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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Hi pals!(and gals) How are you doing?                             (wiw a not weird introduction,i must be sick)

1.Launch of the "Vena" (eng: vein) shuttle! It is the first mk3 shuttle to be launched! It took the "Priroda" and safely landed at the grasslands ,near the crater rim.




2. Landing of the "Imperor" it is hard to believe but this small capsule is capable of landing on Duna! (the fuel is storaged in clipped inside fuel tank)

"The king fades...."

WUC8YRL.png oLfMDZg.png


3. "But as the king fades,the blue dawn rises''.. 

Start of the "Blue Dawn' mission.

JfY9JSK.png FZPE2Z7.png

nC5pMPf.png strJ3EL.png

4.A week at the North pole! And a small kerballoon launched into the deepness of the sky!

1ktfiIL.png 2YsUpKQ.png

5f4Rf1D.png zVgaOw5.png

5."D.A.N.K" (Dres Anticipator ,Neo enKrypter) arrived at its highly ellipticall orbit. Every orbit it passes its "leap of faith" zone. Its periapsis is 3 432m above the sea level. And then fleeing into the void ,where it transits the science back to Kerbin.




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  On 4/28/2017 at 5:28 PM, Brent Kerman said:



You Kruolan nerfherder, just help the man !

#TeamTape        #KertheniaRulesKerbin

  On 4/28/2017 at 3:53 PM, JoeNapalm said:


How are you doing that?!

Multiplayer? Some sort of MechJebbery?




BDArmory mod, wingmen module:


Hope it helps. ^_^

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Update for the Tarsiss 6 Expedition.
The journey from Otho to Gauss is very cheap, but it takes 12 years. A low budget airline.
The mission has been on it's way for more than 22 years. Today the probe has arrived in the last planetary system - Gauss.



At the PE of Gauss a braking maneuver is carried out in order to get into the Sphere of influence at Catullus. A short time later the probe is already there.



I make a low orbit around Tarsiss and mount the SSTO for Tarsiss. If it works out, this is the last time I do. Perhaps the dV range is enough to land on Catullus too.



After that, I start for the landing approach and enter the atmosphere. The SAS is set to Surface
and Radial in. This can remain so until shortly before the landing, since the gravity is so low.



The penultimate landing. You can see that only Catullus is missing. As usual, I can do nothing
really useful except to wait for the probe to reappear on the horizon till I have radio connection again.



The last start. I have to throttle the dart otherwise I'll be way too fast.



Again in orbit with 722 m/s dV in the tank. Could be a little bit low for Catullus to reach. No matter, i will try.
But before that I bring the probe into a high orbit around Catullus, so I have a radio connection after the Plasma Blackout to create the landing on Catullus.



After the probe is in orbit around Catullus, I change back to the spaceplane and create a maneuver
that brings me to a PE at Catullus of 240 km. This is already in the atmosphere, as I would like to
aerobrake. Here it is quite hot. But still I do not want to land yet, it is only to brake. For the
final landing I must precisely coordinate it with the probe, since I need a radio connection.



It's time. The probe is in position and I start the braking maneuver.



I can slow down enough not to lose the radio connection at all.



It looks good and only 650 meters to the surface.



But.... what is that? NOOOOO! Shortly before the landing, I had just adjusted the descent angle, I lose
control. The radio connection is torn off. The probe has flown too fast around the moon and is now out of reach.



Damn it all - Ok - then I look at least as the thing is disassembling itself.



What is that again? Holy Cow - I was slow enough, and the spaceplane has remained in one piece. After that it made
another bounce. The contract is also fulfilled?



On the second touchdown, the Spaceplane even manages to stay down and nothing has broken. So lucky.



Oh no. It has stopped and is now rolling backwards. I had not activated the brakes yet and so the inevitable happens. Now we have the full program. Landing and disassembling:cool:



No matter - the contract is fulfilled.



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  On 4/28/2017 at 10:33 PM, Brent Kerman said:

I did have it there, then edited, so anybody subscribed to this thread knows what it was. #GloryToKruola


O. go jump from the VAB....."Kruolan Soldier".... you'll be cannonfodder to ShavedBeardy (yes, the rumours are true, he had to shave it cause his Kreolan school didn't allow him.).



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  On 4/28/2017 at 10:40 PM, Triop said:

O. go jump from the VAB....."Kruolan Soldier".... you'll be cannonfodder to ShavedBeardy (yes, the rumours are true, he had to shave it cause his Kreolan school didn't allow him.).




Maybe we'd better keep this on its own thread, Kerthenian Scum, before the mods get us. #TeamBeardy

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  On 4/28/2017 at 10:59 PM, Shadow Wolf56 said:

He is using a mod called Burn Together(hope that helps???)


Nope, I did install Burn Together, but that won't let you have planes follow you.

I used a function in BDArmory to do formation flying (wing commander).

The picture shows it:


thank for helping forum members, I wouldn't have played this game for so long without the community helping me. :cool:

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(Science Game)

Yesterday, given the need for more science data before R&D can produce the missing pieces of the orbital refueling puzzle (how do you refuel your long-haul ships without spending far more hauling the fuel into LKO than you did launching the ship itself?), a new mission launched.

No, not to try to mine the remaining data from unexplored areas of Mun or Minmus.  With Val having gone outside Kerbin's SOI to retrieve an asteroid (now known as Valentina 1, eventually planned to become Fuel Station Valentina when the technology is available), it seemed sensible to send explorers further afield.  Sigemy, the cowboy who stranded himself in orbit trying a Mun flyby before there was a really Mun-capable spacecraft, was elected to pilot the mission; accompanying him are Scientist Lagerlyn and Engineer Dottie, each on their first flight mission.  Given the positions of the planets, there was only one reasonable choice; Eve was in position for an economical transfer, while Duna was not.  Hence, the target is Gilly!

Unfortunately, in the rush to modify the launcher (a much more efficient, lighter design than the Far Traveler derived ships) and convert the transfer stage to a two-stage lander while preserving the huge (for a chemical rocket) delta-V, someone forgot to mount science instruments -- but the crew will still be able to perform crew reports and EVA reports, as well as collect surface samples, and Gilly will still be there for the next ship with good canisters, thermometers, barometers, and possibly even a gravioli detector (depends what R&D produces, doesn't it?).

Sorry, no photos -- forgot to capture any -- but the ejection burn is completed and the trio of Kerbals are committed to their transfer to an Eve encounter in about 172 days.  One has to wonder what kind of trouble Sigemy might get them into.

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I managed to get my first Career Duna flyby! It was also my first return from a Duna flyby in any mode. Something just clicked in my mind this morning, and I suddenly understand how to reach other planets, which I struggled with before. Next, a landing!

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  On 4/29/2017 at 2:43 AM, Yobobhi said:

I managed to get my first Career Duna flyby! It was also my first return from a Duna flyby in any mode. Something just clicked in my mind this morning, and I suddenly understand how to reach other planets, which I struggled with before. Next, a landing!


First get impact. Then a true landing.. Could have also had the fly by brek off pieces to do an impact on Duna as well as Ike if one was lucky enough.

Anyways. Just a few pics of what I did recently today:




Did not land on the runway. But, was a soft landing. It was supposed to re-enter from a Mün high since it was orbiting around Mün. Forgot I was supposed to do that annd did get a low 89km by 300 km orbit then Dropped in around 89 km Pe to get a nice return towards KSC. Had to do an S turn (sort of tried anyways) to get it the line closer towards KSC. But, the radiator under the MK1 in-line Cockpit did act as a nice heat shield upon re-entery. It almost went BOOM! and did better then the Mk1 in-line has done.


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Finally had some time for KSP last night.

Jebediah got to do some proofing on a new top secret concept flagship for Deep Sky. Really, all he had to do was confirm whether crew will exit the cabin holding those ladders or falling on their faces. He came out upside-down but on the ladder so celebratory cookies were unwrapped and munched.

Of course, they let him fly it (for better or worse) and he happened to reveal the ship's stress limits in 1atm, 1g. He got the ship to pop and rain giant shrapnel all over a tiny island..... They ponder whether it's worth it then, to simulate at a certain blue or purple planet with > 1 atm or > 1g.


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[1.2.1 career save "trekking" Y4 D295] I have been trying to work out how to complete gravity assists so I can launch realistic (~current RL technology) probes to the outer planets in the outer planets mod. Each time over the past few weeks of game play I escaped Kerbin SOI using burns and then could not get any reasonable assists with the DV on hand. Thanks to videos by Scott Manley and Rapid Viper today I instead tried a gravity assist from the Mun to throw the probe out to a high Sol orbit. Thanks guys. Then by using the Oberth affect properly (thanks Marcus House for your video) I was able to get a Dres encounter for one probe and Jool with another. It took a long time to get the manoeuvres correct but when compared to Pork Chop estimates I think the transfers saved around 1/2 the fuel? I am hoping also that the final approach speed will be better because with direct transfer I never seem to have DV to get into orbit even using the excellent DV maps others have produced.

Jool Nomad


Dres High Resolution SCANSat


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