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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I was playing around with fairings and now I am coming with some oddball names for ships. For some reason this ship will be seeing a lot of uses 3-7 days out of the month...



This took Jeb out to Minmus and did a slingshot to Mun before coming home.


Edited by Liowen
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I tried to blow up the KSC. Emphasis on tried: it was surprisingly hard. Weird thing is that some of the buildings explode with a small touch, and some of them required me to bring out the massive SRB-propelled truck. Since all of this was done with suicide drones and the SRB truck, I've saved the Spaceplane Hangar for last. We'll see how it goes!

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Sent a small ion rocket to my minmus base just to find out it could decouple but the short I beam got stuck on the ion tanks and I forgot to turn on symmetry for the solar panels... I will probably crash it. At least I am great at landings now.

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Allright ! I finally finished the space station I was working on for the last few weeks. Has Room for 32 kerbals if the need should ever arise !

Not extravagant, but contains lots of each fuel types, and today we had a nice view of Kerban and the Moon in between the solar panels.


And here from the other side. Better illumination and we can see the cross-section in the middle


After that I worked on a Skylab look-alike.


And finally with the service capsule docked to it (had to send my 3 brave astronauts to do science in there afterall :)).

(Technically I built this in sandbox, but with a Graviolli detector you could map every biomes low/high... which I intend to do in a career at some point, my bet is when we get all the new biomes)


This was very satisfying to build the station piece by piece and finish it. But even such a modest thing was starting to lag on my beast of a computer. Can't wait for unity5 or whatever.

I guess next is either a new science game, or refining my saved ship designs and launchers. Getting better at the game and feel the need to clean-up after myself :)

Edited by Francois424
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Still trying to find the settings which make me happy but still provide a challenge for a proper career in 0.25 so I took some time to play with the space - plane parts.


Inspired half by the Northrop Grumman X-29 and half by the X-men cartoon's Black-bird. This SSTO made it to orbit carrying a Mun-lander payload. I haven't finished tweaking the design yet, but it flew well and carried an impressive amount of its fuel to orbit (about half of the Mun transfer burn, the lander did the rest on its LV-909 and landed on the Mun. The lander still have enough to orbit, circularize, and some spare - but it didn't have enough left to exit Mun's SOI.

The picture about was the Mk2, the Mk 3 uses Areospikes instead of 909s and has more wing attached because the Mk 2 was difficult to steer (though it glided amazingly well when empty).

Edit: Forgot to mention that I was using Dang it, DRE, and NEAR. Did have an oxidizer leak, and reaction wheel failure on the Mk 2's launch (in picture) and both the Mk 2 and 3 flew well enough to orbit with NEAR and survived reentry with DRE.

Edited by loch.ness
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How do you take 60 tons of space station into space all in one? Well, today I found the answer. You strap 1700 tons of rocket to its side. Yup, 1700 tons.


Each one of those four pillars is 5 meters wide, and between all four of them, I was able to put that station in orbit in one single stage. :P

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  astropapi1 said:
How do you take 60 tons of space station into space all in one? Well, today I found the answer. You strap 1700 tons of rocket to its side. Yup, 1700 tons.

Heh, that takes me back. That's how I did my first ~250-ton stations (back in 0.19), too, especially as later versions started getting bigger and bigger. My 0.22 space station was 850 tons, and used a 12000-ton SSTO lifter (41 3.75m stacks). My station in 0.24 was a bit larger still, about 1500 tons, and its lifter was somewhere around 20000 tons (21 5m stacks, a bit larger than yours); unfortunately, 0.25 came out before I could build up enough funds to afford to launch it, but I'll get to it in a week or two in my new career.

The difference is that I didn't attach the booster stacks to the sides of the station; they were linked to each other, and the station sat on top of the resulting "brick". This gave plenty of places to put struts, so the payload remained very stable during launch despite the size. It made it more challenging to make the boosters recoverable (parachutes, landing legs, etc.), but I managed it in the 5m version.

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What did I do today? Repairs. You see, back in 0.24 I'd used Spaceplane+ to build my various planes, but when that mod was moved to stock it did all sorts of bad things to existing designs. Rather than rebuild each from the ground up, I went through the somewhat drawn out process of swapping the mod parts with the stock ones. Most of my designs were simple enough to update, but a few of my more complex SSTO spaceplanes required a lot of work to adjust.

But thanks to this work, the Sleazy Weasel 7c rides again! (That means the fourth iteration of the seventh generation of the design, in case you're wondering.)




Just under 33 tons, costs 282k, capable of flying to Laythe and back without refueling along the way (assuming you don't mind multi-hour ion engine burns), and built with just about every amenity Jeb could want. Plus, it looks cool. For engines, it has four RAPIERs (two in the back, two in those gaps in the wings), four radial hybrid ion engines (mod part, functionally equivalent to two LV-Ns with slightly better efficiency but consuming xenon and electricity in addition to LFO), and two ion engines in the wing pods. While those screenshots don't show it too well, the design has 18 small extendable solar panels and six large fixed ones (mod part, each analogous to eight stock fixed panels), giving it more than enough power for the engines. With the number of intakes it has, this plane can get up to ~1600m/s before the intake air runs out, so it's pretty efficient at getting to orbit.

The only thing it doesn't have at the moment is a cargo bay, because I've got smaller spaceplanes to handle that sort of work. It can't operate in the atmospheres on Duna or Eve, and it doesn't have enough engine power to handle Tylo, but other than that it can go pretty much anywhere.

For the first test flight, I went to Minmus and back without using ion engines, refueling, aerobraking, slingshotting, or anything else along those lines. It barely had the range, but managed it without any major problems. (It was a test flight, so I ended up with a list of a dozen or so minor things to tweak when I got back.) Given that I'm deploying a network of kethane-based fuel depots, mining rovers, etc. I won't need much more than that, but as I said the ions give it enough range to get to Laythe and back if need be. (Yes, I've tested that, back in 0.23.)

Edited by Spatzimaus
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Today, I installed NEAR, the simpler version of FAR, *suddenly breaks into a truly awesome recorder rectal of the titanic song*


, be cause it was time to get ISP right.

Then it was time for Ssccience! The testing stuff kind, not the watered down careermode kind


Got to know how engines work now.

Warning. Our flight is now ending. You may experience sudden deceleration and then death. Thank you for flying R&D aerospace.


Yeah, I forgot landing gear.

I did get that rocket plane thing to orbit, where it ended up stuck. I sent Bob and Rohat to rescue them.


The new navball makers made it easy to get home on RCS, even though I didn't put any pointing forward or backward.

And came home to a safe landing. I've decided I really like these new parts, those two cockpits in particular.


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I got bored with using only monopropellant during the actual missions, so I decided to try something different.





The carbo bay containts all the boring stuff, such as the landing engine, RTGs, and MechJeb.


Unfortunately the lander was not equipped for returning to Kerbin, so I had to leave it in orbit.

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After a week of research and effort, concluded that a Tylo assist out of the Jool system just cannot give me enough delta-V to make the 180-day trip back to Kerbin I'd been hoping for. So it's back to the 250-day trip which I can do without an assist. *sigh*

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Built a rover out of the new plane parts. Tested it for turnover factor at the runway. Passed. Had to build a launcher for it since it does not fit inside cargo bays. Ended up finding I didn't think it all the way through, so left it in orbit while I built a special skycrane for it.

That worked.

On the Mun, the wheels seem to skid a lot. Seems it has no traction in that grey regolith. I may change it for the better treaded wheels. I wanted the suspension, though.

Used the giant wheels first, but the center of mass was too high and it is nearly uncontrollable on the Mun due to it just sliding around with no traction.

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while I am waiting for few mods to be sorted up for 0.25 so that I can start proper career on it I am continuing with my science career on 0.24. I am still refining my small rocket-launched space plane that will be used for transportation of crew of 6 and limited supplies to the space station. It flies pretty good in atmosphere (NEAR) and is responsive and stable but I am still having problems with landings. Up until now there were 9 unmanned launches of which 3 finished by ditching in the ocean, 2 crashing on the hill at the island airfield, 3 crashing into the runway at KSC and one tumbling across the runway at KSC. When I sort out landings I will than proceed to suborbital tests intended to test re-entry performances (I am also using DRE) and after that I will try to bring it up to the station to see how it performs rendezvous and docking maneuvers.

In parallel, I am also continuing with building of my station. Today I have successfully launched Service Module2 and docked it to the side opposite of SM1 (tug is still attached on it). Later I will undock and deorbit SM1 which will be replaced by design similar to SM2 (few less parts) and than will send one-man mission to clean up unneeded stuff (RCS thrusters, small solar panels etc.). Than I will launch SM1b which will be docked to the same place where SM1 is now. After that I will need to bring up Science Module, Cargo Bay and one extra docking module which will than complete the station.


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