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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  On 4/30/2017 at 4:41 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

What... is that...?


Reference to the James Bond film You Only Live Twice.The actual craft is called the Bird one, ran by SPECTRE operatives (the main baddies from the film/series). Idea was to capture an American spacecraft, but of course, plot thwarted, probably with epic explosions
Any one want to say if the movie was good or bad? Never watched it.
And no, I did not know this from heart. I used the internet to look it up.
Edit: So apparently, the exact intent was not what I had mentioned. See Martian Emigrant's post.

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  On 4/29/2017 at 8:18 PM, Spacetraindriver said:

My first "flying boat!" (That Titanic that I strapped wings on doesn't count)


I call it the Duckling!




  On 4/30/2017 at 2:31 AM, klond said:

 Damn, that is ugly.  Upvote anyway for respect.  Next time tho man IDK.

 Reminds me of that Tailspin cartoon I watched as a kid.



Well to me it looks like the Canso (Canadian name of the  Consolidated PBY Catalina)


What an ugly airplane. Can't fly!


Image result for flying boat
I think Disney made the other one up :wink:.
As for James Bond You only live twice. I only  remember the miniatures (Way way before CGI) were badly done.
The only reason I remember that is because a friend and me saw the movie and laughed at them. Pointing stupid things as they went.
Specter wanted to start world war 3 by getting the Americans and Russians at each others throat.



Edited by Martian Emigrant
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  On 4/30/2017 at 4:52 AM, qzgy said:

Reference to the James Bond film You Only Live Twice.The actual craft is called the Bird one, ran by SPECTRE operatives (the main baddies from the film/series). Idea was to capture an American spacecraft, but of course, plot thwarted, probably with epic explosions
Any one want to say if the movie was good or bad? Never watched it.
And no, I did not know this from heart. I used the internet to look it up.


Ah yes, I was thinking it was one of the Bonds, couldn't remember which one. 

Now someone seriously needs to make that for KSP!

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  On 4/29/2017 at 10:40 PM, maceemiller said:

NEVER thought I'd say that playing this crazy game :)


Now you are no beginner anymore:wink:


You begin with Kaboom -> moar Booster -> moar and BIGGER BOOSTAS -> moar struts -> MOAR EVERYTHING!!! -> endless loop.... till you reach the poont where you get the first time a though maybe smaller is better...

And there the spaceengineer childhood is through and you become "adult".

Funny Kabooms 


  On 4/30/2017 at 2:52 AM, Spacetraindriver said:

Just don't know how I'll balance it...

Screw it. I'll just put it on a chassis!



Some reaction wheels and set the SAS for radial out maybe? I get a sounding rocket balanced on launching stik this way.

Funny Kabooms 


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  On 4/30/2017 at 4:52 AM, qzgy said:

Any one want to say if the movie was good or bad? Never watched it.


It was a very typical 1960s Bond film -- as noted, spectacular explosions, hundreds of corpses during the big set-piece battle, but of course there's the moment when Bond dies (in the intro), and also the scene where he flies an armed autogyro (which Q brought to Japan in half a dozen suitcases -- no explanation of what he did with the rotor blades) and shoots down (IIRC) four Spectre jet fighters.

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Even though it's from the wrong movie, I've got Live And Let Die stuck in my head now. Actually I inexplicably have two songsstuck in my head, one being that, and the other being The Writing On The Wall.

Anyways, I forgot to mention a day or two back I made this plane, which I called the "Really Ugly Duckling" or something along those lines.


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Oh that's a tricky question. I built the Ramjet Testbed MK1. I unlocked hypersonic flight for the first time in career, and simply had to see just what a ramjet could do. I built a Delta winged space plane that consisted of an adjustable intake, mk2 to 1.25 meter converter (long), a fuel tank, cockpit and a bicoupler. Stuck two ramjets on it, took off and giggled as I hit 2k m/s. Fun stuff

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There was a collective sharp intake of breath when the fully loaded Deliverance 2 was rolled out to the pad (and some distant screaming from finance). The biggest, heaviest costliest in fact every 'est they could think of ship yet launched by this program. Although the go module had already flown with a relay sat payload this was to be its first use in anger carting 2 Globetrotter rovers and 4 crew to the Mun.


Launch went well with no dramas leaving the business end in a 200km orbit with ample DV in hand (luckily as it's supposed to get to Duna in the future). Transit to and orbit of the Mun went well. Deciding to plant the cargo in the NW crater rather than anywhere near Munbase she wallowed down to a safe landing before elegantly flopping over.


It's supposed to do that.

Its job done the engine unit was dispensed with.


And the two rovers were disengaged, the mongo reaction wheel rolling her over with ease.


The rovers are currently testing systems whilst mission control consult the contract list before planning routes (or heads N tails S.....).



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More and more work on the Iota base I've been posting about lately.


Recently laded an ore-scanning rover and found a spot 600m from my base where the concentration went from 4 to 14%; nice.  Left the rover there, planted a flag so the rover could move on, and now landed a drilling ship to start ISRU operations for the base.  I'm real good at precision landings now:




Recently added a proper USI life support recycler at the base to solve Supplies concerns, but the crew needed more habitation considerations.  Enter the Hitchhiker, with some fiddlybits added for fun. I particularly like the descent package consisting of a decoupleable structural tree, long oscar tanks, and 24-77's.  This can all be removed if need be.  Here it is just before connecting it to the base:





Drilling at the base is great and all, but you need the other half of the deal to get anything worthwhile.  Enter nuclear-powered fuel conversion unit, to be landed at the mining location.  LF/O loads can then be trucked over to any ships that land at the base in the future.  Here you see Bob and the ore-scanning rover that located this concentration mulling over the admittedly lame connection between the miner and the fuel generator.  We need to bring a ground pylon to make this more awesomer:




To present the big picture, here is a shot of the mining operations in the foreground, with the main base ~600m away:






Edit:  Freshly delivered fuel transport truck with a ground pylon in the inventory makes for the more awesomer-ness.


Edited by klesh
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  On 4/30/2017 at 5:44 AM, qzgy said:

Its not the hinges, its the rcs balls I am attempting to use on the airbrakes to move the panels. I saw the technique on (i think) Servo's tomcat.


Position an RCS ball on each side of the airbrake and they will hold their parent assembly in place against gravity (or any other force that doesn't break the hinge).  I got the notion from @Servo's XB-70 wings.  Static and dynamic diagrams here:


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  On 4/30/2017 at 5:44 AM, qzgy said:

Its not the hinges, its the rcs balls I am attempting to use on the airbrakes to move the panels. I saw the technique on (i think) Servo's tomcat.


You have to have them farther apart (probably). For future reference, craft where I use the technique are my F-111 and the XB-70.



Good luck! That system will be awesome when it works :)

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