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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I started colonising Eve - first to land was an automated science vehicle, followed by an inflatable habitat. They're only a few km apart, thanks to some luck and the judicious use of F9, but I want to send a rover out there to link them - I'm tempted to use a nuclear-powered airship.




I also set up yet more ion probes (there's a cluster of four atop this rocket).


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I bump myself for helping a kid to build a non asparagus staging, 10 ton lifter. there was such a disappointment that he don't even try to load my craft,( after unable to load in VAB,) Man that was a subassembly craft.

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Have been building this SSTO VTOL. It's very stable, thanks to the movable VTOL engines (translation and rotation). Did it by stacking a VTOL mount on top of a movable girder. Both from infernal robotics. B9 aerospace did the rest. This 144 ton beast is capable of delivering a 36 ton payload to LKO.

This thing is going to make my life very easy.

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Well I did something stupid earlier. I finished loading up the KSS Trident with its payload to go to Duna -- most of a base plus rover plus skycrane. Did I mention this was a horribly designed ship that was put into service without proper testing? I think I did earlier. It's a major pain to get any payload docked to it because of the 3 engine design, but I made it work.


As usual I didn't want to wait for a transfer window before actually leaving Kerbin so I burned for about 10 minutes until I was headed out of SOI. Everything is working just fine. Then once in Kerbol orbit I decided I'd go do something else and fire up MechJeb to do a Hohmann transfer over to Duna whenever the appropriate time was, which was 150+ days (I forget how many). I stepped away from the computer for a couple minutes thinking the worst that can happen is its done with the burn and coasting through space at a rate I'd have to walk away for 2 months to notice. When I came back, my ship was bright red. What the heck?! I looked closer and the entire ship was skimming through Kerbin's atmosphere at a very high speed and my periapsis was already non existent. Facepalm. I didn't get my Kerbol orbit far enough away from Kerbin and it caught back up to me, screwing my entire mission that took 5 or more launches to get ready.

I alt-F4'd the whole thing hoping that it'd revert to an autosave right before or right after leaving Kerbin's SOI instead of having to redo this entire mission. That was a few hours ago... I went out for a while and I'm scared to open KSP again. lol. Man, I just really didn't want to do another 10 minute burn.

Edited by Duke23
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Ran a manned Duna mission today, managed to shoot myself in the foot pretty good. Assembled a cm/lm in orbit, took it out there, transferred a pilot and made my landing, all good. Ascend, match inclination, try and plot rendezvous. Try for quite a while before realising the cm/lm are orbiting in opposite directions with 2kms relative. Some fast maths indicates that the lander cant meet the cm, the cm can meet the lander but they then drift with hardly any fuel. There was a sketchy profile where i send the cm on an ike slingshot to reverse direction of duna orbit, but it was discarded as too much hassle.

Bah. Only 10 days to next kerbin-duna window though so I quickly queue up another of the ship mission profile, lifting both cm/lm in 1-piece in my haste. Once i got it in flight and out of the kerbin soi on its duna intercept I sent a guy across to the lander and seperated them. Each will now enter Duna orbit to match with its opposite number from the first mission and I will then run both returns.

I needed to go back anyway, got the grav scanner and atmospheric nosecone sensor after the first mission departed. Works out well with the rescue. The hard part is waiting patiently for my ships to return rather than annihilating the rest of the tree with minmus/mun missions

Edited by celem
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I wanted to set up a geostationary comms network around Kerbin with Remote Tech. I didn't realize that a comsat needs two dished (or maybe even three, I don't know) in order to function properly. After aborting the mission some weird bug occured during re-entry, killing Jebediah. Probably gonna abandon that save now.

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  Klingon Admiral said:
I wanted to set up a geostationary comms network around Kerbin with Remote Tech. I didn't realize that a comsat needs two dished (or maybe even three, I don't know) in order to function properly. After aborting the mission some weird bug occured during re-entry, killing Jebediah. Probably gonna abandon that save now.

Jebediah, together with Bill and Bob return after a while you know

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This is my first post here in the forums.

Today I planned a schedule for establishing a base camp on the Mun. I've made it to the Mun with a small lander, and launched a couple satellites around Kerbin, so now I'm going to try to execute a 6-mission plan to get a base station going. I'm not exactly sure how to build all of the components, but I guess I'll figure it out.

Here's the schedule:

Mission I)

Travel to Mun, orbit a couple times, launch a small satellite.

Mission II)

Travel to Mun, drop an unmanned lander with an unmanned rover, launch a large satellite with command capabilities, recover small satellite and return it to Kerbin.

Mission III)

Travel to Mun, launch a re-fueling station that will dock with the large satellite and use it for its command pod.

Mission IV)

Travel to Mun, drop a manned science station (with no initial crew), and a rover housing with a manned rover (no initial crew) that will also have a small bay for the existing unmanned rover. Recover unmanned lander from Mission II and return it to Kerbin.

Mission V)

Travel to Mun, drop manned lander with 3-person crew. This first crew will prepare the science station, and test the manned rover.

Mission VI)

Travel to Mun, drop base station with 6-person crew. There are now 9 Kerbals on the Mun. After they get everything set up, the Mission VI vessel will return to Kerbin with the original 3-person lander crew.

After 6 missions, the Mun has a large satellite with an attached re-fueling station in orbit. On the surface, the base camp consists of a rover housing with one manned rover and one unmanned rover, a science station, a base station that can accomodate 6 Kerbins, and a manned lander that can be re-fueled in orbit and travel to Minmus and back on an exploratory mission.

*Edit - I'm going to leave the small satellite docked with the large satellite, and leave the unmanned lander, so that once the missions are over, I can launch the unmanned lander with the unmanned rover to refuel and take the small satellite to Minmus, and then land and turn the unmanned rover loose. Then I can launch half the crew in the manned lander to go check out Minmus for themselves. (Theirselves? Awkward.)

Edited by RedDevilEA
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Begun construction of a space station.

Top-down view:


Hanger view:


View from core of the ship. The left part is the reactor room, and the right is the hanger:


I still have a living quarters section, a science section, a fuel cell and a comms array planned. I don't know how many will actually get put up, since it's already starting to lag due to it having nearly 750 parts.

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I did my first documented mission (plenty of screenshots, I mean) and I did it along with my first "Apollo style" mission to Mün. And it finished with less than 200m/s of delta V unused, between all the stages of the ship. I tried to do it as closer to the real one as I could remember, three stages launcher, LES system, lander under the command module at launch...

The Ceti Alpha II ship with it's Jool V launcher.

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