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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I made this for a Duna & Ike flyby to grab some science and do two contracts.


I wouldn't consider it a space plane ... more like a rocket that just happens to be plane shaped and can glide to a landing decently. I did use other rockets to get it into orbit, so it did not do it under it's own power.


Random pic of Bill screwing around.


Skimming Duna's atmosphere for a bit more science.

Evidently forgot to snap pics of Ike ..... oh well, never liked Ike anyway.


First view of Kerbin in nearly four years (I should really look at this launch window thing).


As I was hitting f5 I heard a noise ... switched back from map view to see that several wings had been destroyed. According to f3 the wings had hit the launch pad .... almost 4 years ago ...

No pics of my mini rage quit

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I accepted a contract to do 'science' on Minmus, I managed to land and make it back to Kerbin with 62 m/s of DV to spare.

MODS Installed: Advanced Jet Engines, Deadly Reentry Continued, Ferram Aerospace Research, Kerbal iSP Difficulty Scaler, Real Fuels, RemoteTech2, ScanSat, T-7 Tech Tree, TAC Life Support, Fine Print Contracts, Mission Controller 2, Stage Recovery, Sane Strategies, Stratagem, Infernal Robotics, BOXSAT, DMagic Orbital Science, FASA Launch Clamps & Towers, Kerbal Attachment System, Kethane, Near Future Electric & Solar, Procedural Fairings, Procedural Parts, Procedural Wings, RealChute, TAC Self Destruct, Universal Storage, USI Exploration Pack, USI Survivability Pack, Habitat Pack, various engines from AerojetKerbodyne, KW Rocketry, Novapunch, RLA Stockalike, SDHI, KSPX, AIES, Kerbal Stock Launcher Overhaul, Klockheed Martian Space Shuttle Engines, Editor Extensions, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Part Catalog, Part Wizard, RCS Build Aid, Select Root, TweakableEverything, Tweakscale, Contract Window+, Enhanced NavBall, Fusebox, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Kerbal Engineer Redux, Landing Height, Navball Docking Alignment Indicator, Precise Node, Science Alert, Show FPS, Coherent Contracts, PWB Fuel Balancer, Toolbar, Custom Reaction Wheel Nerf MM, EVE, Better Atmospheres, Astronomers Visual Pack, Chatterer, Custom Asteroids, Hot Rockets, Planetshine, Rasterpropmonitor, Smokescreen, Texture Replacer with 8k planets & moons, Ven's Stock Part Revamp
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Faster then expected, but after 6 days building my trucks and messing with my EL base, it got nearly whiped out when my first ship finished construction on pad 0 :blush:


Now just figuring out how to release it without blowing up as the engine is sticking in the reactor module :huh:

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So I was grabbing a satellite from a ~300km orbit with one of my V3 series SSTOs but I deorbited it too early and ran out of fuel, had to set her down near the giant crater looking area on Kerbin. Earlier I was talking about the V3-SD (larger version) and how I had worked out the bugs. Well, I didn't. I crashed it after its first orbital test and two pilots lost their lives. NOW I have tweaked the balance a little and it seems to be working fine. I sent it out with a suborbital hop to refuel the smaller SSTO and then cruised back at ~25km and 1500-1700m/s before dropping back down to land at KSC. Everything went about as smoothly as I could ask for, and now I have to bring back the smaller one. Shouldn't be a problem since big kahuna here is the one that has problems lifting the nose off the runway (or grass).

Actually in light of this mission I think I'm going to change the action groups on the V3-SD for orbital missions. Right now it's 1 - turn on Turbojets and RAPIERs in airbreathing mode, 2 - turn off Turbojets, toggle RAPIERs into closed cycle, turn on NERVA, 3 - turn off RAPIERs, 4 - turn off NERVA and turn on Turbojets for reentry. I have to run some tests with full fuel and a payload but I think if I turn off the RAPIERs and run the Turbojets a little longer on the ascent, I can gain about another 3km and a few hundred m/s before having to turn off anything that breathes air.

This should be enough to get us back home...


Good luck everyone, hope this questionably balanced hunk of junk doesn't end up being the death of my most experienced pilot (Aleny).


Do you smell something burning?


Edited by Duke23
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Placed a nice little science station and crew rest quarters in orbit around Laythe. Haven't come up with a name yet, but I use it to re-fuel my VTOLSSTO for frequent trips around the Jool system. I'm probably going to outfit it with Kethane or Karbonite parts soon.


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1. to roflcopterkklol:

Dang! i remember that you were working on that for a long time! Glad its finally finished. It looks amazing with the new spaceplane parts!

Never have i put as much time and effort into a project as i have the command beetle lol, honestly i have probably spent more time than i ever should have on it, still love the thing though :P

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Placed a nice little science station and crew rest quarters in orbit around Laythe. Haven't come up with a name yet, but I use it to re-fuel my VTOLSSTO for frequent trips around the Jool system. I'm probably going to outfit it with Kethane or Karbonite parts soon.


Oh wow, I LOVE the design on your station. Very reminiscent of starcraft science vessels. Totally stealing the design idea :D

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Maybe it wasn't my best KSP day... I crashed three unmanned part-testing probes meant for LKO.

First attempt: Made a mistake in the staging sequence - spontaneous self-dissassembly.

Second attempt: After separation of first stage, the satellite started spinning. I thought it was a piloting error at that point. I did get it stable again, but wasted too much fuel, so it just barely didn't make it to orbit (periapsis at about 50 km above sea level).

Third attempt: Since I thought, the second failure had just been caused by a piloting error, I simply retried, and found out, that it was indeed a design flaw (center of drag too far on the front). Didn't bother to stabilize it, and simply deployed the parachutes...

While the fourth attempt using a revised design made it to orbit easily, I completely missed the height at which I should have tested an engine while in flight. So, just two out of three part tests were done during that mission. Afterwards, another part testing design, which was just going to the upper atmosphere, did succeed in the previously missed engine test and an additional part testing contract, but crashed, since it had too little drag to slow down enough for a safe deployment of the parachute...

At least placing the first two communication satellites at Minmus worked well. It did take a little longer than planned, since I used OX-Stat panels (haven't unlocked the more advanced ones yet) and didn't care much about the satellites orientation while adjusting the orbit, leading to the sad situation, that I missed a maneuver node because just at that moment the satellite ran out of power (although it has more than 7000 units of charge storage - antennas eat a lot...). But, anyhow, about a week later than planned they are now well aligned, and have a proper orientation so that there will always be enough solar panels exposed to sunlight (except when the sats are behind Minmus, but that's what the 7000 charge units are for). Next, I'll send up the third and last of them, then I'll return to the Mün, this time with the freshly unlocked seismometer.

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Spent the weekend farting around with planes and getting used to NavUtilities. Made several attempts to land craft at the island runway; had maybe one successful landing and later decided that maybe I really should be going with a three degree glide slope for most of the designs I fly...

Tried my hand at building a shuttle; those damn things are tricky. Had it worked, though, it would've had most of the same abilities as the real life STS (crew of 7, ability to carry small payloads, docking capabilities, etc.) I think I needed to limit the thrust a bit on the SRBs so that I wouldn't burn so damn much delta-V in the lower atmosphere. Needless to say my design didn't make orbit; closest was a 90km by -30 km orbit. So close, yet so far...

The orbiter, incidentally, was one of the craft I tested by flying it out to the island runway. Only tore off one wing on landing, so there was that.

Finished out the weekend with parts testing and getting ready to go to Mun for the first time. Did a high orbit sci pass over Kerbin. Ran out of time, otherwise I would've gone ahead with the mission. Hopefully that'll happen tonight with any kind of luck.

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I built a 3-wheel rover, actually a very stable design in low gravity situations... so I sent it to the Mun to do some science and landed in a less than desireable location, so I may have to abandon that rover, good thing they cost only 10k each including all science parts, even got an atmpospheric varient. Now I just need a manned version...

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I installed deadly reentry and life support. I've nearly doubled my number of killed kerbals. If I don't run out of food, I torch my 'chutes on reentry. If I pack enough food and shields, I find a way to muck something else up (e.g. "Did I just jettison my lander engines?" or "Why in the name of Newton did I not check my struts?")

I haven't had this much issue getting to Mun and back in a very long time.

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I installed deadly reentry and life support. I've nearly doubled my number of killed kerbals. If I don't run out of food, I torch my 'chutes on reentry. If I pack enough food and shields, I find a way to muck something else up (e.g. "Did I just jettison my lander engines?" or "Why in the name of Newton did I not check my struts?")

I haven't had this much issue getting to Mun and back in a very long time.

Ahh yes, TAC and Deadly Rentry, the ultimate Kerbal killers. I once managed to mix up my "food" and "life support" tanks and didn't realize my mistake until my poor kerbal was too far away from home. On the bright side, I guess I learned that Kerbals can't breathe snacks...

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