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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Learnt that "control from here", which affects navball indications and SAS reference point, works on an empty command pod. And that moving the pilot from one pod to another leaves the old pod in control. I found this out when my Mun encounter burn instead deorbited my spacecraft.

Learnt that I need more delta-v than the dV map says. The orbiter will only just make it back from my current Mun mission.

Also, in some "simulation" testing (ie I try stuff then revert), learnt that explosions show up on the map view and look nuts.

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Yesterday I had some problems with landing base modules on Laythe. Today I decided to solve them.

I sent some kerbals to investigate the situation - and immediately ran into another problem. Due to some glitch, the parachutes in their lander deployed automatically when the lander was low enough, making precision landing impossible. I had to land once, repack the chutes, and make a short hop to the future colony site.


After Ludrigh Kerman fixed a broken landing leg, the whole contraption stood quite straight.


Then, by playing with the landing legs of the habitation module, I managed to get the module properly positioned. It wouldn't dock, because the docking port in the utility tug glitched somehow.


That was still enough to push the module into space.


Then it was time for some persistence file editing and suborbital docking.


I managed to get back to orbit, but the utility tug ran out of fuel on the way to rendezvous with the refueling station. After all, it was designed only to carry the payload to surface, not to return it back to orbit. Fortunately the station was nothing like my LKO stations, so it managed to intercept the ship.


I lost the count of how many times I had to quickload.

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I finally managed to get a test probe in Duna's SOI. I could have probably landed the craft, but I forgot to add fuel lines and RCS to the last stage and now I'm stuck in a highly excentric orbit. Here's a shot of the ship:


I can't wait to send Jeb, Bill and Bob to another planet! :D

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I was experimenting with creating larger diameter space station center parts and came up with this experimental test rocket.

Took off from Kerbin. Orbited at 85K. and landed on Kerbin. All self contained. No parts jettison. I was presently Surprised :-)


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So, still re-learning how to fly with FAR. Made a spaceplane which flew really nice and stable, made some changes and went to test. Wound up orbiting the Mun, ran out of gas leaving Munar orbit (not really surprised at that), pushed for Kerbin atmosphere with jet pack, and miracle of miracles, wound up landing at the runway.

Spaceplane 1D, not much to look at, but works.


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Stupid question but i keep seeing mention of eva parachutes now and again. Where does one learn such sorcery

capi3101 pointed to KAS, but also for EVA chutes there's Vanguard Technologies EVA Parachutes:


I don't use KAS, but it looks like that mod allows your Kerbal to take a parachute off a ship and stick it to his back, which will allow him to parachute. Vanguard will add a chute specifically for the Kerbals to use. Also an ejection system.

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I should mention that I tried to do that very thing last night - take a chute and stick it on a Kerbal's back - in order to do some base jumping off the VAB. Didn't work. Jeb had an annoying tendency to drop the chute. Probably had something to do with its mass or something. Might've worked for an orbital skydive, base jumping not necessarily so much.

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I accidently hit the space bar over Dres...

CTRL+L would be a wise move once you have gotten to a stage you do not wish to accidentally let go. I tend to rest my thumb over the space bar a lot and have finally started using this trick again.

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I have a triple video update, busy week!

Rover Adventures - Around Kerbin - Episode 10

After a very helpfull poll in the forums I decided to use a transport ship to move our rover over a lake. We discover a new use for one of our ships, and our trip continues pointing south east, aiming for the souternmost part of the continent.

Let´s Build - Pyramids - Kerbin´s Pyramid Complex

After a truckload of work my giant flying pyramid is at last finished, and ready to be delivered to the pyramid complex on Kerbin´s deserts.

The Lost Files - The Curse of the Pyramid

Of course not everything went smoothly with that last video, and here´s proof that everything on Kerbal Space Program is made of dynamite.

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CTRL+L would be a wise move once you have gotten to a stage you do not wish to accidentally let go. I tend to rest my thumb over the space bar a lot and have finally started using this trick again.

Yeah, I know, but for some reason I never do that... Oh well, made it more of a challenge to complete the mission.

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All this talk about BASE jumping made me try it, Vanguard EVA chutes equipped:


I don't know what happened, but I tell you no chute opened!


F-9'ed, and it looks like somehow he doesn't have the chute anymore, and I can't reach the lander on the helipad. The good news is that it appears that Jeb can just jump off the VAB and survive! Who knew?

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