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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I played GPP and realised MK1 cockpits don´t have space for MK16 chutes.

So, being the amazing engineer I am...I added some griders. With parachutes on them.

Here, my monstrous amazing creation prepares for reentry. (It survived)

Also, I took my plane...a new design for a complete beginner.

And took it through a third of Gael just because it could. Here it is, landed wholly intact in the Highlands.

I really should do more planes.

Perhaps a Fokker...if I can find a decent pic.

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Built probably one of the most cool looking spacecrafts I've ever made in my 3.2x Galileo system career save.


More about that below. I am finally getting back into a completely new game by the feels of it! 3.2x is much more diverse and challenging that I just had to start a career mode in it!


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I managed to make some small moons for the planet mod I'm working on.

I can't provide any screenshots, though, since I'm writing this on my phone.

I've added 2 moons that orbit a desert atmospheric planet with 0.8 Gs. The first moon is rocky and reasonably smooth with varying terrain. The second has 0.1G and comprises mainly of sandy-rock as it lies within the pale orange rings of its host planet.


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2 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

I managed to make some small moons for the planet mod I'm working on.

I can't provide any screenshots, though, since I'm writing this on my phone.

I've added 2 moons that orbit a desert atmospheric planet with 0.8 Gs. The first moon is rocky and reasonably smooth with varying terrain. The second has 0.1G and comprises mainly of sandy-rock as it lies within the pale orange rings of its host planet.


Nice! It would be awesome for a competing planet pack to be made that rivals the GPP pack. I've always loved the massive KSP modding community!

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4 hours ago, Kerbital said:

Does anyone else try to right-click on videos to turn them around, LOL?


4 hours ago, qzgy said:

Where is that fro... oh. Maybe....


4 hours ago, Triop said:

Guilty. ^_^

All the time.



I just want to change the angle a bit.

T'snot like I want to look at the back or underneath or something.



Just turn it a bit....




While were on the subject.

Does anyone it "M" to see where the ship is?



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Today I delivered a small crane to the mun in order to build my regolith processing plant.


It's the tall white stuff on the left. The giant radiators in the middle guive a sense of scale. I made it 50 meters tall to take full advantage of the winche's rope, but it is not very practical to use.

Anyway, without it i would not have been able to build the towers you can see in the middle of the image (i have for a long time been very disatisfied with building bases where habitation modules designed to be vertical are layed horizontally).

Last but not least, bungy jumping from the top of the crane is great fun for the Kerbals after an intense munar day of work (^o^)/

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I use GEMFX/SweetFX, planetshine, E.T Extreme Textures, and scatterer. I also add a special filter in Premiere to add to the effect. I am trying to replicate it with GEMFX/SweetFX.

1 hour ago, Steeeeve said:

what visual enhancement stuff do you have besides RSSVE? Looks like real life!


Finished my STS-115 mission to the ISS. Atlantis installed the P3/P4 integrated truss section.


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Tried to upgrade my Fairy class transfer shuttle.

Quantum Anchor somewhere in the Service Module area.  Would not leave the pad.  The upper crew section launched fine using the crew abort system.  At least that validated.  I'll fix it later when i need a longer range system.


Started testing a mars return vessel, 4 person max, to be ready for the next planetary transfer window.  Named it the Broadsword class.  Intend on using it for Venus also.  Will need a lot more testing for those landings.  6k dV outbound and Inbound.


Made quad hall effect rcs units, pair front and back.  Using extended RCS booms A50&NTO.  The universal science modules will get tucked inside a 6S compartment. More thermal management than needed.


@Kerbital Just tried right-mousing the pictures in my own reply....

Edited by Bornholio
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This weekend I carried out a contract to test the Septratron-1 in orbit of the Mun. I figured I might as well land too and get some science! My first lander came in hot and bounced it's way in pieces back into space. The second lander bounced and landed bottoms-up. But the third lander landed just right.

Then I did some site surveying with a new little rover I made. Though I landed him as close as I could halfway around Kerbin near the locations, he still had to do a bit of driving, and after a couple bounces, he completed his contract missing a solar panel and a couple wheels. This is the before shot.


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Somehow, completely by chance, if I leave my Kerbin slowdown burn for my SSTO Tourist plane, it will result in Kerbin perfectly slingshotting me to Jool.


If I did take it, I could probably refuel at my Vallbase anyway to come back.
The only reason I'm not taking it is because my tourist deadline is coming near.. and they probably miss Kerbin after thier 20 year tour of Duna, Ike, Jool, Vall, Tylo, Mun and Minmus.

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Played minecraft.

Did a bit of rover design, not so happy with the front right now.
And ended up coming back to SSTOs except I haven't even bothered to leave the KSC with this.

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