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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I created a rocket to suck up some of the remaining science on the Mun. However, it has so far took three iterations (slightly less than average!) in order to get any results.

The first iteration, whilst not too different from the second, was devoured by the Kraken, as soon as the first stage ran out of fuel it exploded completely, flipping out and leaving the probe head, goo observations and the Science Jr. to fall to their demise whilst debris scatter and burn up around them.

The second iteration was much more successful, I made it to orbit of the Mun (is LMO a term?) and filled up the science mechanisms. Escaping from the Mun, I decoupled the second stage, and disaster struck. One of the landing legs (which due to a design flaw, stuck out because of the wing it stood on) was clipped by the shell over the engine, ripping off the wing and unfortunately, the engine too. This isn't a problem, as it took out the center engine and I had the outer engines to work with. What was a problem, is the fact that my rocket was now incredibly asymmetrical and thus was flipping around in the middle of a very wide kerbin orbit. I had to burn periodically as my ship pointed towards the prograde marker and let off when it didn't. I had eliminated my periapsis, and as I entered the atmosphere, I decoupled my stage and let out my second pair of landing legs, and then activated my parachu-. I forgot parachutes.

I again, crashed into the sea.

The third iteration, whilst it has not launched yet, is expected to have sorted out these issues. I hope.

Edited by Nibroc
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I created a rocket to suck up some of the remaining science on the Mun. However, it has so far took three iterations (slightly less than average!) in order to get any results.

The first iteration, whilst not too different from the second, was devoured by the Kraken, as soon as the first stage ran out of fuel it exploded completely, flipping out and leaving the probe head, goo observations and the Science Jr. to fall to their demise whilst debris scatter and burn up around them.

The second iteration was much more successful, I made it to orbit of the Mun (is LMO a term?) and filled up the science mechanisms. Escaping from the Mun, I decoupled the second stage, and disaster struck. One of the landing legs (which due to a design flaw, stuck out because of the wing it stood on) was clipped by the shell over the engine, ripping off the wing and unfortunately, the engine too. This isn't a problem, as it took out the center engine and I had the outer engines to work with. What was a problem, is the fact that my rocket was now incredibly asymmetrical and thus was flipping around in the middle of a very wide kerbin orbit. I had to burn periodically as my ship pointed towards the prograde marker and let off when it didn't. I had eliminated my periapsis, and as I entered the atmosphere, I decoupled my stage and let out my second pair of landing legs, and then activated my parachu-. I forgot parachutes.

I again, crashed into the sea.

The third iteration, whilst it has not launched yet, is expected to have sorted out these issues. I hope.

Davie Space Program sends its regards, and we hope your 3rd try will succeed :)

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Uploaded the latest episode of "Rover Adventures", trying to circumnavigate Kerbin on a rover, no mods, no cheats, permadeath because HARDCORE.

UPDATE: New computer specs: Intel i3, 8gig RAM, 1gig Video, things look pretty now :kiss:

You can follow the unfolding events on youtube, this is the latest uploaded video


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I initiated a military occupation of the sun

In ten thousand years my warriors will reemerge, having learned all of its secrets, and drained all of its power.

Looks a lot like my mission to study sunspots from underneath. Soundtrack song should be Pink Floyd's "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun."

For myself, I aerobraked around Jool and then Laythe, followed by a powered (no 'chutes) landing on Laythe. It took me several tries before I finally barely made it to orbit with empty tanks. The key was burning my remaining mono on liftoff. My drive stage had to make the rendezvous.

The ocean was a little farther from my landing spot than it looked during the descent.


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I killed Bill in a failed Eve ascent...... the advertised 12,000 dv requirement is no bull.

I went up with 9,000 and didn't even get close to orbit.

Putting 9,000dv on the surface of Eve is tedious enough (damn thing partially broke on the surface too.)

I just don't know if I have the energy to do it again with an even bigger lander.

When all is said and done, Eve ascents may be hard but they're also completely and utterly unfun. On the fun factor meter, the closest thing I can relate it to is trudging a couple of miles in knee deep snow.

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Hi, CaptainKorhonen- How are you? I think your post can attract all and varied. within the in the meantime I even have scan your whole article with attention. it is a super-duper presentation. Several congrats for your nice article.

Nope, not obvious spam. Not at all. I'll bet "she" is interested in your item and wonders if you'll accept escrow payments as well. -_-

Next time, just hit the "report" button. No point in spamming the forum with anti-spam.

Edited by Vanamonde
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I killed Bill in a failed Eve ascent...... the advertised 12,000 dv requirement is no bull.

I went up with 9,000 and didn't even get close to orbit.

Putting 9,000dv on the surface of Eve is tedious enough (damn thing partially broke on the surface too.)

I just don't know if I have the energy to do it again with an even bigger lander.

When all is said and done, Eve ascents may be hard but they're also completely and utterly unfun. On the fun factor meter, the closest thing I can relate it to is trudging a couple of miles in knee deep snow.

Watching your boys ride a rocket off Eve will make you pucker up tight the whole way. They could be sitting on 15000 DV and I wouldn't feel like it's going to make it until they're back on Kerbin.

Also rather disappointing is testing a return vehicle, it can launch from Kerbin on 1/3 power, and fly out of Kerbol space, engines run for 10 minutes on full throttle. Seems like surely that can't go wrong, but it only gets to like 40km... Yep.

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When all is said and done, Eve ascents may be hard but they're also completely and utterly unfun. On the fun factor meter, the closest thing I can relate it to is trudging a couple of miles in knee deep snow.

Some of us pay big money and go to the other side of the world to do that. In wet hiking boots. After several days of hiking in those wet boots.

The problem with Eve ascents is that they don't feel like an achievement. Just an artificial chore you choose to do.

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I played with some Mods today!

After doing a SSTO similar to Scott Manley's in his interstellar series, using KW Rocketry, B9 Aerospace, and Infernal Robotics, I decided to do something that I've been itching to do for a while. What is it?


Pretty large for starters. Those are 3.75m parts in the center and the largest SRBs the mods have. That said I do tend to drastically over engineer stuff. I'd rather get there with fuel to spare than to not make it.:D


Here's the craft after SRB separation and just after I got a 100k apoapsis This section is essentially my launch and orbiter stage.


Here's the next stage aka the transfer stage. Yup! I'm going somewhere. So what's in the fairing?


A LANDER! But not your typical one. Note the top. Here's a closer look:


Yup, that's a rover. But how am I going to get it down? And how am I going to drive something so ungodly top heavy?


Here's the lander after I (finally!) got it down. Those KW engines have some serious power!


Getting ready to remove the lander... Still looks terribly top heavy.


Dropping the lander. Wait wait! It's upside down!


Doh! I screwed up! Or did I?


Rover ready to rock! Like the deployer, the wheels and the solar panels are on IR pivots. 30km later, another pin on the ribbon.

So why did I utilize mods for this? Because the last time I made a manned rover using stock, it did not fare well (basically you needed a stopwatch to time how long it lasted) so I made one that was a lot more stable. This thing got some nice airtime and still landed safely.:D

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What I did today was a Duna mission, first for the restart not long ago. Everything went pretty clean, stopped by Ike on the way out and landed there too. Nothing special.

Only took one screenshot. "About that time them Duke boys were in a heap of trouble." "YEEEEEE-HAWWWWWWW!"


I ahve mobile cranes and module transporters that will do that on kerbin, if they go too fast. good way to break wheels, lol

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Fought and lost against the Minmas jinx.

I've sent a lander like 10 times to Minmas and never get there. Mind you I've orbited high and low no problem. But after I decided to land there something always happens to destroy my flight to Minmas. Sometimes it's me like the time I had to hurry away from the computer and forgot to press Esc and came back to find my Kerbal way past intercept. Or sometimes it's the computer like just now when for the first time my angle of intercept was 0 not .1 or something like that and I thought ah perfect for my Minmus orbit. All goes well until I crossed the Mun's orbit, the Mun was many hundreds of KM away, and my map display went crazy. I lost my trajectory only some weird projected orange trajectory I never set showed up but there was no active maneuver node. It would no longer let me set a new node. Since my original projection was 500K from Minmas I continued on but when I got there I lost Minmas as a target and it wouldn't let me reset it and I could still not set maneuver nodes and instead of being in Kerbal orbit I was suddenly on an escape trajectory...back to launch AGAIN (I have not the skill with remaining dv to eyeball an approach) for the 11th (12th?) time.

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Finally visited Gilly... Been playing since .18 and for whatever reason I've never sent a mission to Gilly. By going there I have now visited every celestial body in the Kerbol system. I sent a probe there and it's currently orbiting Eve awaiting the next transfer window.

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