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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Had a pretty rough night last night...first, I was working on a satellite contract. Got said craft into the perfect position, it was going the right way, I had all the required equipment, but the game didn't credit me for fulfilling the contract's conditions. Realized later that I'd missed the most basic requirement - it had to be a new craft. I'd sent a probe I'd launched previously... #facepalm.

So I switched over to the Bad Idea 7e, a 4-passenger Mun lander hauling a group of tourists with Valentina at the helm. Got to Mun, landed, Val planted a flag to fulfill another contract, launched back to space, burned for home...and ran out of gas. Val and company are now stuck with a Pe of 600,000 meters. #doublefacepalm

Got Val out to push. The moment she stepped out of the capsule, the ship started tumbling for no apparent reason. Couldn't hold its course, so pushing was not an option. I was lucky to get Val back into the cockpit before she ran out of jetpack thrust...

No problem, sez I! I use KIS/KAS!! I'll send up Bill in a rescue ship (Ferris would have to pilot, since Jeb's out with Bob headed to Minmus) to plug in and transfer fuel!

I don't have any docking ports, plugs or winches unlocked in my tech tree. #facepalm_trifecta

But wait! There's a 90-science node that I haven't unlocked that has Clamp-O-Tron Jrs, which would be enough to dock on long enough to transfer a little bit of fuel! So all I need to do is go get some science, unlock the node and the rescue mission is on! So I load Ferris and Bill into a Bad Idea 7d, a science Mun lander, and send them to the Mun. Got them into orbit, landed them in the East Crater...to remember as soon as I saw the results of the sci bomb explosion - no science collected - that the East Crater is where I'd sent Jeb and Bob on the Munar first landing mission and they'd already tapped out that area. It was before they could plant flags. Not enough delta-V to takeoff, reach another biome and expect to make it back to Kerbin. #mega_facepalm

Luckily, I found a spot on the way home (in high orbit around the Mun) where I hadn't already plumbed out all the science, and I was able to get about 80 points worth from what was left out of that area. I might've preferred to pick up a soil sample or two, but oh well. I got that science back home and was able to unlock the Clamp-O-Trons. In the process I was able to level up Bill. Now the challenge will be to get the rescue ship up there and everything in place before the Bad Idea 7e's trajectory is thrown off by another Mun encounter. Couldn't tell you when that would happen. Hoping to pull off the rescue this evening. Meanwhile, I need to find some aspirin...I facepalmed a bit much last night......

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Finishing a Minmus mission that managed to get to four biomes easily.

Brought home a tourist tour around Kerbin's moons.

Transmitted my first 50 lab science!

Scanned Kerbin for 10 science!

Once more started designing a space station.

Installed some part of the Rennaissance Pack and got all excited about how much better even half the deal looks!

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Congrats, and get properly hammered :D

Cheers. In the mean time, I did this...



That's a Duna surface exploration/surface mapping expedition in a single launch. Probably costs WAY too much, but hey, it was fun to build and it's a cool mission plan - cryo upper stage was used for circularisation and will relight for the initial transfer burn, then for braking, along with the ion engine on the probe orbiter. The big aeroshell on the top contains a lander, which will carry out a series of automated science mission on the surface, using a small monoprop stage to kick it out of orbit, and a massive kevlar chute to touch down at safe speeds.

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What did I do in KSP today? Nothing. In the real world? Only finish a degree :D

So now I'm sat down with a gin and tonic, my feet on my desk, and am planning to muck about for a few hours. Then pub. Definitely the pub afterwards.

Congrats on the G&T. That degree thing? Meh….

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I followed up my Ike mission deep-space rendezvous as posted a few pages ago here.

I first got the satellite into the proper orbit and fulfilled all contract parameters. Except it said the probe must include a materials bay. I included a service bay instead. Oops.

I did land the main mission science base on Ike, but on a light slope, and the structural pieces I was using as landing legs (since I haven't unlocked any but the smallest ones) didn't quite pan out.


I can still EVA, do the included science experiments and the lab works, and the little base was never going to return anyways. They'll just have to rearrange all the furniture inside. I've noticed a problem though, I have only unlocked the OX-STAT solar panels, nothing bigger so getting any useful amount of science from this mission is gonna take a very long time.

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Managed to use a Mun slingshot to reduce the cost of getting to Minmus with the Minmus Flyby Tourist Team aboard SixFerry, then put the Minmus lander into orbit. I got a Minmus Temperature Scan contract, too, and I used most of the remaining fuel in the transfer stage (less than .05t of fuel left now) to push the lander so it passed over the various locations. The requirements were all for above certain altitudes, so it's fine to take the reading at 50-100km.



Spent a load of money on the first SPH upgrade, then later realised I was tired of having limits on the number of missions I could take, when that caused me to miss a "rescue from Mun orbit" contract. So I needed a little quick cash to upgrade Mission Control again. The two-man tug set off from Stopover Station, gathered a pair of orbital rescuees, then returned them to the station. They used a descent pod, so I needed to put another up. The probe core of the pod actually suffered a little heating, despite being at the back, but it didn't overheat.




While I was at it, I decided to send up some fuel with a new, cheaper fueler. While it uses primarily lower-tech parts, this rocket is cheaper and more effective (bringing a greater unused fuel quantity) than my previous fueler. It still needs to drain a touch from the four radial payload tanks, but that adds up to less than an FL-T100, and a descent pod was brought up, too. I think drag-reduction has helped it, mostly, though I guess it could also bring some Monopropellant up. The new pod is higher-tech and lighter than the old one, but it's still two capsules, a 'chute and a probe core at heart.


I also managed to scrape together enough science and funding to get the Aviation node and buy its parts, so with my midrange SPH and runway, I put together a cheap little plane to fly to the Island Runway. Lots of high-G turns, looking at the speeds reached, and a bit of a botched landing... on the first pass I was too high, so dived, then was too fast and accidentally took off again. Turned around, bled off speed... and smashed off the engine on touchdown. Whoops. So Jeb was recovered from the Island, rather than flying back to the KSC runway.

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Got fed up with the non-steering large landing gear in stock, so downloaded 'Adjustable Landing Gear' (Brilliant Mod!). Thought the best way to test the auto alignment facility was to build an aircraft which had 'difficult' landing gear IRL.

TSR2, anybody?


And yes, that is Jeb piloting it. The board of inquiry (See post #15820) cleared him of pilot error and declared the aircraft design defective. (i.e it was MY fault!)

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I made and tested a rover!



The concept was to create a small, idiotproof universal rover I could drop on any exoplanet with an atmosphere, and then set up intercepts to do that. The rover works like a charm, and so does the descent stage - heat shield, four parachutes, and the system to discard the parachutes afterwards.

What absolutely did not work was the launch vehicle. How bad? This wasn't supposed to be a test. This was supposed to go to Duna. I think I'm going to have to take out all of the launch vehicle below the interplanetary stage and start from scratch.

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Playing in 1.0.2 with DMP with a friend:

> Who can build a working SSTO spaceplane and get it into orbit the fastest? (The friend, just.)

> Who can build the smallest plane which can take off, pass the SPH and land again? (Me, 0.4t)

Well, technically that would be yesterday, as it's past midnight, but so what.

Edited by TheMoonRover
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Ready for the next EXCITING installment in my Jool mission preparations? No? Good.

Because today I spent hours not actually playing the game but debugging a save file manually via text editor. My ring station had covertly developed multiple docking port bugs, which waited until the best possible moment (during a difficult docking operation at night) to strike, lagging the game with a NullReferenceException printed to the log every frame and making my Space Tug Klaw Edition unable to un-klaw itself from the station.

On that note I think I may have experienced more klaw and docking bugs in 1.0 than all previous versions I've played put together. Something seems to have gotten borked...

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I made the most glorious, awesome, epic, snack-a-licious Minmus base... in the world. (Oh my, Jeremy Clarkson would make a great kerbal)

Ready to see it?



When you're done laughing at me, this is my first modular base and I'm insanely proud of it.

Edit: I thought the Science Jr was designed to fit in that service bay, since it just snapped right in... but every time I open or close the doors, things go crazy and it almost tears itself apart.

Edited by LittleBlueGaming
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I sent 3 science modules in different orbits around Kerbin because I simply was not able to rendevouz with my first space station module in orbit.

The science module is pretty heavy and my lifter stages are not yet efficient enough to make it that far with that payload. :rolleyes:

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