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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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2 minutes ago, papuchalk said:

anyone knows why the upper parts of the ship are so... hmm.. separated when aerobreaking?

You're propably still going too fast and the upper heat shield exerts too much force on the craft's structure. Apparently, the less beefy parts take most of the stress and with your pod being one of them, well... it separates.

Although I've learned all too well not to drive fuel loaded craft, deep into Eve's atmosphere... what was your periapsis after the de-orbit burn?

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13 minutes ago, Starman4308 said:

You... could have just looked at engine performance statistics. The KS-25 has better specific impulse from sea level to vacuum...

Yeah, in hindsight I could have just done that... I also realized that the calculation is pointless in another way: One Mainsail weighs 6t, on Vector cluster weighs 36t. So the amount of fuel you could carry before you get to 108 tons is 30 tons less.

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35 minutes ago, Atkara said:

You're propably still going too fast and the upper heat shield exerts too much force on the craft's structure. Apparently, the less beefy parts take most of the stress and with your pod being one of them, well... it separates.

Although I've learned all too well not to drive fuel loaded craft, deep into Eve's atmosphere... what was your periapsis after the de-orbit burn?

i deorbit from 100.000km. At speed 3100 m/s i cannot go any slowlier. 

The ship connects together after i deploy shutes. And The ship perfectly survives, so it is only bug in the game. 

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I did something that I haven't done in a while - tried to build an jet fighter.  And by some miracle of collision forces, I managed NOT to kill Jeb 4 times in a row in my speeding arrow of destruction.  It does go pretty fast - I cut the afterburners on the twin Panthers when they started to overheat at 940 m/s at ~1000m altitude.  It's also fairly stable going straight.  Try anything but go straight and it snaps into a flat spin, flames out one (never both) engines so spin rate gets worse, then pancakes into the ocean.  I'm sure I can get it adjusted to fly a lot better, I just didn't have the time this morning & I felt Jeb's luck was running short after 4 unintended splashdowns.  Perhaps a probe core might be in order until I get the controls & CoM/CoL worked out better  - or at least a cockpit decoupler & chute.


7 hours ago, McFarnsworth said:

Testing continues, now with a prettier plane with more wing!


That is a really nice looking plane you've got going there, are you planning on posting it on Kerbalx?

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26 minutes ago, papuchalk said:

i deorbit from 100.000km. At speed 3100 m/s i cannot go any slowlier. 

The ship connects together after speed goes under 1500m/s. And The ship perfectly survives, so it is only bug in the game. 

Ah, so it's just getting spaghetified. I've seen similar behavior in the past, with deployed parachutes and physics warp on -but nothing of that intensity. Some extra srutwork on the upper heat shield would help.

By the way, what you've given me was the initial altitude you de-orbited from. What I asked for, was your Periapsis after the burn... wait! You just plunged it in??? Fully loaded? Thank the Kraken it didn't break up altogether...


Anyway... been working on a new asteroid miner.*








It's a pretty basic Nerv propelled design, which gives it 17% more DV over the old one... with less than half of the fuel consumption. The odd drill placement, accounts for the large radiator on the other side of the cargo bay.

If I decide to go that way again and when I find the time, I'll grab a Class E rock and check the drill performance in numbers. I may need to bring in additional ISRUs, to fully utilize the ore output.

*This was supposed to be a separate post, but the forum decided to merge it with the previous one. Ah well...

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The heroes of Kosmodrome Laythe, Captain Valentina Kerman and Senior Engineer Leia Kerman, have arrived in orbit of Duna. 


In a historic moment, the oldest and the newest BAK flatbed spaceplanes are seen flying in formation, as the Cyclone comes to refuel the Pelican for the last leg of her journey home.


With a kiss, the two craft part ways, never to meet again.


The Cyclone returns to Kosmodrome Aelita...


...and the Pelican sets out for home.


She speeds through the void between the worlds, as day by day, the blue dot grows larger. Kerbin!


The aurora of Laythe. The ochre sky of Duna. The Sun a fierce dot in the far sky as Jool whirls below the peaks of Bop. The touch of gold on the twisted rocks of Pol. Yet no sunrise is as beautiful as this.


"Tower, this is Pelican en route from Kosmodrome Laythe to Kerbin Space Centre, requesting permission to land."


"Pelican, this is Tower. Runway niner is clear for landing. Welcome home."


(Get this photo taken already, I want a shower. Hadn't had one in twenty years!)


... and with this, Brikoleur Space Program bids farewell. There will be another one, but perhaps not just now.

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18 hours ago, Triop said:

That I lied, it was only 5 survey contracts, not 6.

The extra contract came from testing the chute...Those nitpicking kerbals... :rolleyes:

Yeah, I noticed. But still, what did they say?

21 hours ago, Starman4308 said:

First step is to host the screenshot on a 3'rd party website: I personally use Imgur.

Then, paste the hyperlink with IMG tags here. The KSP forum doesn't directly host images, mostly because of people like me who post an absurd number of screenshots.


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15 hours ago, Ace in Space said:

Well, I was very pleased to find that the broken terrain seemed to have fixed itself when I loaded my save today. Also, I can confirm that it was indeed the lack of an engineer that made the mining base run poorly - although now it has some power issues, despite having more solar panels than you can shake a stick at. I'll add fuel cells for the next model, since it basically has infinite fuel.


Anyway, today was mostly spent running the fuel lifter up and down to recover stranded crafts. At one point, the fuel lifter "collided with Duna" and exploded violently.... while over 3000km away from Duna. Reloaded and continued on the exact same path and nothing went wrong. At this point I've basically accepted that Duna bears a dark curse and the occasional breakage of reality is a normal event within its sphere of influence. Based on the grins of the crew members, I'd say they have as well.

"What was that?!"

"Oh, that was just a dragon gnawing on the roots of the seven-dimensional tree that binds the universe together. It's been quite a nuisance around here, but what can you do? Can I get you some more koffee?"

So despite the glitchiness and initial problems I have actually succeeded in fully recovering the mission! I put all components for Onyx Station into the desired orbit (including flipping the orbit to go the correct way around) and assembled the parts, so the station is now fully functional.


Also, I've arranged the comm sats into their constellation around Duna, where the four of them provide coverage to just about every spot on both Duna and Ike. The mess is finally cleaned up!


I agree. Duna is cursed.

That base is BEYOND AWESOME!!

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1 hour ago, Brikoleur said:

... and with this, Brikoleur Space Program bids farewell. There will be another one, but perhaps not just now.

Not my business, but you did all that to end up retiring the save? 

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Managed to get my experimental Moho NERV probe into orbit of Moho for a bundle of low & high orbit science today.   I also - due to one lonely tourist who just wanted to go to orbit - launched & recovered my sounding rocket STTO (Single Tourist To Orbit), consisting of a sounding rocket I used for several early launches, a 1.25m bay, tweak-scaled inflatable heat shield & single external seat in the bay, plus probe core.  I even remembered the parachutes.


Moho Probe in orbit:  Actually had >700 m/s dV remaining.


STTO in LKO:  Yes it was horribly ungainly & generally a bad idea.  It was also very cheap & most importantly amusing


STTO after staging the sounding rocket & deploying heat shield:




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Still juggling multiple irons in the fire, but I've started building the 'Eeloo-Colony' ship. The name is lacking, but the ship won't be. It includes two landers, a hab unit, a lab unit, and a rover... plus crew. Oh, and it will carry an ion-powered relay satellite constellation as well, which will deploy upon orbit insertion. The transport will be hauled up into Kerbin orbit, fueled for the trip, the components docked, and off it will go. I hope. lol

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Just had to do an old joke craft.


Take flight, iron fist! ROCKET PUUUUUUNCH


If you're wondering, it has about 3000 delta-v according to the readouts from Mechjeb.

In other news the possible limits of the makeshift-and-most-probably-grossly-unefficient launcher has been observed.



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7 hours ago, Atkara said:

Not my business, but you did all that to end up retiring the save? 

It needed a coda. It was also one of my greatest KSP moments ever, perhaps one of my greatest gaming moments ever.

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I installed Poodmunds Calm Nebula skybox:


The vessel itself is nothing special, but the it showcases the combined efforts of:

KS3P by @The White Guardian, using Subtle config by @Osmium (delete all refs to eye adaption, chromatic abberation and color grading removes the errors)

Textures Unlimited by @Shadowmage with stock overhaul configs by @Electrocutor

The vessel is in LKO, and the reason it is visible is due to reflected light of Kerbin. The above mods are quite lightweight, I have not noticed going into yellow except on the descent tests on Eve (Hyperedit) of above monstrosity.

Once I get support up, I plan to take of to Eve at y13d190-210 or so. Fleet will consist of: Eve D/AV (above), rover, ground based miner with Pathfinder hab modules, Gilly based miner/refuel craft, relay comms sat, and crew transport vehicle equipped for interplanetary travel (living space and TAC LS)

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40 minutes ago, Freshmeat said:

I installed Poodmunds Calm Nebula skybox:


The vessel itself is nothing special, but the it showcases the combined efforts of:

KS3P by @The White Guardian, using Subtle config by @Osmium (delete all refs to eye adaption, chromatic abberation and color grading removes the errors)

Textures Unlimited by @Shadowmage with stock overhaul configs by @Electrocutor

The vessel is in LKO, and the reason it is visible is due to reflected light of Kerbin. The above mods are quite lightweight, I have not noticed going into yellow except on the descent tests on Eve (Hyperedit) of above monstrosity.

Once I get support up, I plan to take of to Eve at y13d190-210 or so. Fleet will consist of: Eve D/AV (above), rover, ground based miner with Pathfinder hab modules, Gilly based miner/refuel craft, relay comms sat, and crew transport vehicle equipped for interplanetary travel (living space and TAC LS)

Oh, my. Any links or anything?

16 hours ago, Atkara said:

You're propably still going too fast and the upper heat shield exerts too much force on the craft's structure. Apparently, the less beefy parts take most of the stress and with your pod being one of them, well... it separates.

Although I've learned all too well not to drive fuel loaded craft, deep into Eve's atmosphere... what was your periapsis after the de-orbit burn?

And Eve does not like physical acceleration warp. Make sure your perigee is not too low.

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Let me put it this way: you don't know what tension is until you've done a Mun flyby with no patched conics and a level 1 pilot... in hardcore mode.

She survived. It was a much closer encounter than I planned however -- had to burn to avoid becoming a crater, then got flung out to a pretty high orbit and sweated about having enough fuel to burn back down for the return. Everything went well and ultimately it wasn't even that close; I had over 200 m/s left after the deceleration burn, which I used in-atmosphere to make re-entry less risky. Good thing I had thoroughly tested the rocket in the simulator and built in a significant safety margin for fuel!

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Disposed of this thing.  It took three tries of ramming it into the surface of Minmus at ~300 m/s to finally get it to explode enough.  Pics are after the first inpact, and orbital correction so it didn't leave Minmus' SOI and go back to a Kerbin orbit.



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42 minutes ago, Brikoleur said:

You don't know what tension is until you've done a Mun flyby with no patched conics and a level 1 pilot...

Congrats. The first time is always the most exciting :)

The first Mun orbit for my current career was like that. Not in hardcore mode, but then again, I didn't need to reload either. I'm not a total stranger (not anymore) to the navball and the way trajectories work, so mishaps just don't happen. This and the fact that for 3 consecutive careers, I wouldn't rest until I landed on each and every Mun biome :P

In other news, the revamped version of my Explorer line of vessels, reached LKO.


Onboard, are Jeb, Bill & Bob, scheduled to fly to Eeloo. Shortly after, they were followed by... well, see for yourselves:



With ~50 days to prep them (fuel them up) for their transfer burns, I'd better get cracking :P 

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