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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Construction continues on the Pegasus. Chief Engineer Kirberry Kerman has discovered a fuel flow problem, thought to be the result of a broken connection between starboard-engine ASAS module and its fuel tank. At present mission control hope that it will not affect the mission as the starboard primary fuel tank simply has to be refilled partway through burns. Still it's a bad start to such a long duration mission.


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Was trialing different Lander designs today. The lander wasn't any good, but as I was landing I noticed an object. By complete chance I was coming down almost on top of the Armstrong memorial. I put down 1.3km from the monument, without any course change. I swear I wasn't aiming for it, to be honest if I was I probably wouldn't have got nearly so close, I'm not great at precision landings. I think this is a good omen for my planned grand tour.



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Damn it again... Everything went fine with my Jool system explorer Hermes 2 mission (Hermes 1 crashed into Laythe a few days ago), nicely passed (gravity assisted) by the two outer large moons before getting onto the final approach towards Laythe, but apparently my approach trajectory was too close, and my ion engine was not powerful enough to make the necessary correction by the time I figured out there was a problem... Hermes 2 consisted of an orbiter (which was supposed to travel further around the Jool system with plenty of fuel to visit all moons) and a small Laythe lander part, so at the end I tried saving the lander... Unluckily I could not avoid atmospheric entry, so while the lander survived and nicely descended using the main parachute with 5 m/s, since I had no control on the landing area, I splashed down into water :S The instruments survived, and the lander is still floating on the sea, I can not really put this as a lander into my logbook... Maybe next time.





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I got a reusable lander up to my shiny new, 6 crew interplanetary vessel. I spent a good 45 minutes trying to get that thing to rendezvous, and then dock... made harder by the fact my RCS was set up a bit wonky, so i wasn't able to move left or right, forcing me to delicately use the main engine for that...

The lander ended up docking at the wrong angle, (wanted it parallel with the main ship) but... I am not risking anything right now!

I haven't been this happy since I landed on the Mun for the first time!

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First I built a space plane called the RS-17 Dribckalb. k_rolleyes.gif Then I developed a new heavy-weight launch platform pictured below.


Why you might ask? Because the real question is why not.

And before you ask, yes it does work. Quite well actually; it can deliver 36,000 kg to Mun orbit and possibly further (we'll see).

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Today I have launched Jargo Test aswell as Jargo 1 to 3.

1 and 2 had quite the encounter with the moon and I really should stop abusing time accel and learn patience. And Jargo 3 had some obit issues and had to abort mission.

Tomorrow, I will try and see if Jargo 4 can do what no one else has. Jargo 5 will probably be rescue mission of the crew member of Jargo 4 if I know myself.

The deep space rescue mission of the guys stuck in orbit around sun is postponed while Mission Control is busy with more high profile mission.

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I launched Jargo I, II and III.

Jargo I and II had problem with sudden time acceleration and.. Umm.. They encountered the mun atlest. A bit high speed. Jargo III had orbiting problems and had to abort the mission.

The 3 crew of Leviathan II is still stuck in orbit around the sun and Mission Control has postponed any and all rescue operation until enough competence has been acquired for a solar orbit rescue mission. First I gotta get the two stuck in Kerbal orbit down...

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Today I built these:


(OK, this week actually.)

The door is inspired somewhat by PD's stock orbiter door. (Finally gave me the solution I couldn't work out on my own.) The rest are just the natural evolution of my spaceplane program. The X-27d (to the right) is... of questionable airworthiness, while the X-28 will take off under its own power. Both have "working" doors, and the capacity for 7 little green dudes. The door assembly on both locks "open," so you can timewarp while docked at your station of choice with the doors open without said doors wandering off.


Not much room in the X-28's docking bay, but it's intended more as a crew ferry.

Craft Files (100% stock):



The action groups are listed in the vehicle descriptions. There are still a few issues, such as random docking port weirdness and the occasional "door clipping through everything" bug. I'll update those craft files as I find fixes.

Edited by Cydonian Monk
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Fueled Manhood's and fit landers/auxillary craft. Onward to Jool!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the most impossibly useless Jool orbit imagineable:


I'll not link the events that led up to this, my day spent attempting to get an octogonal heavy lifter working, my ill-advised foray into winged flight, the aborted landing attempt, the rushed construction of the Kerbin Star now that it's first mission will apparently be to rescue my 16 Kerbal Jool expedition. So here's the album. New stuff starts on image 17

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Started a new save the other night for small probes and rovers, and generally just messing around. I put a probe on Eve last night and this morning put this rover on Duna:


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Random-or not so random-failures seem to giving me grief. The large ASAS module keeps breaking off (seemingly for no reason), causing fuel flow problems in one case and mission hiccups in another. My Kerbalnauts found themselves with their engine stuck throttled up, but I managed to coerce them into a retrograde orbit, fired the abort separatrons and then came within 15m of being hit by my still-accelerating engines.

Also tested a Tylo lander a couple of times, never has the term suicide burn been more appropriate. It's a little under-powered, given that the only way I was able to land it was burning retrograde full throttle from 89km up, where a few seconds delay is the difference between landing and hitting the ground at 300m/s. I think I'm going to change the design for my planned grand tour to a probe-rover for Tylo as it hasn't nearly enough fuel to ascend afterwards.

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After 100 kilometers...

I'm pretty close to the SSTV anomaly...I didn't have the sound turned up when I stopped roving, so I might've passed it. Here I was thinking it was a visible anomaly; that's what I get for not looking it up on Youtube first.

It is going to make proving I stuck something nearby a bit more challenging than I thought; maybe if I follow it up with a map picture.

EDIT: Thought I'd royally screwed it up there for a second, until the addition of "0.21" to the Youtube search revealed that I was indeed in the right place. So I went ahead and deployed my probes; Storax Sedan 7 has accomplished its mission, and sometime in the next few days I'll be sending the Storax Anacostia 7 mission to the same region of Duna.

Edited by capi3101
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After the Kerbin Star's completion, Jebediah informed mission control that he was having none of this sit-around-and-wait-for-rescue crap

And plotted a course


Close encounters with Ike


With fuel supplies nearly exhausted, Captain Jebediah utilizes the nearby planet to reduce speed


Via aerobraking...


...into orbit. He then took the last of his fuel and a lander out on the next pass



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