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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Just got a null exception that seems to have maxed all of my resources..   I now have 60k science 87 mil in cash and maxed out reputation.  Or something like that don't remember exact numbers.   This was in a fresh game that I was 20 min into.  So I'm off to play a few rounds of LOL.  Was playing in 32 bit, as this is supposed to fix many bugs.

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23 hours ago, AngryKitty said:

End result: Mammoth-equivalent stage in 100x100km orbit with about 2km/s dV remaining. Enough to easily recover at KSP (waiting on an updated Trajectories mod to figure that one out...)


Have just discovered/remembered that if I have 2km/s dV in LKO, I can pretty easily get to Minmus.

Where I have a massive refueling depot. 

So, this behemoth is fully capable of flying to Minmus and can then fully refuel to go anywhere else. I'm pretty sure I could send these three Kerbals literally anywhere with Artemis I...

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4 hours ago, MechBFP said:

I made “The Beast”. 

Able to carry a 30 ton payload @ 14,000 dV

Just under 3 million tons with 56 vector engines firing during liftoff. 

I read that as "Just under 3 million Vector engines firing during liftoff". :wink:

@AngryKitty2k/dv will get you to most places... if you are Scot Manley. :wink:

Edited by Technical Ben
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I revisited, in my 0.21 old savegame that yesterday I got to work in the latest version, my oldest land base in the Mun (real life years old) and sent a new crew with the old shuttle pod design. Docking the ship is a pain, but I lucked it fast today.


Also, I found this previously unshared screenshot of one of my trials at sending the Discovery from 2001: a Space Oddisey to Jool. Soon after this, it lithobraked against Laythe by simple lack of power to properly manuever and stablish an orbit. Dave Kerman and KAL-9000 weren't pleased.

Edited by Demon_82
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Yesterday, in my career (originated in 1.3.0, now in 1.4.1/MH):

Val and Jeb shared a Mk. 1-3 ride, fully decked with science gear, to Minmus (sent both mostly so they could also become Level 2).  Unlike Lufrid's adventure taking tourists to the Mun, the only thing that didn't go to plan was winding up in retrograde orbit around Minmus, and since no landing was planned it didn't matter, except to require the return burn to take place behind Minmus (and both orbital velocity and rotation rate are so low it wouldn't have mattered much even for landing).  They pushed the orbit down to 7 x 7 km, trying to get "low above" science (nope, that must happen if you're hovering ten meters above the flats).  Watching mountaintops go by outside the windows, they decided not to lower orbit any further, and after getting all the science they could from that orbit, and Jeb stepping out to fulfill a contract term, they burned back to Kerbin.  All routine, no problems at all, and they wound up dumping their service stage with almost half fuel remaining.

That vessel, Explorer VI, is remarkable.  A Twin Boar plus a 6400 tank, with a pair of Lf/O boosters that use flow priority and crossfeed so the core is full when they jettison (the modern, no-ducts version of asparagus), it'll lift a well-laden Mk. 1-2 or Mk. 1-3 with additional passenger or science load high/fast enough to run dry just before making orbit.  This ensures the booster will burn up (or at least crash/splash and not clutter up LKO), and leaves the service stage (3200 tank with a Poodle) almost full.  With a little redesign (drop tanks and landing legs -- maybe just legs) the pod and service stage should easily manage landing on Minmus and return (a smaller tank than this plus four 400 drop tanks and a set of legs, on the same booster, can land on the Mun and return with a small fuel reserve).  Add a couple more boosters and uprate the service stage tank, and the resulting vessel could flyby Duna or Eve, possibly orbit them (especially if an Ike assist is available).

And as flown for this mission, Explorer VI is just under :funds:50,000.

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Decided that I would stop taking someones craft for once and try to build my very own spaceship.

Hasnt been launched yet (not that I expect it to survive the first 2 minutes).

Am I bad at building crafts?

oh who am I kidding of course I am

chances are this will blow up the launch pad



Put it in the launch pad to see if anything went ape:


Im starting to think I forgot something.

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OK. So late last year I started working on and fully finished a pretty neato project, a stock 1:1 scale replica of the Skylon. However, it's craft file was lost along with all of the others when my MOBO died and my hard drive turned out to be un-salvageable. Well, I've finally gotten over the frustration and decided to do it again! Obviously the first place to start is by making a SABRE for the craft, and might I just say, it looks pretty dang good!



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19 minutes ago, Kek-tus said:



Im starting to think I forgot something.

Nah man, the joints in this game are just modeled after rubber bands. Just connect those boosters up with one or two struts and you're golden, either that or go into the settings and enable advanced tweakables to use autostruts, but regular struts usually work much better.

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47 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

she's prolly gonna kill me in my sleep again



So today I derped. The Dres scout probe is on its way, the Duna Caravan 2 (Electric Boogaloo) is on its way, and I decided to launch yet another craft. Even though I don't have any plans to go to Eve any time soon, I do have a contract to build a station around Gilly - with a resource converter on board. And because Gilly's gravity is so low and its surface is lumpy, I've decided not to put a surface base on it at all. The only surface-based craft for this station will be a mining rig that shuttles ore up to the orbital station to be converted.

So I went ahead and designed this lander. In such low gravity, I figured it would be interesting to try a monopropellant-fueled lander with puff engines. It has some solar panels, a battery, mining drills, an ore tank, some legs, a single-seat lander can (so an engineer can sit aboard for efficient mining), a probe core for SAS (because it's meant to be flown by an engineer, not a pilot), a couple radiators, and a docking port on top so it can dock to the station. I looked at it and said, "yeah, I bet this'll work in Gilly's low gravity." So I decided to launch it for a test. Since I don't intend to follow up with the rest of the station soon, the Spinel Station Lander set out unmanned. The Space Program is still accepting suggestions for gem names that are better than Spinel, by the way. Anyway, it achieved Kerbin orbit, and then got flung off into Kerbolar orbit by way of Munar slingshot.

Where it promptly lost connection. I'd forgotten to put an antenna on it.


I couldn't revert at this point, so I had to just terminate it. Mortimer had a few things to say about that.

I made a few modifications before launching again, obviously. I added a decoupler with one of the new Making History panels on it, with an antenna mounted on that. The panel is bright yellow as a nonverbal cue for "hey, this thing isn't supposed to be here permanently" so I won't forget it's there and do something stupid like try to dock with it still on.



If you've got mission name suggestions, I'm taking them. I'm kinda playing with the idea of using "Tiger's Eye" for Gilly because it sounds really cool, but, like... do they have tigers on Kerbin? I mean I guess I'm already naming planes after knights of the round table so the "no blatant earth references" idea is already shot. Anyway, the naming scheme as it currently exists is below.


I'm not really happy with the names in orange italics below. Incidentally these are the brown gems.

Celestial Body Mission Name
Kerbol/Sun Sunstone
Moho Jasper
Eve Amethyst
     Gilly      Spinel
Kerbin n/a
     Mun      Munstone (moonstone)
     Minmus      Jade
Duna Ruby
     Ike      Onyx
Dres Quartz
Jool Emerald
     Laythe      Sapphire
     Vall      Aquamarine
     Tylo      Diamond
     Bop      Agate
     Pol      Topaz
Eeloo Pearl


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Take 2: Accelerated Mission to Land on Vall.

Take 1 and Take 2 of the series Run, Icabod, Run, were shot on Sunday in five hours on an accelerated schedule, easily satisfying High Kommand's 18-hour ultimatum.

General (soon-to-be four-stars) Kerman became even more of a hero on Base, although the usual adjective in use remained "pig-headed".  Even Werner von Kerman had to grudgingly express some admiration for the General's ability to learn from his own knucklehead mistakes and show real grit to overcome them.

The conclusion to the series, Take 3 (because the format requires 3 takes) will be attempted by the end of the week and posted.  Stay tuned and wish us luck.

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Last night.....
Read something here on the forums, folks talking about Kraken drives and such, did a search on something someone mentioned and saw something related and interesting. So, I opened up KSP and took a stroll over to the VAB.... I've time to burn, all my missions are months out. The fruits of my labors yielded Kraken-1, my first working Kraken drive 'ship' which actually worked. Setting and following a course is a bit of an issue, kind of blind flight, but I've an idea for that too (Kraken-2 under development).

Again, this is v1.2.2

Yay! Pictures will follow. :D

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Some time ago I set a challenge for myself to finally do a Eve return mission and today I succeeded! 

I wanted to build something that could put down and return 3 kerbals and a rover. While building I discovered how much of a difference that 3 kerbal capsule makes! 

But I did it and decided to add a science station as well :) See the link below for the story. 




Warning! Picture heavy!

Album a/uXEVj will appear when post is submitted

Albums not working? btw...


Edited by Captain Jeb
Put warning on top
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So... I got greedy. I am so sorry. I thought my current Space X design was "big enough"... then I remembered this is KSP!

Album a/yj5pi will appear when post is submitted


I cannot test the stage 1 landing during the same mission, as I don't yet have mods allowing concurrent missions/flights. But looking promising so far. :)

It also has enough DV for a direct (perfect alignment/low DV) shot to Duna!

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