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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Installed Engineer Redux as I got a bit tired of having to guesstimate whether I'd built a rocket fit for purpose. Then proceeded to put a Kerbal on Minmus for the first time, earning 506 points of science on the way.

Now to send another couple of missions to the Mun (or one with a rover/hopping lander) to explore all the biomes and start work on a Duna mission.

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I preceded to be eaten alive my the Kraken today after testing a Münar lander and getting out.

PP.S How do I do the u with two dots above it (like in Mun.)?

In windows for me, not sure about anyone else, but I do it as alt + 0252.

Edited by Slur
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PP.S How do I do the u with two dots above it (like in Mun.)?

On most Windows systems it's just a matter of first typing " immediately followed by u. This works with a lot of different key combinations to form all kinds of 'weird' characters.

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(Thanks guys, but it dosen't seem to work on windows 8

OT : I sent another one of those to the mun, got more science sent back before it too ran out of electiricity, reasearched solar panels, and danced around the house.


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Well ever since 0.22 came out I've been trying to do more with less. After discovering landing on Mun and coming back was, well, difficult without any of the larger rocket parts I was thinking of a new way to earn some decent science points. I just got my Science Bay and some fixed solar panels so I decided to build an unmanned probe, originally with the intent of doing some work in orbit around Mun. The probe was nothing fancy, it only had a 200 L tank and it was not designed for any long range exploration. However, after setting up my initial Munar trajectory I found out I'd pass within about 12 Km of the surface and then be ejected from the Kerbin system. My first stage was still attached and had plenty of fuel so I thought I might use my good fortune to get some more science points in deep space. With that in mind I didn't do any further orbital adjustments and after transmitting my observations I just let the whole thing sail off into an independent orbit.

Well after all that, I transmitted some data (only getting a 20% return) and then wondered what else to do. I didn't have enough Delta-V to really go anywhere but I thought I could get closer to Kerbol and just sort of leave the probe to its own devices thereafter. So I burnt off all the fuel in my first stage and, by chance, I screwed things up and ended up increasing my apoapsis to the point where it was relatively close to Duna's orbit. Furthermore, by chance I found that by doing another burn some 160 days later I would pass very close to Duna itself, periapsis being less than 15 Km. And I could do it for less than 100 m/s of Delta-V. So I dumped the empty tanks and waited for the probe to get into position, after the burn I was well on my way to another planet with nearly all of my Probe's fuel supply intact.

Of course, I lacked fuel to slow down to go into orbit so aerobraking was my only option. for just a few m/s cost I was able to lower my periapsis to about 10 Km, which was good because I was coming in with an orbital speed in excess of 1,800 m/s. To be honest I didn't think I'd get captured but evidently it was enough since I settled into an orbit with an apoapsis of about 27,500 Km away from Duna. I did one more pass through the atmosphere at about 14.5 Km which was enough to mostly circularize my equatorial orbit. I settled in at about 60 Km above Duna's surface and that's where the probe is at the moment. With enough fuel to go to Ike but I'm not sure if I'm going to do that yet. It was really quite interesting and hinged as much on just luck as anything else, which I guess made it more exciting. The only thing that irritated me was the massive loss of science per transmission; well I guess there aren't any free lunches even in KSP.

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Been enjoying "back to stock" for career mode. Feels alien at first after playing for a while(122 hrs on Steam) with all kinds of mods. Was exciting to visit Minmus with so little tech :)

Moar Boosters!


For Science!


Just enough fuel for a little deceleration fire for 500:


Profitable, er, I mean knowledgeable trip :cool:


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Today I played some Grand Theft Kerbal.... Bill, Bob and Jeb stole a truck. And maybe a rocket.


Then I was disappointed when it was pointed out they were doing their job, and the truck and rocket were communal property. That the only stars at the top of the screen were real ones.... No wanted level. Oh well.

Edited by Cydonian Monk
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Bit the bullet and installed 0.22. Made four low tech shots to build up science. Beginning to think I need to take my own advice and send Jeb on a cislunar flight despite only having worked up to the second (third?) tier of technologies so far. Life without batteries sucks.

Started a challenge. So far folks have mostly complained about the wording - apparently it's either "Starting Tier" or "Tier 0", not "Tier 1", for the stuff you start career mode with. Had a guy show up with a Duna flight with just those parts; I had to point out the part where it said you couldn't take any damage. Haven't done that bit my own self yet.

Back in 0.21, I designed a pressurized rover for the Constellation Program Challenge. Still figuring out I'm going to turn it into a subassembly; building the upper bit was a pain. Not the best rover I've ever designed, but certainly among the most fun - the base bit is a Mk2 Lander Can and I've aimed it so the window part is forward, so you can drive it in IVA. Watching it flip over and explode in one of the early tests from that vantage point was definitely interesting...

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I LANDED ON MINMUS for the first time ever and made it back to Kerbal in career mode alive with my goo & science lab intacked. it was a historical event for me. actually huge it was my first successful landing ever Ive crashed on Mung like 30 times so I gave up and went elsewhere....

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In sandbox I placed a newly designed Mun base on the base with science stuff (which sadly don't do anything in sandbox) while failing, once again, to put a craft into stable orbit in career mode because I can't get MechJeb 2 to work for me in it no matter how much I edit the file. I think I will be failing to get the science points needed to advance if I can't do that.

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Well I made a rocket plane yestarday. Found out that the LV30 are the best in the sence the recharge your batteries the LV-909 are great just one needs to add solar panels and fly only during the dayor add more batteries:

7CC8A29DE63B419C1D7C7645376AD5EB88070B15 Courrently have done 2 Kerbin fly-bys first one netted me 12 science points. So it is worth doing fly-bys and then sending them back to Kerbin.

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