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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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December 2014. Rumors and hypothesis of these so called "asteroid" bodies has driven the KSA to finally hunt these ghostly radar returns down! A first in Kerbal history!

Throwing all caution to the wind, a "class C" signature is selected. To intercept and redirect only the most unproven technology will be used! Newfangled plasma thrusters! "wireless" electricity and fusion engines that have the potential to sterilize entire continents!

Liftoff of the exploratory vessel that will assess the asteroid and pave the way for follow up missions!


Final stage falling away while the apoapsis is still below 50 kilometer. Mom didn't raise no dummies! Power receiver online, plasma engine operational, heatsinks unfolding! What's that? It is still getting a bit hot? Guess we'll have to open a window between engine burns!


Someone must have taped over the weekly podcasts our brave astronauts made to detail their progress because here we are! She's not that large! With the claw deployed, critical science is done to ensure the tug can do its job!


It approaches...


Little more than two giant high efficiency, high thrust engines mounted on twin fusion reactors and a large pool of fuel, the tug exists only to get the claw into position and give that asteroid whats for!


With the tug almost in position, our astronauts detach from the asteroid and meet up with the tug, only there will they find shelter from the extreme neutron flux those two fusion engines will generate. A shielded shelter has been prepared.


Designed with the mass of an asteroid in mind, the ultralight science vessel does nothing to upset the flight characteristics of the tug when docked.


The crew has transferred and we're on final approach. Easy does it! Deploying the claw.. speed is .05 meters per second. Stand by for contact!


... KSC. We have a bit of a situation!


Wait! .... Come back!


Number 1 engine assembly.. AWOL. Plasma drive.. destroyed. Fusion engine controls are not responding. RCS system... fully operational!


Lets hope the B-team is up to the job of rescuing our brave men from this situation...


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Many many things. After nearly bankrupting myself by upgrading the R&D Center, I ran the cheapest Eve mission ever. I finally completed that mission today, after a 600 km trek across the surface. The rewards for that mission got me just enough to run my first mission to Jool since .18. My little ion probe completed both Bop and Pol's 'exploration' missions, and dragged my space program back from the brink. Now I'm working on a 2.5 million contract to get a roving land base to Moho, which I haven't even explored yet. Should be fun!

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Launched a small satellite to the Mun for a contract and then noticed that duna was in about the right position for a transfer so I sent the satellite there as well and completed the explore Ike and Duna contracts. Got my money's worth out of that one :D

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Launched my second mission in my new science save; Got Bill to the south pole, which nobody ever wants to go to. Also, can someone help with how to do the spoilers?





Spoiler Contents (likely many lines)

[/noparse] gives the following:

Spoiler Contents (likely many lines)

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Still in 0.25. The nightmare continues...

Today, I decided to try my hand at building a super-heavy lifter capable of lifting a 350 tonne payload to orbit. Missed the mark a bit...the final booster was capable of lifting 450 tonnes instead. I did forget to account for the fact that Vernor engines use LF/LOX instead of Monoprop - had I not done that, I might've had a self-cleaning final booster stage as well. What can I say there besides "nobody's perfect"......

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I unlocked the prograde bit on the SAS.

It completely changes my experience of flying; for the first time, I can confidently scream through the long fjord on Kerbin (about a 90 degrees East of KSC). 200 m/s at 100m altitude, gratuitously doing rolls and buzzing close to the sides -- super fun! Next time I'll do it with a tiny fighter plane rather than using a long-distance explorer.

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Made a fourth addition to my SSTDuna spaceplane collection and flew there while it's incomplete lol.

Didn't expect to land fine without parachutes and with limited electric charges (alternator charge only) but surprisingly landed, it was.. bumpy. Sadly wasted some fuel to fly to that lower atmos zone and plane still filled with nasty symmetrical bugs to diagnose with but i'm lazy for the rest of the day.

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Watched Jeb survive a BACC SRB test, without a parachute. I thought I had emptied the fuel and dropped the thrust, but I must have left a tiny bit of each by accident. The pod and booster landed at 80m/s, but the booster took all the impact and Jeb landed safely.

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Continued with the MunTherm Mission, and took my VTOL out for a spin for a survey contract. Running low on fuel is today's theme for me.




First, I made a delta-v calculation: only 2km/s didn't seem to be enough to grab all of the readings and reports needed... in fact, making a second landing was looking to be out of reach. So, Seanski took off and made to grab all the orbital reports and readings there were. One of the thermometer readings was an "above x m", and I thought I'd get it in the same pass as a similar report, but Seanski was too high up for the thermometer to work. He grabbed it in the second pass, eventually getting all of them. However, there was now only 367m/s left in the ship, and it was on a highly inclined orbit that wasn't well suited to returning home. I spent 98m/s on escape, then set up a maneuver in high Kerbin orbit to bring the periapse into the atmosphere. That's four hours away, and is going to involve a little of the old "get out and push".




While I waited, Mitzer took the still-unnamed VTOL to try to perform a Kerbin Survey contract. The targets were a landed Alpha and Beta, and three "in flight above ~18km" reports. Fuel was looking pretty low... at about half-way to Handred's Tract, cruising at 21km with two out of three rear engines running, fuel was already half down, so collecting all the reports was probably not in the cards.




After checking fuel again as I arrived, I decided that with a little gliding, it should be possible to make the landings after the Tract report. This turned out to be the case, and low-speed behaviour was excellent, even when gliding as slowly as 30m/s. Mitzer made both horizontal and vertical landings at the Alpha and Beta sites respectively, made the reports and was recovered with five units of liquid fuel remaining. I didn't take pictures of the landed plane...

So, it seems that my next survey plane will need more fuel, as, I think, will my next Mun lander. I suppose you need to consider this sort of thing when deciding to hit multiple distant survey locations.

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Today I did my first 2-man mission in 0.90 career with Jeb and Bill spending 3 days in 80x450km orbit gathering some valuable scientific data and testing new craft that will carry my Kerbals in orbital missions around Mun and Minmus. Launcher is still underpowered though and is still in need of development.


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