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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Had an "interesting" camera angle when I returned to the Space centre But after a quick restart Hudlie Kerman was on his way to Eve for some parts testing and delivering the heavy science rover. A couple of slightly damaged wheels on landing and a little further away from the base than I'd like but the driving's easy with plenty of opportunity to do flag planting missions on the way. Once there the claw will attach a probe to the base (which I stupidly forgot to add to the hitchhiker base before launch).


Since hitting 300 contracts the maximum number of active contracts has dropped so time for more exploration in this save.

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Well, I've been trying to get back into KSP today. The last time I really played it was 0.23.5, and it ran fine with pretty much all the mods I wanted installed. Now? Ever since I've tried using 0.25 and (a month or so back) 0.24 with even a single mod the game crashes before launching. Vanilla runs fine, but if I put so much as the SDHI service module system or FAR on it the game refuses to run.

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Tried to balance this damned bike, not very successfully :(

it doesn't like turning.... or firing the rear boosters :D

any tips on balancing motorbikes in KSP gratefully received

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And also built a little hybrid jet / space plane

Who says part clipping is immoral? :wink:

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This is not my Tylo lander (dur). This is not my Tylo lander's transfer stage. This is one quarter of my Tylo lander's transfer stage.

15754969848_d5bb1684cf_h.jpgIn orbit by cantab314, on Flickr

(Not launched full, I used most of its fuel along with a couple of SSME clusters to make orbit.)

EDIT: And here's a teaser of the lander itself, which self-launched to Kerbin orbit: https://flic.kr/p/pm3gYP

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Did more Kadvent Kalendar krap. Flew a plane that ascended too quickly and went into a genuine flat spin without assymetric thrust - still trying to figure that one out but I imagine it's because all the intakes were up front. Also redesigned a VTOL and landed it on top of the SPH. The planned transition over to the VAB did not go well; killed the engines too quickly, panicked and crashed it. Wound up killing Bill in the process.

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I present the SAP-1 Kestrel:


SAP of course means "Super Advanced Plane". Why it is super advanced? Just take a look at those stylish forward-swept wings!

Based on and quite similar to one of the stock planes that come with FAR, but this baby at least got a much better undercarriage.

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I present the SAP-1 Kestrel:


SAP of course means "Super Advanced Plane". Why it is super advanced? Just take a look at those stylish forward-swept wings!

Based on and quite similar to one of the stock planes that come with FAR, but this baby at least got a much better undercarriage.

Advanced maybe but to be super advanced it needs go faster stripes

She's a beauty though. :cool:

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I set up a Kerbal-synchronous satellite constellation without constellation assistance mods. Did a descent job but I don't think I've got a perfect hexagon...



Then my wife got mad at me because I spent the afternoon doing that instead of napping, on account of my working overnight shifts three nights this week (tonight's my fourth)...

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Test flight of my Lathe SSTO Carrier in LKO. After several redesigns of the docking boom I think this shows the most promise.


The concept behind this is the carrier will provide comfortable living space for the crew during their transit to Jool/Laythe.

Once in Laythe orbit the SSTO undocks, de-orbits, landing on one or more islands.

This cargo container setup carries 3 "supply" crates made out of the small structural panels.


I tried designing a mini rover for the crew that could fit inside but the wheels kept poking through the cargo bay doors and it wouldn't redock.

Here are the stock craft files: SSTO Carrier & Cargo SSTO

Action Keys:

0 = Toggle Carrier Solar Panels & Antennas

1 = Toggle SSTO Outer Turbojets

2 = Toggle SSTO Inner Turbojets

3 = Toggle SSTO LV-N

5 = Toggle SSTO Forward Dorsal Docking Port

6 = Toggle SSTO Ladder

9 = Toggle SSTO Cargo Bay Doors

Edited by Landge
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