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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I had a successful K-20 launch in JNSQ:




This was a suborbital test flight of the K-20 "Pathfinder" space plane.

Unfortunately I missed my primary landing site at Welcome Back Island, and fell short of the alternate Island Airfield:


I tried to set down near an atoll, but couldn't quite make that either:


A water landing was something that KSC had planned for though, so Bill and Jeb took the Sea Goat to fetch Pathfinder:


They flew off into the sunset with Pathfinder slung under the seaplane, and landed safely back at KSC:



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I built a ring station that's supposed to go to Laythe. I just hope I have the delta-V to get there.




Later that day, I landed a Poseidon plane that I had previously launched into LKO as a test for another aircraft (Poseidon in my KerbalX). During the landing, I had a close call with the SPH control tower.



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30 minutes ago, Castille7 said:

Bill ate all the snacks so Jeb used all of his drinking water!

Certainly plausible...but it wouldn't change the fact that all the water would sublimate; Jeb would have to work really, really fast...


Haven't got a whole lot to report this morning, mainly on account of a slow box coupled with an untimely F9 when a simple "revert to launch" was what I really wanted to do. My day began in the VAB looking at the two extant designs of the TBD 7e base-seeding rover - more specifically, I was looking at their landing stages in preparation for a trip down to Moho. I came to the determination that the Mün lander was a little light on the TWR, while the Tylo lander was definitely a bit excessive for the job. So I took the Mün lander, slapped on a few more X2-800 tanks and replaced the Poodle engine with a Skipper, dubbing the new design the TBD 7e Moho. After transferring up supplies of fuel, Xenon Gas and Rocket Parts to LSV House Corrino in HKO from the South Base outpost near KSC via mass driver, Corrino's crew got to work on the new design, with total construction time set at fourteen hours and 28 minutes. Two resupply shots of Rocket Parts would from South Base to Corrino would be required during the construction on account of the TBD just needing that many...

After a quick review of the latest Moho exploration contract - a requirement to spacewalk, transfer crew between craft and return to Kerbin's surface from a Moho flyby, I decided I would go ahead and have LSV House Atreides currently in orbit of Eve conduct the mission. To that end, engineer Beamon Kerman along with engineer Stelgard Kerman were going to be ordered to begin building a G-LOC 7a return-to-Kerbin craft aboard. That plan changed when I double-checked Stelgard's stupidity rating, which at 96% with Badass effect had dropped Atreides's productivity level down to -1. 5-star pilot Gwenlock Kerman transferred over to Atreides's Bigby workshop from Strange Cargo docked to Atreides, while Stelgard transferred over to SC's pilot seat, an act which bumped productivity well into the green and construction began. The G-LOC will take three hours and 37 minutes to complete. Once done, the plan is for Atreides to warp to Moho for a flyby only, do the things, then head to Kerbin. Her tourists are all ready to come back anyway.

With ninety minutes before the next KAC alarm, I decided I'd go ahead and get one of the colonization missions going, specifically the one for twelve Kerbals to Mün. To that end, the colonists were loaded aboard an Auk XVI 12-passenger spaceplane at KSC and began their takeoff when space station Kerbinport came into the proper position. Unfortunately, the Auk design in question has a combined flaw of a) low back wheels and b) strong pitch control, and suffered a tail strike on liftoff. My intent had been to refuel the plane in orbit and send it on to Mün, so being down two engines wasn't acceptable, and it was at this point that the unfortunate F9 occurred. My last quicksave had been where Elon Kerman was riding down the G-LOC that Corrino had brought home from Moho, and I didn't have any more recent backup saves...

So all of that from the beginning of this post up to this point? Completely undone...


So the day that counts anyway began with getting pilot Elon Kerman and the G-LOC down safely to the ground.

If there's a bright side to all of this mess, it's that I knew just exactly how far off KSC the first landing attempt was. So I was able to adjust accordingly...

Yep. Much better.

The G-LOC (again) returned safely to Kerbin, landing 1.6 kilometers SSE of KSC, completing Elon's rescue contract as well as the last Moho exploration contract. The replacement exploration contract didn't change, but instead of getting a satellite mission over Duna, I got an surface science contract for Vall; I don't necessarily mind this as it will be a far easier and less time consuming contract to complete...

Only other things I was able to accomplish in light of the reverted game were the loading up of the Auk (again) and the beginning of TBD construction aboard House Corrino (again); the game got stupid slow at that point and I had to quit out. Didn't get a chance to play again until this morning, where I refueled Corrino (again) and began printing the G-LOC aboard Atreides (again).

At that point it came time to launch the Auk (again), and you better believe I quicksaved the game while the damn plane was still on the ground...didn't want to have to do everything a third time. After a 26 minute ground delay, Kerbinport came into position and the Auk took off - much more gently this time.

♫ Oh what a craptastic morning ♫ / ♫ Oh what a craptastic day ♫ / ♫ I've got this crappy-ass feeling ♫ / ♫ That nothing is going my way... ♫

Launch was successful, with the plane coming to a point three klicks away from Kerbinport thirteen minutes after breaking atmo. Island Princess departed the station once the plane arrived at the rendezvous point and docked with the plane two minutes later to transfer fuel. Island Princess didn't have enough fuel available to complete the job, so she's still docked to the plane as of this post. The hope had been to do the rendezvous far enough away from Kerbinport that the station's high part count wouldn't cause too much lag, but the plane has since drifted into the station's physics range...

First priority in the next session is to refuel the plane and get it headed towards Mün, while Island Princess returns to dock. After that I've got whatever was going on with the KAC alarm - I want to say it was J. G. Backus arriving at LSV House Harkonnen over Pol but I don't remember - and then I want to get Atreides to Moho and back to Kerbin before the day is out. I might also get Harkonnen to Bop today, which is her next scheduled port of call. I've got overseeing the TBD construction ahead of me, but other than that what's on my plate is pretty much the same things that have been there all this past week.

Hoping to have a better day today; I'll let y'all know how the weekend went on Monday.

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Been playing around a little with first person type view. Kinda makes me want to get a HOTAS setup @_@ who woulda thought KSP would be such a cool flight sim on top of the space rocketry stuff!


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(1.8.1, DLC's [MH & BG], some basic mods)

I have been doing so many missions in career, both with two KSP installs lately I have amassed 1.5G of images. Man I love this space program. Here is one I did just recently.

My mission was to bring 4 Kerbals and 1 VIP Kerbal into an orbit around space and orbits around the Mun.




And return them safely to Kerban:




Henlan, Kenvan, Leke, Leo and Katdard had an awesome time flying by the Mun. I think Valentina was the Pilot here but I have done so many missions lately I dont remember. lol


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Almost docked two station on Mun surface. Two meter short, and out of fuel I could use (and not enough RCS power to carry the whole stuff). The first station had enough fuel, but I totally forgot RCS so it couldn't really move for just 2 meters (probably less, the craft is around 10m tall).


I resorted to Gravity hack to dock. Didn't want to re-land the whole stuff for just a fricking meter. I spent too much time on this already, I'm bad at landing (getting better, I land in the hundreds of meter of my destination then I hover slowly into place, much better than the 10km precision I use to have). I should sent a station mover there (I need to design it, but the idea is a rover which can grab a station, stick it on its back, drive where it needs to, dock and release the station).

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I did a shake-down test of my new low-gravity miner, which I'm hoping to use in the Jool system. Since Jool is so far from Kerbol it's powered primarily by fuel cells, with only two fixed solar panels on the roof for keeping the batteries alive between missions. I landed it on Minmus' surface, mined a full load, then delivered it to the orbiting Minmus Gateway station to test rendezvous and docking. 




The Minmus Gateway mission was about 7 months ago (real time) and was the largest thing I'd put in space at that point. It's kinda cool seeing the contrast between the old and the new. 

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You can take screenshots with [F1], they appear in KSP/Screenshots. Then upload them to Imgur and copy the image location, and you get an image like this:


Which is what I did in KSP today: built a new SSTO using only fuel-filled wings and elevons. It's got the ΔV to go to Minmus and refuel. Shown on a re-entry test. It's called the Ilion and you can get it here.


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Today it was more capers with winged "vehicles" that have no place in the air, with this morning's being Boxo.


I started out the day intending to make Roundo, a plane with roughly disc shaped wing, but that failed dismally. So the next best thing was a box shaped plane.

It takes off gracefully at 35m/s.




Jeb and Bill enjoyed the smooth, if slow flight.




Now where to land this thing.



Here obviously.





Now to head back to the hanger.



Not the usual approach, but I'll take it.


Ok Jeb... cut engines and just glide in.



Perhaps touching down at 20m/s was a little optimistic.





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Today I sent a rocket to dock a new lab to my Kerbin's orbital station, this was a tricky one since I built a woobly rocket and when I realized it was a bit late for fixing it (I always forget about saving BEFORE launching). After few attempts I finally was able to dock the lab and went back to Kerbin after refuelling the Station (which now has a lot of fuel ready to transfer to a potential mission to somewhere!). Never get tired of KSP! 



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(1.8.1, DLC's [MH & BG], some basic mods)

Well, you may not remember (who does in this topic, with so much stuff) but I landed my 1st time on Minmus a few days ago and posted it, but stayed there over night. I got as much science as I could and headed home. First time with a longer trip back as well. I have done many Mun fly byes but not out as far as Minmus. Not really that far out but again, 1st for me, so I was not sure of the trip back. Made it back with tons of fuel too and had really no problems.

Here is the trip back:   (see you later Minmus!)



Close to home now, so I got rid of the extra tanks/landing legs.






Freaked me out at first but it was just the extra mono-propellant I had hanging on the side. No need for it now anyways.



Hmm, I wonder if the Kayak posters know about this place. A very tiny lake! Jeb wanted to go for a swim, but Gene wanted the Minmus report on his desk by the end of the day so back to KSC now. 


Wow, got tons of science, You cant beat that trip, at least for the 1st time! 


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On 1/20/2020 at 2:07 AM, KerrMü said:

Hi everybody

I´ve been a busy builder today. I´ll come to that in a minute.

I took a break for a few months. I had simply run out of ideas completely and my current carreer had gotten tedious with so many upcoming big and complicated missions. Over the holidays I got bored and opened up KSP again and changed my playstyle. More short missions, less headscratching and definitely more goofing around and trying new things.

For a Kerbin ground science contract I would normally get my transport plane, put a rover into it and drive and fly around around for 2 hours to get to all the POIs. Now I just built a supersonic scibomber. It get´s to anywhere on Kerbin really quick, drops a few probes out of the back, and that´s it. I love that thing. Sooo much fun to fly. :)


And no more 2 hour long asteroid capture nuke burns for me. This is the new multipurpose Tug. Quite a bit more omph than my old nuke powered potatoroid catcher. Ok, it´s less efficient, but who cares?


And I scrapped my overcomplicated upcoming Duna mission. This time I´ll just send a little hab, a rover and a lander. ISRU und all that stuff can come later. The only thing ready for the mission is the crew transport, 0.5g artificial gravity inclusive. Just for the sake of it.


Let us slowly come to what i´ve been up to this weekend, shall we? Last week I stumbled upon a monolith on Mun and sent something completely unnecessary over there:


Then a thought came to my mind: "Heywood Kerman should take a look at that monolith." But how to get Heywood into Orbit??? Well, from time to time I try to build something like the Orion 3 spaceclipper from 2001. I just love the design and it´s normally a fun challenge to build. So this weekend -again- I sat down with a simple plan. But ideas emerged, problems appeared, sollutions were found, frustrating bugs were... seriously, I thought the thing with engine plates and structural rings not shielding their innerts from drag would have been solved by now... but at the end I´m really happy with the result. I think it looks kinda nice and the flight characteristics are not bad at all. Ok, I had to clip some rapiers together, which I wouldn´t normally do, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



In the end I´m having fun with KSP again and it feels good to be back.

Have fun guys and gals, have fun, cya :)



Got any more pics of the Dream Chaser-esque design? :)

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I built a space station. Unfortunately, the Kraken did not like my solar array, and when the first shipment of mechanical parts and food arrived to stock the station, the solar blankets turned into flappy wings and flapped themselves apart.

Here's a screenshot of my two "Crawdad Mk.2" worker pods tugging the replacement toward the station.


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Tested a new Duna dropship for when Kopernicus updates and I scale the system to 3x, which will require about 1.75x as much dV. My custom config will increase the difficulty even more (25% higher gravity,  slightly thinner atmosphere). I decided to discardideas using rotor blades for landing, and instead used hinged wings as giant airbrakes.


Its got drogue chutes, but those are backups, as I want it to be able to operate with no crew to repack the chutes.

Landing is done vertically:


(note, this is an earlier version that can't successfully transition to laying down (it sets down too hard and comes apart)

Then it tilts over and uses 2 thuds to slow its fall (will need to increase this)



Wings then fold back for takeoff configuration:


At the moment, it needs to fire the thuds and the mammoth to get up again:


Its a bit awkward to get going at first:


but it goes



All done with a 40+ ton payload:


I also tried switching prop blades for ducted fan blades, and I got my quad tilt rotor craft carrying 40+tons of payload to go much faster than it went with the old prop blades:


It exceeds 220 m/s on Eve, but fails to lift off at all on Duna. I went with a compound rotor on Duna, because the tilt rotors failed to transition to forward fligth with 40 tons of payload, and it needs a lot of rotor area. Its also much slower:


I tested its flight capabilities at over 8km, and I had to empty the payload tanks to 50% full (so only about 23 tons of payload).





I don't know if I'll bother with such a slow and low capacity VTOL on Duna.

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On 1/25/2020 at 5:08 PM, purpleivan said:

Today it was more capers with winged "vehicles" that have no place in the air, with this morning's being Boxo.

What a delight, this little airplane, I must say!

Enquiring minds are wishing to know where and how you placed an air intake in the little beauty to feed the Juno...?


UPDATE: well, my engineering team worked all night and they tell me now, "it's in the obvious place, Chief!". 

OK, then.

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