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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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11 hours ago, Andem said:

You see that there Kerbal stranded in orbit? The one by the name of Erfurt? Do me a favor, rescue him. :cool:

Lol I plan to... It gets a bit tiring though.  I have been getting an insane number of rescue missions. It's like they think I'm the space equivalent of the Coast Guard.

Ah well at least it gives me a steady supply of kerbals to expand my operations with

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(1.1.3) Spent the day yesterday with my laptop career save. If I did one, I did five rescue missions around Kerbin yesterday, with another one slated for today. Mostly low-level easy pickin's around Kerbin, with the notable exception being the mission to rescue Juluna; she was the Kerbal whose craft shot past Mün and whose initial rescue attempt failed. Taking the advice of @eddiew, I got her out of her debris and lowered her orbit using her suit thrusters:


The game continues to cough up scientists, which I'm sure will be a good thing as I progress in this career save.

Also did a ground temperature survey in the vicinity of KSC with Bob's Scimobile and a couple of parts tests.

Looking forward to the release of 1.2 as scheduled for later today, though as usual I'm not liable to switch over until after a good number of my mods have been certified for use. So probably a couple of weeks at best.

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Finished editing and upload the first episode of OatMeme Space Program. This series is largely about messing around and having fun with KSP, but at the same time I am injecting a character drive narrative into the series, Following the OatMemes adventure through the Kerbol system.



In case your wonder what the hell is an Oatmeme, it is a long running inside joke among me and some friends I game with. Other Oatmeme references can be found in other videos on my channel [/shameless plug]


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I started up my all new Mun/Minmus shuttle system that I've spent the past couple days setting up. It consists of the Valhalla science and refuel station and the Baldur, a NERV powered "science shuttle". It travels back and forth from the Valhalla station and Mun and Minmus to harvest raw science to be processed in the lab. I put the station in a 1000km orbit above Kerbin to simplify the logistics.

The Valhalla station has a mobile lab, a hab module where the crew can rest and a small fuel depot in the back to refuel the shuttle:


Baldur docking with the sation:


The Baldur shuttle may look a bit weird to some, but it's proven to be a very capable workhorse. Fully fueled it has about 6km/s of delta-v, more than enough for trip to the Mun or Minmus and back. It's also a lot more agile than it looks, it turns very quickly and is easy to dock with.

Edited by Mjarf
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Exploring Eeloo comes as welcome relief in comparison to the brutal, hard edges of Slate. With modest gravity and gentle hills, this moon offers the option to just point in the direction you want to go and go there. Sure, the Telemachus' wheels tend to bounce over the grey rocks with more nimbleness than would be expected, but no damage is incurred and Jay Kerman is able to set a steady 25-30m/s pace.


A handy spot near the equator provides the initial drop site, offering a potential total of five biomes within an easy driving range. Despite a surface that seems to offer minimal traction to the rover wheels, Thystle and Otter the engineers are pleased to discover that things placed on the ground actually stay where they are put and that the rover doesn't tend to run them over as it did on Slate. The scientists Llew and River are most pleased at a full haul of data. Well, except the one that always explodes. That exploded. But everyone's used to it now and nobody bats an eyelid as the fire swirls briefly around them.


6 hours ago, capi3101 said:

(1.1.3) Spent the day yesterday with my laptop career save. If I did one, I did five rescue missions around Kerbin yesterday, with another one slated for today. Mostly low-level easy pickin's around Kerbin, with the notable exception being the mission to rescue Juluna; she was the Kerbal whose craft shot past Mün and whose initial rescue attempt failed. Taking the advice of @eddiew, I got her out of her debris and lowered her orbit using her suit thrusters:


Now you're thinking like a kerbal :wink: 

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Was returning a rocketplane that had just orbited 3 tourists and rescued yet another stranded kerbal. Performed the deorbit burn, got distracted by a youtube video (Cody'sLab), and forgot to pause the game. Came back to this:


$15,500 down the drain (not counting loss due to the distance from KSC), but everyone's ok so I'm happy!

Actually profits covered this like 5x over.

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9 hours ago, capi3101 said:


Looking forward to the release of 1.2 as scheduled for later today, though as usual I'm not liable to switch over until after a good number of my mods have been certified for use. So probably a couple of weeks at best.

I would like to do the same, im modded up at the moment! How do I keep my game on this version? 


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Still trying to get to Eeloo under 50t.

So much to learn.
The right combination of parts is still eluding me. That and getting the darn thing out of Kerbin's atmosphere.
Right now I gave up on Atomic engines though I might go back to them.
Ion is a lot lighter. Powering the engine and making it "Land" is another.
The burn is so long with Ion that I have difficulties with the nodes.


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5 minutes ago, DerekL1963 said:

One trick with long burns is start way high up - where the burn is less than 1/8 of your orbital period if possible.

I was considering circularizing my orbit outside the Mun....after doing some Oberth manoeuvres.

But with your rule of thumb 8 time my 41 minutes burn is close to 320 mins or 5.5h orbit. Might as well call it a day. Which would make it Geostationary....Or Half way to the Mun I believe.



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6 minutes ago, Martian Emigrant said:

I was considering circularizing my orbit outside the Mun....after doing some Oberth manoeuvres.

But with your rule of thumb 8 time my 41 minutes burn is close to 320 mins or 5.5h orbit. Might as well call it a day. Which would make it Geostationary....Or Half way to the Mun I believe.



Check out the Node Splitter mod. Exactly what it says on the tin, splits your nodes up to make those long burns possible with a low PE. 

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