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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Trumans' Trailer Park expands...


We've brought an Aquila VIII (left) to dock and thus it provides a total of 9 docks out-facing for residents.  Meanwhile, the Mosquito miner (center) produces fuel for everybody.  Completing the picture is an Escort (above) attached to the Mosquito.


I couldn't stand the rigors of 'near space' (i.e. the Mun) any more, so went on R&R in my 'Import' world this morning (before 'work' IRL):


Truman parked his latest 'mystery' acquisition on the roof at Truman Airport.  (Then promptly chuted down, leaving this equipment stranded as a permanent  ornament and testament to his extravagance[*].)

* Sometimes...  I find myself truly despising the man, you know..?.

Edited by Hotel26
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  On 11/27/2019 at 10:41 PM, B15hop said:

Decided to build a relay network throughout the solar system. Here is the one around Kerbin. :D


Now this is why everyone around the planet is walking around with a cell phone attached to their hands!!  Oh noo not true. It's around Kerban and cell phones have not been invented yet! :D

Kidding aside @B15hop, wow that is quite alot of launches no less orbital maneuvers, just awesome really.  :maneuver:

Edited by Saturn5tony
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Jool-1 returned from Bop & Pol Landings.

Launching to the 6 Years Adventure:





After the longest Transfer the Kerbals ever made, they arrived at Jool and Tylo helped the Jool-1 Crew to get into Orbit arroung Jool




The Landing on Bop was very easy, Jeb looked for the anomaly but he dont find it and Jeb was too Lazy to find it the Satellite-cameras are broken and there was no Anomaly.




Pol has one important job to do he destroyed the Empty Rocket stage, for that the Crew checked the status of the Atomic Engines (they were OK). So they made a collision course with Pol and staged, after this the collsion was corrected to a encounter.




Jeb gives control for the landing to Bill he landed on Pol, Bill broke a landing leg and he flied to the anomaly hopefully the Pol Satellites are not broken too :)





A not very interessting anomaly founded



now it's Time to return at home




The last Burn in jool Orbit



Jeb was trying his new "Jool's-5km/s-direct-Kerbin-Reentry", the result was 13G Forces and instant exploding Rocket parts.






They come back healty but jeb is suspended from the Landing Program now, and goes into the KSS for the next years. so he cannot do something like a "Sarnus's-8Km/s-direct-Kerbin-Reentry".




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  On 11/28/2019 at 2:41 PM, Saturn5tony said:

Now this is why everyone around the planet is walking around with a cell phone attached to their hands!!  Oh noo not true. It's around Kerban and cell phones have not been invented yet! :D

Kidding aside @B15hop, wow that is quite alot of launches no less orbital maneuvers, just awesome really.  :maneuver:


Thank you very much. A lot of work went into it and I’m still working on the rest of the solar system lol. 

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In the footsteps of the OPT Avatar Cockpit Revival spaceplane, I wanted to have a Humpback plane that could properly SSTO in JNSQ and deliver great payload (unlike the former). Its reliance on the scramjet mode dooms it to face JNSQ's particular reentry fires and makes for a tight-rope walk over keeping the cockpit from melting.

It features 8x OPT Mk2 intake pods (I made the OPT Mk2 Nose surface-attachable), 2 of which are in the cockpit due to its broken intake transform. All of them are to feed the Tweakscaled J-92 engines (which become as heavy as Dark Drives).


Landing on bingo fuel with its test payload of 60 tons of liquid Ammonia. Some prior industrial servings of developing a Skylon has enabled me to very safely land monsters like itself (as long as there's some Oxidizer to spare).


Earlier picture showing just 2 of 4 intake pods.


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(1.8.1) Sometimes its nice to get 3 contracts done at the same time. Did this one last night and even had one where I did 4 at once. Hard tho thinking about it during a flight with so much happening especially with altitude and speed issues. So much fun with gliding though!



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Jeb & Kelrik made it home from Jeb's unauthorized trip into interplanetary space, the second space station crew returned home & I got a 2-kerbal crew out to the Mun outpost finally and the first thing they did was take the rover for 12km joy ride.  Full report available here




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