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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Not sure anything's going to beat GreeningGalaxy today...

Did the first live test of my 3.5m carrier and the test assembly of some kethane mining components - a qualified success. Flight to orbit was completely trouble free, cargo - 71t - released fine and I was left with enough fuel to take the whole lot to Duna & come home - I've no idea what this thing will be capable of lifting but this felt like it was empty.


Stacks docked together fine ( although they'll need a tug ).


Dumped a bit of fuel ( about 6k units in the end! ). Re-entry was beautiful, popped the airbrakes & flaps out and it just gently slowed down, and then when I was on finals it just lost the ability to fly straight. I think I made 5 touch-and-goes before I just started flying in circles about 40km out to sea & tuned Pilot assistant until it'd fly reasonably straight, and then after a completely flat approach put it down at about 140m/s. Luckily the brakes are absurdly good.


Matt Kerman can't tell which way is up after all that.


Edited by Van Disaster
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Not exactly ksp, but reached a personal mile stone for finishing the main parts of acrylic tube for cooling, should have picked something smaller and easier as first experiment with that stuff, just 6 simple ones remaining to do thankfully and some leveling with tiny corrections :)

It ain`t as easy as it looks...it`s a nightmare.


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Created a little module for supplying my 100km station with food, and decided to try it out by making a supply run. Ended up with my closest ever orbital rendezvous, I passed my station within 800m while circularizing my orbit, and had cancelled out velocity at around 1000m. Launchpad to docking was 13 minutes 59 seconds game time, which I'm sure isn't a record of any kind, but I was stunned I was able to pull off something like that accidentally.

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I built a FAR-compatible VTOL spaceplane.


With a bit of tweaking, it can now reach orbit, land, reach orbit again, and land again. I made it as a nice little gift for a fellow KSP player who wanted a Laythe multi-trip spaceplane that could do VTOL. 'Twas fun to build.

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After perusing magazine publicity shots of '60s interceptor aircraft, kerbal engineering interns unanimously decided that low aspect ratio, high-load wings were by far the coolest way to increase supersonic aircraft efficiency and submitted this probe-carrying X-plane for evaluation.


it worked! this slightly different version as flown has some decoupler mount points on the wing ends from RATO pods (weren't needed in practice), and one of the solar panels didn't deploy because it got melted on ascent and stopped working. unloaded, it got into orbit with 1,370 dV remaining, enough for a circummunar trip and change. i might actually press this one into service, assuming i can work out how to re-enter it safely (haven't tried yet).

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Spent 15 minutes trying to connect a ship to my space station before realizing the front had a Clamp-o-tron Jr. Also realised that vernors make for good emergency brakes, if you remember to shut them down when trying to do any close maneuvres, as they unbalanced RCS for retrograde on rotation. In the end, I managed to figure out the problem and dock my ship to a sidewards-facing dock, my luck it was meant to be a multiple docking point in the first place.

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Been a while since I'd played the game in earnest. Attempted to get my Emu 7 spaceplane working once again - still failed to make orbit and at this point I'm thinking I'm going to have to do a redesign. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong with turbojets; I can usually get the designs into space just fine on RAPIERs...

Also flew my Small Fries 7 Mk2 plane into orbit. I'm thinking I've finally got a good ascent and mission profile on that thing down - now the big trick will see if I can actually catch a tater with the probe payload. Might've gotten it on this last ascent had I actually turned to a proper heading early into the flight.

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Lately, in my KSP:

I loaded up my main save, and found vessels which were supposed to be in LKO, flying out into interplanetary space. Lucky, it wasn't impossible to fix, thanks to hyperedit.


Today, I found none of my saves were loading. Mucked about with the tutorials, while working out the problem. I don't think Jeb is listening to Gene's ladder instructions.


Solved the problem, one of my saves had been truncated- restored it from a backup.

And last, but not least, I finished the images for the next installment of OoE/CoM!

Coming soon to the fanworks forum near you!


*Hides from Calculuswarrior*

Seriously though, The Kold War is also definitely worth the read.

I expect to have the writing done later this week.

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I've been avoiding my 6.4x Tylo mission for a while now. Building the giant ship was fun, and even flying the 30 refueling missions was kind of relaxing, but now the actual mission is starting to feel too much like work.

Meanwhile, I built a casual little 1200-tonne rocket and launched it to Minmus.


I'm not sure about the stuff Minmus is made of, but it doesn't look safe.


The rocket was a bit overengineered, as I had around 1 km/s of delta-v remaining after completing the mission.

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I've been avoiding my 6.4x Tylo mission for a while now. Building the giant ship was fun, and even flying the 30 refueling missions was kind of relaxing, but now the actual mission is starting to feel too much like work.

Meanwhile, I built a casual little 1200-tonne rocket and launched it to Minmus.


I'm not sure about the stuff Minmus is made of, but it doesn't look safe.


The rocket was a bit overengineered, as I had around 1 km/s of delta-v remaining after completing the mission.

*gasp* The Great Ice Lakes of Minmus are melting! There is no other explanation of the kerbals falling through the ice like that!**

**It's probably just a collider issue with the 6.4x thingie.

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Launched by biggest rocket to date. Decided to see if I can drill for kethane on Mun.

2 mobile Kethane miners & 2 mobile refineries to Mun.

166 tons for the skycrane & vehicles & return (maybe) lander.

Total launch DV: 5,900 km/s

Total Weight: 2,146 tons

Parts: 560 on launchpad

I do have to do another launch to bring more kerbals and a part cart for the KAS mod. I'm really loving that KAS mod. May bring along some scansat stuff too.


I know, I'm completely lame.

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A short science trip to Duna:

-A wallpaper-worthy shot if you ask me :D :


-Some aerobreaking:


-Sandstorm on Duna:


-One of the most interesting landings i had to do. Ditched my landing gear and managed to land on a slope like this only with SAS keeping my craft upright on Ike.


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I lost Bill in a launch accident. My rocket second stage consisted of a single mainsail which was throttled to a TWR of 1.05 to avoid overheating. This, however, succumbed to gravity and pitched over WAY too soon. When I tried to correct with the next stage, it flipped over and broke up in the atmosphere. The lander was a 1-way to mun with the return capsule coming on the next mission. As a result, there were no chutes and splashdown was murderous. Poor Bill...

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