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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Got my first satellites around Moho and Jool and learned I could use monopropellant in a pinch as full scale propellant to decelerate a ship.

Made all the difference between being 81m/s too fast to achieve Moho orbit and a long, lonely solar orbit for a mission I worked diligently to complete.

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I tryed to take my Buran to Jool, while trying to get encounter i realized that while i do have enough to get there i would not be able to get back. So i went back to Kerbin, at 3 km/s.

I may upload video footage of it someday, once i edit out the hour and half RCS/ nuke burn.

Pic. of buran before leaving Kerbin SOI.


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During a testrun of 4406.. I accidently hit EVA instead of IVA.. a kerbal that wasnt jeb and first name probably strange in anycase.. really didnt like hanging off the running boards as I applied the train brakes and came to a stop.. this very fearful expression became apparent.. odd since ive had kerbals re-enter kerbins atmosphere alone and never look as scared as this.. I guess kerbals are used to rockets and flight.. not so much overland-trains


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Envoy II has successfully arrived at Duna, with 4 manned Phage landers after a couple really boring and long burns:


Where are the engines? I SOMEHOW managed to land them ON Duna:


Oh, and I named the landers Phage, because the lander can + landing legs make it look kind of like this:


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Managed to finally reach, and return from, a Duna orbit with just a single nuclear engine and no assistance except for a pork chop calculation prior to departure. Took 2 years for the best window, two weeks floating just outside the reach of Mun waiting for the window. Reached Duna in only four years and was surprised to find that I could make a 9km pass of the planet (I had managed to get a good report and eva report sent off on a previous mission at far orbit, but didn't realize there is atmosphere on Duna and my close eva report at 7km distance ended with my kerbal and ship getting pulled apart from each other and destroyed on the surface), a 1.8km pass of Ike, use the momentum and gravity to give myself a nice return path towards home. Unfortunately, once outside Duna's influence, the best return path took over twenty years, missed it by four years while afk, took another 23 years to finally get back on track and make the return home with my goo canisters and science jrs. Thank you Orgun K. for all your dedicated years of service and making it to Duna and back on a ship with about as much fuel and propulsion as a flying pop can. Took me just under two days in real time, and lots of recalculations and cursing lol. Not interested in landing there yet though, I still have a Kerbal stranded for over a hundred years on Eve that I have to figure a way to recover, but hopefully the new science may help with that.

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During a testrun of 4406.. I accidently hit EVA instead of IVA.. a kerbal that wasnt jeb and first name probably strange in anycase.. really didnt like hanging off the running boards as I applied the train brakes and came to a stop.. this very fearful expression became apparent.. odd since ive had kerbals re-enter kerbins atmosphere alone and never look as scared as this.. I guess kerbals are used to rockets and flight.. not so much overland-trains


It's Kerbal Train Program!

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I like trains

I love KSP because you can do so many stuff that aren't rockets, like trains, boats, cars, planes....

Does she steer any good? rear propulsion would cause the train to bunch up and snake no?..

I tried driving 4407 with keyboard today.. she rolled just short of the KSC (instant return to launch).. I quickly plug back in my steering wheel and throttle.. makes such an amazing difference even vs joystick.. tight radius turns and the rear tanker wagons never loses track.. ive yet to work out why.. I guess its because keyboard is instant left or right hard over

Speaking of which..

I rescued the crew of lost train 4404.. yes the old girl in signature finally bit the dust some time ago on a hill.. like a caterpillar thats hit with flyspray..one part rolled.. then the rest did.. my fault for not applying dynamic brakes at 43m/s.. too lazy to reach over to hit the reverser on my joystick into reverse :( brakes hissed, engines shut down instantly to try and save her.. but it was no good, the loco exploded followed by everything else.... except the reinforced cab.. a headlight and a battery...

that was some time ago.. today armed with a newly redesigned - more powerful engined 4407.. I headed out to pickup jeb, bob and bill..


arriving as the light faded.. to find the headlight on 4404's cab still burning brightly.. so using KAS I ripped off the headlight for later use...this is my first time installing anything with KAS.. I attached the headlight to one of the tanker wagons, facing the wrong way.. then discovered it was too high to take off again... I wasnt happy

Bill was though .. after getting out of the cab and being rescued :)


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also proved its near impossible to drive a landtrain well and film the same thing at the same time without being boring... pass views side views look all nice.. but an educated landliner driver knows that 1 mistake can mean the difference between another pile of bits on a mountain side..and a train that returned home safely with 100km on the clock happy and proud from a successful run

a 44 departing a recent crash site - which itself was made while trying to record.. 1 kerbal saved out of 4

and......excuse the terrible start.. I forgot to start generator #2.. trying to start on a hill with half power isnt a good idea

(new engine sound for my crude diesel-electric transmission system)

Edited by Overland
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Meet "Bumblebee"

Jeb was not pleased.


Repulsor-powered hovercraft.


RCS thrusters for steering and maneuvering


Best controlled from docking mode


Capable of thoroughly hazardous speeds


Complete with science lazors


And a STAHP!! feature.

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I had a probe back from Moho in my Science Game, with 1.000 pt of science. I put it gently in a stable but great orbit, and sent a tiny rocket to rendez vous. It was a 4 day mission, and in the end, collected in EVA all the experiment, it turns out my pod will not store science... I want to cry...

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