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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Uhm...  Is anyone home?  Can we get a fuel truck?


E: Also, good lord is this plane slow...

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I went to Mun and back in 1.1 x64 using the Kerbal-X stock ship.  Things moved rather faster than I've become used to.  It was like watching a video sped up considerably in post-processing.  I was about to go to Duna with some stock ship when the game crashed.  No mods at all.  So still some work to do there.

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Second night working on a drone delivery system for small satellites. Worked well, but I forgot to add attitude controls to the satellite and blew up the drone on reentry.



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Messing around in 1.1, paid a visit to Minmus:


In true Kerbal style, that thing was launched on a carelessly cobbled-together strutless noodle of 1.25m tanks and SRBs, and I didn't bother to add batteries or solar panels. And it was supposed to be a Mun rocket. But, with careful maneuvering and avoidance of the power-hungry targeted SAS modes, Jeb made it home before the power ran out.


Edited by kotomikun
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1 hour ago, SSgt Baloo said:

Tried a few different ways to return from orbit without parachutes. This one works.


The eight lower heat shields break off, absorbing most of the shock of landing. Also, when I sent Jeb out for an EVA, it threw him a ways from the capsule.


More here: http://s28.photobucket.com/user/SSgtBaloo/slideshow/3APR2016

I believe... You have completed this challenge! Not my challenge, but you can take a look at it.

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Downloaded 1.1 to play me some stock... and decided to strand Valentina on Eve. 

She seemed pretty happy on the trip out...


Digging the new inflatable heat shield. It got Val down to subsonic while still 60km up!


Getting RID of it, that's hard, as it tends to destabilize and start spinning the craft around with the slightest nudge.


Val made it to the bottom of the Explodium sea... only to find out there's no actual bottom there?


Dumped the ore and returned to the surface... looks like it's gonna be a long, uncomfortable wait. 


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Kill Bill.

Bill was piloting the Gallant miner/lander being towed by SS Grange. After leaving LKO and achieving Mun intercept course, Bill undocked and the SS Grange accelerated off towards Minmus. Bill's mission was to perform local testing on the Gallant lander to determine its suitability for Moho mining operations and planned to mine two tanks of ore before  rendevous with SS Grange at Minmus.

The Gallant was a modified version of a tried and tested configuration employed at Valentina Bay mining settlement. The idiotic engineer failed to keep a good thrust to weight ratio and Bill failed to take account of this when approaching the Mun. He hit his destination crater at great speed after a frantic but too short engine burn. The ship disintegrated on impact, but the command module bounced... As it hurtled towards a slope, Bill exited the hatch but it was too late. He died there on the Mun. Shepuki Kerman has volunteered to pilot a better version of the lander as long as the SS Grange will be renamed in Bill's honour.

The matter remains under consideration.

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Some of you have that feeling that you build something, but rebuild it again because it is so plain ugly to look at? A contract asked me to build a new long range satellite. Finally an excuse to decommission my first long range satellites. 


Good riddance.


New dish.


Some parts of the decommissioned satellites even survived the impact in the ocean. It just doesn't want to die!

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Last week I had built this ship...


… and landed it 12 km from my Mün base.  With transfer windows to Duna and Eve approaching I need to return the crew loafing about there so they can start doing real work.  This ship fulfilled a contract, and this past weekend I did the crew return.  Here's one of the return ships after separating from the little science base.


It had no fuel left, and on a purely ballistic path it happened to land 1 km away from KSC.



The other few hours I had this weekend were spent sending up fuel and additions to Kerbin Stayshun, which is getting rather haphazard.



Lastly, a contract to expand Mün stayshun, so may as well send up a bunch of fuel too...









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I built a very sturdy rover... sadly, Bill did not have the required skills to change a wheel... maybe its back to engineers school for him then... The rest however, is almost indestructible.


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Fixed Tpyos
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