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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Built my Jool multi probe ship, launched it, docked it to the spare fuel tanks I had floating around kerbin orbit, sent it off. Jool 1 landing probe attempted, 1 probe in orbit, Laythe, probe and lander in orbit, Tylo Probe in orbit, lander on the ground intact, Vall probe in orbit, lander on the ground intact, Poll probe in orbit, lander on the ground intact, went a little over budget on fuel, so I have almost 7k delta v left after ditching the probes/landers for the other satellites, and empty fuel tanks to rendevous with bop.

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Mister Spock, instead of balancing the parachutes like a sane, boring person, you can intentionally make the craft land upside-down without a parachute mounted on top so that the high impact-tolerance of the command module survives the fall. If you have the Science Jr. as the bottom-most part of your rocket, seriously do this. They have negative crash tolerance and will often get destroyed (or at least detached) in water, even with landing legs.

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Well Jeb decided to sneak into the capsule and didn't get caught until the "Rescue" Mission was well underway. Poor little guy. Jeb should be ashamed. Look at him all smiles and stuff;.;


Also, here is a good one I forgot I saved. Very first time playing contracts. Very first mission. Easy enough. Launch new vessel - Check, stage parachute with engine - check, hey wait...Do not achieve altitude of 5000m. HA!


I really should post more stuff here. I read this thread every day and look at what everyone else is doing....

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Continued my .23.5 Eve landing mission. Lander and Rover are now in low Eve orbit, the fuel of two tankers has been transferred to the lander. This leaves 7 tankers in Eve orbit and one that will have its Eve encounter ins 9 days. I'm quite optimistic, that on the next transfer window the manned part of the mission can begin.

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Eve probe has arrived, now flinging around to AP to release the surface probe into the atmosphere and get itself into a polar orbit for mapping.

Explorer III burned for about 20 minutes in a rather inefficient maneuver - will arrive at Jool in many many many days though.

Duna Return mission still waiting for transfer window.

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I discovered that you can't screenshot in 64-bit version via F12 or PrrintScreen :(

F12 is screenshot for Steam games, so you are probably playing KSPx64 off of a separate launcher than Steam. F1 KSP screenshots are stored in the Kerbal Space Program folder by the way, not in any of the Steam ones.

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How do people remember to take screenshots while they play, I never do haha.

I play with the Remote Tech mod and was trying to get 3 satellites up into KSO as my first step to have good coverage around the planet for further missions. After tweaking and re-tweaking my satellites and my launcher, I finally get them all into space, only to realize the antennas I chose don't have the range needed :(

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Thanks for the tip!

Mister Spock, instead of balancing the parachutes like a sane, boring person, you can intentionally make the craft land upside-down without a parachute mounted on top so that the high impact-tolerance of the command module survives the fall. (snip).
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Testing mah new spaceplane :cool:


Going supersonic... :)


Into space...


Picking somebody up who got lost...


Arriving at the KSS-1...


Coming in to dock for refuelling and crew-transfer... somehow my navball got buggy and is not displaying the target. So I had to do it all visually...




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helped my (very) mildly autistic friend get into ksp, we have been making large rockets and launching them for the giggles (made a single rocket with a cluster of 48 KR-2L's, actually quite successful) , although he did get a sat into orbit on his first try (which took me 6 months to do, not for lack of trying.

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Today I

1. Tried to make a light drone to do Kerbin aerospace missions. No.matter how I build one it seems to loop over and over.

2. Launched Munar I. Jeb was able to do a Munar flyby but we had to skip landing: the travel stage didn't have quite the expected push so it would have been a landing and a rescue.

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Today I made my usual round of checking for anime and webcomic updates, and then decided I might as well see what's new on the Kerbal fo- 502 IN YO FACE -_-

Hopefully I'll be able to come back and post again later today after doing something more rewarding xP

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I was told about something a few days ago and decided I would go looking for it, so I made a probe and took off. After some searching in a general area of where I thought it was I finally found it.....


Hard to believe that I was only a few KM away from this on my very first Mun landing ever

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Finished up my Mun rescue mission (had to run it twice because of a strange thing that happened later on - last quicksave was after the docking below), did some assorted part tests, performed yet another orbital rescue mission and made some plans for my next mission.




Docked the satellite with Jeb and transferred the science module to it. Jeb has the data, so that can wait there until I want to do more science collection on Mun.




Ran out of fuel on the escape, which happened to coincide with an eclipse of the sun by Kerbin. Jeb got out and pushed, but eventually electricity ran out, so he had to get back in and wait for the sun to be visible again. It took a lot of pushing, but I managed to get him home.



Testing the mainsail, skipper and poodle in flight at various heights and speeds. Parachuted onto the runway to reclaim the money. Other tests included a splashed-down turbojet, and several landed components (the 48-7S and a few different decouplers).

Did a bit of delta-v calculation: I want to put a man on Mun with a safe way back to plant flags for money (no science equipment), do a Minmus landing and return, and also do an orbital rescue mission all at the same time. Two O-10 engines, an R1 and some peripherals (like a capsule, some legs and some 'chutes) can get over 2200m/s dV.

Edited by Concentric
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Launched a bad lander to the Mun. Did a legless landing (had to eject the fuel tanks containing the legs to slow down quickly enough) in the Polar Crater, did a bit of science and planted a flag. I considered stranding Jeb for a later rescue mission, but decided to use my reaction wheels to pull me up at an angle for launch. I barely got up and into Mun orbit, ended up stranding myself in Kerbin orbit. Waited for the Mun to pull me into a different orbit, got new orbits several times, had to push the ship to avoid being flung out of the Kerbin system several times, autosaved and reverted a lot. Finally, I get a super-elliptical orbit (apokee outside Minmus' orbit) and am able to push the spacecraft to a successful de-orbit with my jetpack, bringing Jeb to a safe landing.

Later, I did a Minmus mission that got loads of science (over 1000 points, if memory serves) from 3 biomes (Midlands, Slopes, and Lesser Flats, if I'm right.) Be careful while walking on the Slopes - on my first mission to the Slopes, I slid down a mountain 1 or 2 kilometers in altitude. I had to go to each biome twice (I needed to get EVA reports from flying and on ground, but you can only hold one EVA report at once.) My lander was in the Lesser Flats, I believe.

I also did a one-way Eve mission with a Stayputnik core. Now I have a mission to PLANT A FLAG ON EVE. I don't like stranding Kerbals with no hope of rescue. But this will get me a lot of cash... what to do... Has anybody made an Eve return vehicle using the new powerful SLS parts?

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Used the contract system on version 24. My spaceships and aircraft were a bit different because of it. Last two flights were Bill to Duna and Bob to Eve for flyby science and partial contract completion. Bill flew by Ike and Duna with just enough fuel in the vehicle to get back to Kerbin. Bob fley by Eve then Gilly for exploration and all most did not make it back. There was only one option left to get back to Kerbin (See Below).


Take a left turn around Kerbin then with just enough fuel hang a right around the Mun making sure not to hit it then directly back to Kerbin for a straight in approach. Nothing else would or could work.


Bob did make it back ALIVE and physically in tack. Mentally?? This was cutting it too close!

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