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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Modified my test plane into a cruiser inspired by Boom Supersonic, and no longer an SSTO. In a straight ascent to 31km on Eve it made Mach 3, but during descent and in any level flight afterward it could not longer hold even Mach 1.

Adequate™ performance.

Jeb and Val are in there. And I left them on Eve.


qwzKHGf.jpg J9NuaOg.jpg

Pink grapefruit juice planet......???

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1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Modified my test plane into a cruiser inspired by Boom Supersonic, and no longer an SSTO. In a straight ascent to 31km on Eve it made Mach 3, but during descent and in any level flight afterward it could not longer hold even Mach 1.

Adequate™ performance.

Jeb and Val are in there. And I left them on Eve.


qwzKHGf.jpg J9NuaOg.jpg

Pink grapefruit juice planet......???

What mod are those plane parts from? I love 'em! O_O

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11 minutes ago, SiriusRocketry said:

What mod are those plane parts from? I love 'em! O_O

Most of it is Thor Tech, my mod. The long Mk2 cabin is from Airline Kuisine, also my mod but useless without a life support mod and is currently very bugged. (The bug is fixed but unreleased)

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Flight-testing of my F-14, with an eye towards probably making a cinematic of sorts. That's assuming that I can run the game at a reasonable pace -  this clip is sped up six times, if that is any indication.


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Well, the first thing I did today was attempt to apply @Azimech's chains to my trebuchet. Unfortunately, it seems that short, hanging chains made of large loops are significantly more stable than long, dragging chains made of small loops. While testing the chain I found that it took considerable patience and luck to even get the trebuchet ready for launching without the chain coming apart, and even if I succeeded, it had a tendency to undergo RUD from the sheer force of its own launch. I lost interest in tweaking it so it hasn't actually tossed anything yet. Rocket parts are built to go to space, but not to lay siege to castles. Who knew?




Anyway, back in the Career game, I had several days before the next burn on the Dres Wagon Train, so I decided on a whim to do a quick Mun landing, but for the first time I decided to land on one of the poles. Despite the craggy landscape, my recent track record with landing legs convinced me to try to land on the engines, which I managed to pull off. Since I dropped down so close to the Polar Lowlands biome, I decided to fly over and pick that up too, but the slopes there were so steep that after much hovering and course-correcting I gave up and deployed the legs. Shockingly, they did not explode on landing! So with two biomes down, I hopped back into orbit. Normally I am used to leaving the Mun from equatorial orbit, so I was rather dismayed to find I didn't have enough fuel to adjust my polar orbit into one.

I launched Jeb in a rescue vehicle to go pick the stranded kerbal up, along with a few rookies in the spare seats of the vehicle so they could get some experience. But after I put that into LKO, and was fiddling with maneuver nodes to try to intercept Munstone, I realized two things. First, I realized, to my dismay, that the stranded craft was in an orbit that would be hard for incoming crafts to match. Second, I realized, to my joy, that this orbit just so happened to be one that I could easily get back to Kerbin straight out of polar orbit. So I did. The heat shield exploded on impact with the ground, but the lander can was fine, as was the science container. So the rescue mission was cancelled and the craft just returned from orbit. Sorry, Jeb. At least the rookies got a little experience anyway, so it wasn't a total loss.

And I got a couple rather... interesting... screenshots out of it.



Dem reentry effects tho.


One does not simply aerobrake into Mordor!

Finally, the Dres crafts did their plane adjustment burns.

  Drill Tank Conv. Hab. Sci. Rover Com1 Com2 Com3 Com4 Com5
Delta-V Before Burn 2557+ 3410- 2555 3455 3472 3437 ~2893 ~3173 ~3097 ~3031 ~2850
Delta-V Spent Today 705 726 719 811 805 821 734 714 719 717 777
Delta-V Left 1852+ 2684- 1836 2644 2667 2616 ~2159 ~2459 ~2378 ~2314 ~2073

Is this enough? I don't know! It's late, so I decided to leave setting up nodes for intercept fine-tuning and capture burns for tomorrow, or whenever I next get to playing this game.

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Today I aborted my (2nd) career having just got back from a manned Duna mission, and started a new career with new mods:

I was already using USI Life Support with Kerbal Planetary Bases System, but now I switched KPBS to USI MKS, figure its more of a challenge.

I also added Scan Sat and the Outer Planets Mod, the Near Future mods, and the Unmanned Before Manned tech tree and all the respective contracts.

I'm cheating all the Anomaly contracts I previously did cause frankly they're a pain to do twice.

I tried that mod that makes you find and research a planet before you can go there, but it seemed a bit glitchy with the outer planets mod, so I scrapped that.

Tomorrow I'm going away to spend the weekend at a friends. I'm taking KSP with me (yay laptop)


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Showed this to EJ_SA yesterday. One of his old planes being transported on the back of my Azi42. He loved it.



An entry into the Elcano Challenge should be a good way to test the reliability of my Vapula RS engine.





Engine max lift is 172t at sea level so I have a little too much fuel for a 45 degree mountain slope.

Driving down is easy, just reverse prop pitch (and observe max allowed engine RPM, which I didn't --> damage).


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It's only just dawning on me what I've gotten myself in to. So I'm making the Boeing Pelican ULTRA, a concept  cargo Ekranoplan that would have been 120 meters long with a 150 meter wingspan. The nose alone has taken about 9 hours of work. The craft is already 964 tonnes and 784 parts. This craft will also be powered by stock turboprops. I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it out alive.




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On 4/9/2018 at 9:46 AM, Tyko said:


Nice! how did you launch, land and assemble it?

I have been launching one base at a time, then I started attaching them and built a whole base, sorry for the late reply.

Edited by jack gamer
forgot the period
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44 minutes ago, Kronus_Aerospace said:

It's only just dawning on me what I've gotten myself in to. So I'm making the Boeing Pelican ULTRA, a concept  cargo Ekranoplan that would have been 120 meters long with a 150 meter wingspan. The nose alone has taken about 9 hours of work. The craft is already 964 tonnes and 784 parts. This craft will also be powered by stock turboprops. I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it out alive.


I'm not sure your pc will make it out alive

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1 hour ago, Kronus_Aerospace said:

It's only just dawning on me what I've gotten myself in to. So I'm making the Boeing Pelican ULTRA, a concept  cargo Ekranoplan that would have been 120 meters long with a 150 meter wingspan. The nose alone has taken about 9 hours of work. The craft is already 964 tonnes and 784 parts. This craft will also be powered by stock turboprops. I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it out alive.




I think you need to PM me.

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My agenda for today was apparently executing two recruits & a tourist bound for Minmus after a design I've used dozens of times - through at least 3 careers & 2 game versions - decided to randomly change the staging & release the launch clamps before the main engines ignited.  I didn't even have an abort action group set up on this design because, well, I haven't needed it.   "Happily" I was able to stage fast enough to get down to just the crew capsule, probe core, nose cone & chutes, which deployed just barely fast enough to save the probe core, parachutes & nose cone.  The heat shield & crew capsule became the crumple zone that saved the probe core

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23 hours ago, Triop said:

I challenge you, do it.

Can't.  That buggy is in an entirely different game, the 15 year old open world MMO called There.  Originally, it was a sort of "Second Life for people with ordinary computers," though it hasn't grown into the extreme level of complexity and mercantilism Second Life has. The open world is the size of Earth, roughly, with land area (a few dozen islands) about as large as Connecticut (maybe Maryland now, they added a very large island a few years ago), but instead of exploding at the drop of a Kerbal, an avatar can fall from the edge of space and just bounce on impact.  Everything in that world is indestructible.  So, completely not comparable, I just get a little crossover in my mind when i see someone driving a buggy up a mountain; reminds me of driving up Snow Top, which is 8300 m tall.


1 minute ago, Cavscout74 said:

My agenda for today was apparently executing two recruits & a tourist bound for Minmus after a design I've used dozens of times - through at least 3 careers & 2 game versions - decided to randomly change the staging & release the launch clamps before the main engines ignited.  I didn't even have an abort action group set up on this design because, well, I haven't needed it.   "Happily" I was able to stage fast enough to get down to just the crew capsule, probe core, nose cone & chutes, which deployed just barely fast enough to save the probe core, parachutes & nose cone.  The heat shield & crew capsule became the crumple zone that saved the probe core

Good grief, that's what the "revert" is for!!

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46 minutes ago, Zeiss Ikon said:

Ugh.  This game is hard enough without that...

On the plus side, two new recruits ended up stranded in orbit around Kerbin & Mun, so they can try this whole thing again.    It is going to mess up the rapidly approaching Jool window since now I don't really have the funds for all the probes & relays I usually launch.  That makes 6 KIA in this career & I'm barely halfway through year 2.  Not counting tourists.   Maybe I should start naming asteroids after them.

Edit:  2nd attempt, checked to make sure staging was correct.  Didn't check to see if the two recruits - or in fact any kerbals - were on board.  Kinda hard to plant a flag or get experience that way.

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Started working on “Columbia Heavy”. (A few days in one post)

1st launch: Columbia orbiter with LR launch stack, 170+t payload, 168t downmass attempted— made orbit easily, though 2 minutes for an ~80 m/s burn was a little  ridiculous IMO. Landing failed badly since the downmass outweighed the orbiter by probably 70 tons. Crew was a little lucky to survive. 

Launch 2: LV-N+6 Puffs+2 mk3 monoprop tanks removed from orbiter, poodle+7200 tank added to orbiter, 194t launched, no downmass attempted—orbit was easy again, but same TWR issue, except being able to have the abort LF+O reserves in use for orbital maneuvering was a good moment for me. Shuttle was very stable during reentry, so slowing down was difficult at best. Overshot KSC by 1/8 of the planet, used SSMEs to boost to the next landmass and was able to land there without issue. 

Next launch: 1 3600 tank removed from front fuel reserves on orbiter, booster main engines reconfigured to have 13 Vectors in center+ 2 rings of 6 instead of mainsail in center and 1 ring of 8 vectors, heavier payload planned. 

Pic of payload release on mission 2

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I was on my way back from the Mun with a rocket that was supposed to be recoverable but I wasn't sure I could safely slow down in only one orbit.  But the mission had already gone long, and my kerbals just wanted to land, so--since I had heat shields and an emergency decoupler--I decided to come screaming in at 30km periapsis and see what happened.  I did okay for a while but then the rocket started flipping.  The engine quickly overheated and then several explosions later I was down to the crew/science section, which landed beautifully.  But I had a surprise waiting for me in the tracking station...

The engine made it back to orbit.  The explosions were just the fuel tanks, apparently.  

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I tried a re-usability thing... half-heartedly :P and with some expectedly sci-fi/OP devices, like the 2.5m lifter engine.





Then I revisited my Gauss adventure. It was quite eventful and full of epic screenshots. It's too much to write and post pictures here. The album speaks for itself. https://imgur.com/a/LMffY 

Today's portion starts and ends with these pictures.

R9qcPsW.jpg oysQ4Rh.jpg

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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