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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Oh yeah about my rocket, it's made in carreer mode and only mods used are Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and of course mechjeb but i fly i manually. humble 80t to 125km orbit. Tomorrow testing continues...

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I continued my old experiments with SSTOs carrying large payloads, and ended up developing a simple SSTO fuel tanker. Finding a good ascent path wasn't very easy, but eventually I was able to get into a 120 km orbit with the orange tank full.



Edited by Jouni
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Discovered that Radial Attachment Points are very forgiving about part clipping. I am now able to stuff 8 mainsails within a 3.75-meter radius, which I think will end up beating the new engines xD

Of course, all the thrust coming from that cluster will cause the ship to collapse like a wet noodle, so that particular exploit isn't really all that useful. I was able to design a 2-meter clustered version of the LV-N though, which I eventually intend to use on an interplanetary mothership.

No pics yet. I'll most likely be posting a detailed dissertation about it in the Craft Aesthetics thread later.

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I did MOHO! Yaaaaaaaaaaay!

I've been so nerve-wracked by attempting it, and finally I did it. Just last night I returned Jebediah and Bill home, and landed near KSC. Another long term mission is in the planning stages to return using lessons learned from this one.

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Happened over the past several days, but I completed my Minmus Discovery mission. Brought back a total of 6k+ science from all nine biomes, and learned a lot about building and managing larger ships and missions than anything I'd previously done. Seems like I had to restart the game after every lander launch and landing due to glitches, and MechJeb tried several times to plot an orbital rendezvous that flew through Minmus instead of around it, but overall I had fun.

Discovery after leaving Kerbin orbit. After my first attempt took 2+ hours of burn time and didn't even reach Minmus, I had to redesign the engine module, going from three to four atomic rockets. Think the problem was I didn't fire the engines before plotting the burn, so the calculations were seriously off. The second attempt only took 10-20 minutes of burn.


After landing and recovering most of it's landers. I didn't think ahead enough with the lander designs, and it wasn't until the third one I realized it was a good idea to put a decoupler below the lander can and leave the dead weight of used experiments and propulsion systems behind, instead of dragging them back home.


Finally home and docked at Skyplex 1. Most of the crew had to wait awhile for a taxi to be launched to bring them home, not because mission control didn't think that far ahead or anything.


And a nice discovery by one of the Kerbals.


After thinking about it for awhile, I decided to deorbit the Discovery rather than saving it. I would have liked to save her as a museum or for reuse, but decided the design wasn't suited for other missions. In the end, she was so strongly built that she survived reentry in one piece, which made me a little sad as I watched her fall into the ocean. Hard to see in the dark, but to the left of the capsule is the bulk of Discovery still in one piece.


Now to update my mods, upgrade my orbital inrastructure, and maybe finally go to another planet for once.

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Despite having written it off yesterday, I was able to save my Gilly mission. To recap - my lander got back to Eve orbit in a prograde orbit, with the transfer stage in a retrograde orbit around Eve. The transfer stage was drawing power from solar panels on a side-attached drop probe; I figured any attempt to reverse its orbit would require me to drop that probe off and leave the transfer stage solely on battery power. Quicksaved, then did thus - ran out of juice before I could affect a rendezvous (though I did successfully flip its orbit). Quickloaded, said WTF and tried it with the drop probe still attached; surprisingly the transfer stage ran straight (at least straight enough to hold its course) and I was able to affect a rendezvous with the lander.

Once the lander had docked, I was able to use its solar panels for the craft, so I dumped off the drop probe and landed it on Eve for the final bits of Science I could gather, then sent the whole thing home. Had just enough fuel to make it back to Kerbin.

Got nearly 3700 science for the mission plus what my drop probes were able to collect from in and around Eve, enough for me to (finally) finish out the tech tree for the first time. Maybe now I can turn my attention to and manned Eve return.

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Things went better today. Did a couple of routine though not entirely trouble-free Mun landings. Both on the near side, the first ones that have been actually. The orbit predictions had glitched earlier so I didn't reach the Mun's SOI with as low a periapsis as I like, making the correction a bit expensive. I also discovered it seems more efficient to do this using a radial burn rather than a retrograde one.

Then on the second landing it clearly looked like I was going to hit the hills west of the NW crater, so I ended up making a panic burn to ensure I cleared them. Still landed safely further east than planned, but a touch low on fuel. Not good when the same goes for both orbiters. Still, I should reach orbit and if I can't rendezvous that's what the jetpack's for!

Closer to home, found one of the Monoliths on Kerbin, the one nearest to KSC. Which I'd had the location vaguely spoilered for, but still had a bit of looking around to spot it. Elwell's now standing entranced in front of it and will not return until dawn. (Because I need it to be light to get a proper look.)

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Today I "practiced" for the ARM patch ship-building-wise by downloading the KW pack and derping around trying to build some humongous ships. Also did a little more work trying to have a shiny new version of my Jump Drive ready for when the new version does come out.


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