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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  Brotoro said:
Today I crashed VTOLs. Crash. Crash. Crash. Oh! That one made i...no, it crashed. Crash. Crash. Crash. Waiiit...no, Crash.

You know... i vaguely remember yesterday spending hours trying to make a VTOL... guess how many of them worked.... NONE! ;.;

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Tested an interplanetary tug and launched it to orbit for my manned Dres mission (launch video to be put in another post).

Have to get my gears turning again after being off for weeks...

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Working on exploring anomalies on Kerbin's Surface - Found a serious bug in my new "landing system", which Jebediah, of course, survived. He decided to Hike, on foot, to the site of the anomaly. I've considered having him hike home, and decided that was unnecessarily cruel. To me. :)

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As promised, today's goal was to get the Kethane mining operation up and running.


Landed both on fumes, and got them both up to full tanks of everything within an hour (game time, of course; real-time it took about 10 minutes). I think Kethane must've gotten a re-balance, since that same operation would have taken 5 times longer in past versions...

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I started getting my satellite plus lander into orbit using a atlas v 441,then my mom came upstairs so I was forced to force Quitbefore she came up. Besides I need to add a engine to the probe lander anyway to allow for course corrections and deorbiting over target planets.

Edited by DarthVader
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Well... it turns out all those wackjobs trying to scale the KSC perimeter fence with their 'placards' and their 'clean energy' had a point. Ah well! We can colonise another planet and they can't! That's success by my books :cool: Seriously though, I have bugs, glitches and errors that usually involve stuff like that. Sometimes my kerbinauts disappear from inside their EVA suits, sometimes my HUD disappears and I have to fly by eye... oh, and one time my ship became stationary at 27,000m and promptly got run over by Kerbin.

On topic, today I'm delivering my Munar Science Laboratory to... well, the Mun. Lots of scaffolding, lots of instruments, lots of boosters!

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I failed to dock my Kerbinite (okay, Kethane) Test drillrig with my Planetary mapper. I was going to send them to Minimus and test the whole rig on a new body,

This was, however, a "no-score win". Why? Because, while they failed to dock, they also failed to destroy each other, which is what happened to my first space station yesterday. :(

Also, I'm somewhat pleased I managed to get the drill rig into orbit at all - it destroyed itself about 6 times during launch until I figured out what the problem was. (The Drillrig's probe core was primary, not the lifter's... so ASAS was *particularly* nuts, and kept self-destructing the lift rig.)

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Today, as well as yesterday still tinkering my "strange lifter-duna mission-winged lander"

I did it already but redisgn everything. "Lifter' is now reusable(for no reason) and it's actually can land and lander(intended to be shuttle) now will land much better - with previous one I crash 99 times from 100. But all this asymmetry, different COM at every stage and fuel depletion CoM shifting, and strange form and fuel distribution. So.

Runway - 10k pitch-pitch-carefully - 15k - 22k - mach 3,5 - switch to rocket, oh come on - uncontrolled spins, rolls.


Runway - 10K, ... come on


Runway - 10k... detach, oh - things stack in each other.


Runway -10k...

This how it goes.

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Un-wobble-death-ed my space station habitat,

first successful docking in orbit,

tweaking an orbiting the comm module for the station,

played around with a lander design for the Mun,

put together a rescue vessel for my five stranded Kerbals in orbit but couldnt get it out of the atmosphere?

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Started playing around with Clamp-o-tron Srs.

Played around with a "detachable booster" design.

Attempted to launch a "superheavy" interplanetary tug design into orbit about half a dozen times.

Started re-positioning the tug from my last interplanetary mission for refueling - ran it out of gas inclined about 50 degrees off the equator (started around 80, so I'm actually okay with this).

It was a slow day; not a lot of RL time. Tonight's fun will probably be a continuation of yesterday's...get that superheavy tug into orbit and refuel the last tug.

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Launched a 1 ton comm satellite into 585km circularised orbit using nothing but 2 big solid rocket boosters. Ohhyeahhhh.

Also designed/flew my A-10 suborbital plane that does like 2250kmh without even trying :/ It's supposed to be SUBSONIC damn engines are too powerful :(

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Launched the Explorer 1 Probe/Lander combo into a stable orbit, sitting there and waiting for a perfect transfer window on any planet. Planning to put and land one (except Tylo. That place eats landers for breakfast) on each planet and moon (except Kerbin System).

And then certification/maiden launch of the UTV (Upgraded Tanker Vessel, "Orange Tanker"), with slightly higher capacity and fewer part count than its predecessor. Will now be used as a standard for refueling missions, particularly for my interplanetary tug.

Also, I've fetched the stow-away crew from my interplanetary tug, to be transferred to my Space Station (and join Jebediah up there until further notice). Video of the whole operation (station-tug-station) soon.


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