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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Porince Avionics continued to laugh at the new heat and aero. Firstly, Porcine Avionics brought the science lab back from Minmus and landed it at KSC!


Take that, heat! :cool:

Secondly, PA launched it's Duna expedition using the same model lab. This will be able to gather science from both Ike and Duna and then return to Kerbin:



Improved aerodynamics can't slow Porcine Avionics down! :D

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Returned two tourists from LKO. Lost money doing that contract.

Rescued a kerbal from orbit. Not sure about the money, didn't run the figures.

Tried to do some atmospheric surveys, realized they are asking me to make the crew reports at above 18,000 meters, which I can't reach with the basic jets

Sent a mission to Mun, to rescue an stranded kerbal and land there. After setting up the maneuver node, I realized I never added rcs thrusters or parachutes to the ship.

All in all, not my brightest day

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One simple part change allows an old favorite to zoom thru max Q in a 20 degree climb straight out. You do not require a more thought out ascent with this girl. Gone is the small nose cone prone to explosion mischief. All hail the docking port jr!!!! And yes it has functional sciency stuff and is not just a flying gas can. If you are having trouble with a small SSTO here you go. The download link is listed below. You should be able to hit a 160k to 200k orbit before infringing on the reserve monopropellant thrusters. Thankfully this design is compatible with Jool 5 challenges due to its abundance of docking ports.



Edited by sumrex
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In an effort to train up a herd of Kerbals, I send 2 landers to Mun simultaneously, each carrying 4 newly pressganged slaves--er, I mean eager new recruits. They came in a different angles and arrived at different times into different orbits, but they still nearly ran into each other. It would have been basically a head-on wreck, too. Unfortunately, they missed despite my last-moment efforts to bring them together (I had a docking contract, after all :D).


Oh well, both landers eventually landed and came home safely with their shanghaied Kerbals somewhat experienced. It's a real pain having everybody plant a flag and then pull them up again.

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Doing a lot of tests with speed, altitude and thermal checking parts, using my KB-70 hypersonic testbed. Familiar shape? :D

Note that red = cool, orange = warm, yellow-orange = hot, yellow-white = really hot








Cool down phase.


The 30k meter apoapsis, which I now refer to as "the platform"


Still cooling down..


Have cooled down enough, now headed back to KSC



Forgot to pack chutes/drogues but still a good landing.


First testing phase a success....slowly building up my matrix/table for spaceplane ascent guide.


I love these debug test color markers...it's almost like doing real flight testing and evaluation--it's a career thing in itself!

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I tried to build a jet liner, it did not work. But wait, there's more! I got the Mun castle! And I tested the new docking training. It worked, but for some reason I came out of a warp with the ships still connected, it exploded and now there are two copies of the stranded ship.

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Took the rebuilt Konkord1.0 for a test flight to Kerbin City to explore the new aero effects. Uneventful flight (barring a rather heavy landing - pilot expecting to flare out like in FAR and misjudged the thin soup effect).

"Goodo!" I thought, "Now return to base."

Taxi to end of runway and attempt a U turn.

"You clot, Prune." (or words to that effect) "You forgot to unlock the nosewheel steering in the SPH!"

Click on 'Medium landing gear' to enable steering and... (some of you will know what's coming next)

... oh well. At least I didn't waste a couple of hours flying into space before I found out.

Honestly! I mean to say, guys! It's modelled with a steering yoke for Pete's sake!

(3rd post since 1.0 and still complaining. I like it otherwise, honest!)

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Spent the day hunting for mod updates. Had to go to bed early, so no KSP for me today. Still trying to figure out how/if I'm going to pull my career program out of hock after that hiring spree I went on yesterday...

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Stuff I did:

  • Set up a new UnionFS prefix for 1.0 (I manage mods with sys-fs/unionfs-fuse and a few [thread=60412]homebrew shell scripts[/thread])
  • Attached a big scanner to a tiny satellite bus, then put it into orbit
  • Built and launched the AREVE

The Atmospheric Re-Entry Vehicle Experiment (AREVE) is quite simple, both in concept and implementation. The mission profile is as follows:

  1. Vertical liftoff
  2. Tilt to 80 degrees (equatorial prograde)
  3. Jettison LV-T30 boost pods to reduce maximum TWR (central Skipper sustainer engine is kept)
  4. Exit atmoshpere, jettison payload fairing
  5. At first stage depletion, decouple first stage & start second stage
  6. After attaining the desired trajectory, point straight down toward Kerbin & wait for apoapse
  7. Expend & decouple liquid upper stage
  8. Activate payload RCS, wait for re-entry heating effects
  9. Fire payload motor

Here's a picture of the AREVE, shortly before splashdown.


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Firstly I added my daily ring segment to my station in Sandbox. Number 5 of 18:


Then I switched to my career save. Built a goofy rover to grab beginning science around KSP:


That allowed me to research the node with the thermometer, at which point I picked up a contract to take 3 temperature readings over the mountains in the desert of the continent to the west of KSC, the one over the ocean. So I built a plane with two basic jet engines and a rocket also, as one of the readings had to be above 18,000 meters. The last of the 3 readings needed to be landed, and I missed the exact spot. I'll have to go back and figure out the exact spot, and how to land there, since it looks like it's right on the middle of the mountains. It may take dropping some Stayputnik + thermometer bombs.



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I ran a science bomb last night. Seeing as contract science is no longer viable in 1.0 science bombs are back!

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The Artemis science bomb carries 8 detachable probes which can descend to the surface to run experiments. The mothership core also has a resource scanner.

Once each probe runs its experiments it launches back to orbit where a kerbal in a capsule (in this case it was Jeb from an earlier plan to land on Minmus) goes out and grabs the data. This capsule returns to Kerbin to get the science... 3 grand worth of it. Another bomb will go to Mun and a last one to Duna probably to full unlock my career mode.

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This will probably sound like no big whoop to most of you guys, but today I got a probe with 3 repeatable experiments into orbit around Eve. I'd never managed an interplanetary mission before today, only even tried a couple times. I hadn't even planned on it... I was aiming for a Kerbol orbit science probe but I got past Kerbin escape with a ton of fuel left, and I thought, might as well throw my hat over the wall.

Then I landed a Kerbette on the Mun. Not Val, 'Miltred'. :) Sooooo much science...

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This will probably sound like no big whoop to most of you guys, but today I got a probe with 3 repeatable experiments into orbit around Eve. I'd never managed an interplanetary mission before today, only even tried a couple times. I hadn't even planned on it... I was aiming for a Kerbol orbit science probe but I got past Kerbin escape with a ton of fuel left, and I thought, might as well throw my hat over the wall.

Then I landed a Kerbette on the Mun. Not Val, 'Miltred'. :) Sooooo much science...

Sure sounds like a big whoop to me! Nice work.

Today -- I rescued a kerbal (everyone say hi to Sidfrey) who was stuck in a high inclined orbit halfway to the Mun. Eyeballed the ascending node, launched to within .7 degrees of the correct inclination, corrected, set up a 12km intercept, made midcourse correction burn, matched orbit, rescued old Sidfrey (who seemed rather happy to see my automated rescue vehicle) and got him home with about 1.4 units of fuel in the tank and 44 units of ablator on the heatshield.

By far the most intense rendezvous I've ever flown in KSP and the new heat mechanics made the re-entry suitably nail-biting as well. Total blast!

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Today, I found a few minutes to try building a plane in 1.0, and I can't wait to have more time to play with it!

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It took me 2 or 3 tries to find an ascent profile that wouldn't melt the cockpit, but re-entry seemed kinda easy, probably because of the (relatively) low speeds involved...

I still wonder how I didn't mess up that landing though... :D

Small unedited video being uploaded here.


Edited by el_coyoto
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