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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I restarted my career mode so I could do a science bomb. Flying the NASA logo on this one too (to make fun of my budget vs theirs).

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Highlights from this round:

Launched a pair of science bombs, one to mun, one to minmus.

Launched a build station to minmus to build a torus.

Launched the core for the minmus base.

removed excess from my science lab

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I've been adding parts to my Jool mothership and landers that were forgotten at launch.



The kerbals inside are watching TV.


The mothership is due to begin periaps kicks for the trip to Jool very shortly. This is despite the fact that the equipment needed for landing on Tylo and Laythe is still being planned and tested.


This time saving technequnce, where you get one thing going before it is sensible to do so, is based on the idea of "Fast Tracking", like how [POLITICAL STATEMENT PREEMPTIVELY REDACTED.]

Mods used for the huge forward pod and the centrifuge ring please :)

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After a long and tedious rendesvouz, I finally captured my first asteroid as part of a contract mission.

I could have attempted to get to it more efficiently, like not launching into an equatorial orbit as you normally do. Plane-change maneuvers in LKO are pretty fuel consuming.

Final rendesvouz:


Killing the target velocity:


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Today, i retry the Dunar capture burn, wiz aerobraking at 15 km high, plus 150 m/s burn.



Another 250 m/s burn for managing Ike encounter


But before, need orbital struting phase, as that shake a lot while aerobraking, and break some struts


Once at Ike, 276 m/s for capture



Once in orbit, start deploying mapsat and scanners



Jeb's EVA for configuring auxiliary Mapsat dishes


Launching Auxiliary Mapsat


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Man, some great screenshots in here lately. I love seeing people's space stations, bases, and so on. Keep it all coming! :)

Me, I worked a little more on Discovery. Rescaled some of the parts (increased diameter of command pod, shortened the neck-adapter, lengthened the engine block). Made some 2x and 3x boom segments, and a segment for the antenna array. The antenna tower/dishes aren't skinned yet though, and are still getting some shaping done.

First screenshots of the full "movie configuration" below.

Eventually I would love to make the pod bay work, but that will have to come later. I'm hoping the new cargo-bay animation system in 0.25 works for that sort of thing so people don't have to rely on mods to make simple interior cargo spaces with animated doors.





That will probably get a download from me when it's done just so I can have one in orbit of Jool for 10 years.

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I`ve been trying Karbonite. Sent some fuel stores and station cores to the outer planets. Going to set up a kerbal relay system so all I have to do is launch the lander and a kerbal and I can shuttle it to whichever planet I like, land and launch then refuel it before shuttling the kerbal back home leaving the lander in orbit for the next time.

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Sent first minimums base module and then recovered the cargo ship :cool:

I also went for science to minimums. So far just my mun base has gotten me 500,000 money from flag planting and science from mun contracts so I think the 160,000 was worth it especially after recovering the ship.

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Three rendezvous in quick succession, all requiring an EVA kerbal to do most of the matching speeds and closing in. I'm pretty used to EVAing Kerbals over distances of a few km now, the trick is to make the target marker not appear to move, that means you're heading straight at (or away from) it.

Now everyone's on board the orbiters ready to depart Laythe. One group will just head to Kerbin but the other have 9 km/s in their orbiter so they'll be taking a gallavant round the Joolian system.

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Working with a few new parts: Created a MK1-9c vessel that has added 6 passenger with viewing windows and a 12 point (4 x 3) landing legs/struts attached. Perhaps I should name it Big Foot? A bit unusual but it does keep the ship upright :-) Picture taken in early dawn/sunrise. Now to work on getting up and down to the command pod.


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It wasn't easy, but I managed to make good wheels for my new Eve ascent vehicle.

The wheels' grip is something otherworldly, even a mere TWO of these wheels could pull this 200t monstrosity up a hill.

Wheels are protected by the game's finest shock absorbers: small gear bay!


Later I put it on my multiple-mission rocket. Just gotta test one of the transfer drives before I do the mission :^3


Also made some blueprints:

- The experimental grand-tour rocket;

- My Jool-5 challenge entry rocket;

- An Eve rocket

Edited by Overfloater
By the way, the Eve ascent vehicle works perfectly B-]
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I discovered that six of the eight asparagused boosters on the launcher for my "anywhere but tylo" lander were lv-t45s rather than lv-t30s. I have no idea what the effects it had on the launcher's capabilities (again, it was able to send to the attached unmanned science landers to any location other than tylo), but the issue has been rectified.

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I'm expecting to make a first beta-release of the "Joolian Discovery" pack sometime in the near future. I can save a lot of additional improvements for future releases, since it'll be bigger features (like a proper IVA, and maybe working pod bays eventually), or otherwise just tweaking the textures. Right now it uses a generic stock IVA. But, all the major parts are made, and I also made a self-decoupling radially attached monolith, that can be used in career mode for "rapid gravitational acceleration" testing. :)

In the "movie configuration" (that is, the correct number of boom segments), it has over 12km/s of dV, since I set the engines to 1200 ISP, with the assumption that the gas-core nuclear engines that the USS Discovery One was supposed to have, would be a superior technology to the solid-core NERVA design that the LV-N is based on. And then I eyeballed some estimates for how much fuel to throw into the various components. The "engine block" section is the equivalent of an orange tank, and each of the segments are 1.25x the capacity of the FL-T400 tank (though I'm tempted to set it back to being equal to the FL-T400).

Finally flew it in space. That was awesome. ;)


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I discovered that by combining a fusion reactor, a hybrid thermal turbojet / rocket (both from Interstellar) with some regular jet engines getting to Kerbin orbit becomes rather easy. . . I can now lift 70-80 tons to orbit in an SSTO with almost no lifting surfaces . . .

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Today, i made my all first ExtraKerbin landing !!! Tadaaa !!!

Of course wiz Jeb, he's now officially he first Kerbal to land out of Kerbin system !!

Jeb at lander door, Happy for his first ExtraKerbin landing !!


§§§§ing hinge !!


Good luck Jeb



My first ExtraKerbin kerbaled landing !!! wiz Jeb of course !


I plan to stay a few for making pics wiz rising Duna, but i finally made a fastest possible mission, for being able to keep the orbital plan of KE.

Jeb is now in orbit, waiting for KE encounter, and bob is preparing himself for Kethane harvesting mission

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The stanford torus around minmus is at 20% completed. I already ran out of kethane on the surface and depleted nearly half of the ore deposit for this too. There are 2 other deposits I can use, 3 if I'm willing to use kethane trucks. Photos of the build in progress below.

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BTW this is the first time I'm trying to actually legitimately build the torus. Previous games I had I cheated half way though. I'll probably have to get Karbonite to finish it.

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I'm expecting to make a first beta-release of the "Joolian Discovery" pack sometime in the near future. I can save a lot of additional improvements for future releases, since it'll be bigger features (like a proper IVA, and maybe working pod bays eventually), or otherwise just tweaking the textures. Right now it uses a generic stock IVA. But, all the major parts are made, and I also made a self-decoupling radially attached monolith, that can be used in career mode for "rapid gravitational acceleration" testing. :)

In the "movie configuration" (that is, the correct number of boom segments), it has over 12km/s of dV, since I set the engines to 1200 ISP, with the assumption that the gas-core nuclear engines that the USS Discovery One was supposed to have, would be a superior technology to the solid-core NERVA design that the LV-N is based on. And then I eyeballed some estimates for how much fuel to throw into the various components. The "engine block" section is the equivalent of an orange tank, and each of the segments are 1.25x the capacity of the FL-T400 tank (though I'm tempted to set it back to being equal to the FL-T400).

Finally flew it in space. That was awesome. ;)



OK, I have the initial beta release of it available: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95383

I redid all of the screenshots, including getting a bunch out near Jool. I changed a lot of settings before getting it ready for release, including switching it to its own fuel type, changing around the mass and capacity settings, and adding support for several other mods by adding settings for TweakScale, Life Support, Snacks, and RemoteTech2 (though snacks and life-support just add some supplies to the command pod, which may not last).

One of the nice things about this pack, is to make the "movie configuration", you can have a 12-part ship with over 11k of dV. :)

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