Spice must flow!

I mean, Duna~Dune~Arrakis. Even without sand worms. So, we can harvest some spice there! And I got that brilliant Karbonite mod. So, let's rock.


Too bad, there are no Karbonite in Duna's atmosphere =\. So' I need to use those drills

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I slayed a dragon. It was a long and hard battle, but eventually two heroes from the dragon hunting team could take this picture of themselves, posing at the roof of the VAB, with a severed dragon head in their walker's mighty claws.


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  Felsmak said:
Jeb Has now legally changed his name to Khaleesi Kerman, refusing to accept that it in fact is a feminine title, and he's now rallying his dragons to help him retake the Ion Throne. He lost it shortly after the picture at the bottom was taken.



I really need to learn not to drink soda while reading this thread.

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I tried some sci fi designs with spaceplane plus, that look not like any other design with that mod... i still find the standalone cockpit adds too much of its own to any design, so i tried the inline one.

However i like the mod a lot. Still one of the best part mods around.


Edited by Frank_G
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I worked on my new DropMax interplanetary tug. 9x 2.5m and 8x 1.25m NFPP VASIMRs, powered by a KSPI dusty-plasma fission reactor hidden between the argon tanks.

This test put just over 360 tons of payload on a LKO->High Mun Orbit transfer (images not inlined, they made the text too hard to see...)

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  smysha said:
Spice must flow!

I mean, Duna~Dune~Arrakis. Even without sand worms. So, we can harvest some spice there! And I got that brilliant Karbonite mod. So, let's rock.


Too bad, there are no Karbonite in Duna's atmosphere =\. So' I need to use those drills

that base reminds me of some kind of steampunk locomotive with the way those jet engines are set up

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Downloaded SP+ and messed around with it a bit, built my first twin-jet SSTO with a working cargo bay, ran into some issues with exploding planes on takeoff (proabbly due to weight bending the landing gear), and some other issues, but its a nice set of parts. :D

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I made my first successful spaceplane, that's what I did. Nice 147km-152km equatorial orbit.

Not pictured: Re-entry heating on ascent.

Also not pictured: My failure at choosing the angle of attack, resulting in far too little speed buildup and far too rapid climbing. My intakes died at 25km, while an earlier (but failed, due to forgetting to place the rocket engines) attempt got me an Apo of 80km before the intakes finally gave up at 55km.

Even more not pictured: Earlier attempt at a vertical launch plane that used intakes facing clockwise, then rotating clockwise at a speed of "very fast" to cheat the intake system.

I'm afraid to try to land. 90% of all my plane crashes occur below 3km.


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Today I finally modded my ksp. I prefer mods that add functionality without changing things wildly for stock rules, so I chose kethane, karbonite, and I think it's called KB engineering (the one that adds some engines and fairings). Since I sort of headcanon everything I sent up a test satellite to scope for these resources on kerbin.

I think I might need to get that one that allows kerbals to place struts and such next.

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There's something quite Kilrathi about that design, @MisterDoubleSevens . I like it.

Me, I didn't do much, just decided to finally play the game in a way that I enjoy. Namely, I decided to go about ignoring testing contracts altogether and not bothering with minmaxing the payoff from the altitude record contracts. In the end I needed three attempts to reach orbit.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/01E06/embed"></iframe>

Next mission is to get poor Dilcas Kerman back on solid ground, then I'm off to Mun and beyond. (I've been to Mun and Minmus before, but not with such a serious gaming intent as this time.)

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