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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Finished my docking and rendezvous of the Raven with the New Horizons space station last night; crew transfer was successful. Re-entry of the Raven was generally uneventful. Landing sure as hell was - Val tore the engine off the back; I've come to the determination that I should really just be using larger landing gear with the Raven, and I'll be swapping them out prior to the next flight. Meantime, Jeb's Free Bird (a Raven) will probably just have to stay up there as one of my ferry fleet. I'll want to bring him back down eventually, of course...

I realized after I'd landed that I'd loaded a spare flight computer into the Raven to install on the Straight Flush, Berris's ship docked at New Horizons. Guess what I forgot to do. #facepalm.

Meantime, Val did bring down a bunch of tourists safely and rounded out many contracts, putting my program well into the black again. I went ahead and launched an unmanned Mun Buggy to head to Minmusport so the crew there could make surface excursions if they needed to; I also have a Minmus outpost contract that the craft should be able to fulfill on its first landing, and temperature surveys to run. Val being the only Kerbal left at KSC at this point, I spent the rest of my night designing the Sundiver 7, the craft that should be capable of taking some of last batch of tourists into a suborbital trajectory with Kerbol (knock on wood). I'm hesitant to send Val up with a group of tourists at this point though...things have not gone well the last three times she's acted as a tour guide...

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Last night put another Orbital Station around Kerbin, took a few tries as shown, kept either leaning North after launch or clipping the tower thingies, also once got in spot to create orbit, realized the poodle I put on wouldn't budge the station any and kept re-entering atmosphere, so had to play around with engines, then once got that moving ok, realized, my scientists were in my return lander and not the science module and pilots in science module, that could be an issue when researching, oh and maybe flying the rocket!!! So, EVAed guys and gals around to fix that, broke off return lander which was heavily over chuted, but did so cause of safety.










Contract Completed!!

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Finally complited +30y rescue mission for jeb on solar orbit in non-powered, no-parachute command pod...Unmanned AGU to him, back to LKO, 2nd rescue vessel to LKO, EVA to rescue vessel, splash to seA😄😄

Quite happy looking fellow he is.

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Need to transport some science data to the space station for lab research.... Ready the plane!


Taxiing to the runway


Maximum power!


Whoops, wrong way! Turn around!





Space Station!


Annnnd docked!


Edited by RocketPilot573
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I inspected some debris I shall recover for a contract. Ehm, an empty SRB? But why?


A few days ago I figured out what to grab from Minmus to finish a contract. Still not sure who left it there and why an SRB is so important, but this called for the SkyCrane!


As you can see it has a claw, four landing legs some solar panels and much much monopropellant. And to be true, without MechJeb this would have been even harder. I'm not sure how to do this without a joystick and SmartSAS to hold it steady. We still have no extandable parts. Like a strut that you could retract. Then this would be much easier. Build something with wheels, drive over it, grab it, fly it into orbit. But anyway I managed to grab it almost at the center, get it back into Minmus' orbit.

And attach it there to my SpaceTug.


Here you see the SkyCrane attached to the SpaceTug and my Ike Refinery, which is a leftover of the Duna mission. Please also note the docking adapter from senior to regular...

Sadly a bad shot, but in the next picture you'll see what I was doing:


And here we have the SkyCrane back inside its Orbit delivery vehicle:


Everything fits: (Well, the plane was designed to carry the SkyCrane and the SRB. I'm an engineer, I know what I'm doing. Most of the time. Well, sometimes. Ok, sometimes I'm lucky.)


A very huge SSTO spaceplane. Flies pretty well on 6 RAPIERS, enough fuel to make a 200 km orbit (but not much farther, without never being able to get back. Or sending Jeb outside to push). Well, it sucks on re-entry. Flips, etc. I think this happens because the front wings and the back wings are the same size, which basically means that they have the same drag and lift rates. Anyway, after a bit of flipping I was able to get it under control (I think someone barked in the cabin, or something died inside) and landed it.

No landing shots though, I forgot to make some...

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Tested a brand new evolution of the Varius line of launchers, the Varius III. I launched a new space luxury liner (the KSS Valjeb; they got eaten by some species of Kraken, RIP) with it that weighed 110 tons, it made it but it had to use its own engines to get into a 800km orbit, and with that info I think I'm gonna replace an engine, probably the Mainsail with a Twin Boar.


After modifications I'll probably launch another one called the KSS Jebval.

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I'm considering something for my own testing, but perhaps I can make a challenge out of it.




It moves at an amazing 0.8 m/s, cruises at 0.7, however, turns surprisingly well. But the runway is way too short or I really suck at flying.

I need to improve it first.

Edited by ScienceLion
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I'm considering something for my own testing, but perhaps I can make a challenge out of it.




It moves at an amazing 0.8 m/s, cruises at 0.7, however, turns surprisingly well. But the runway is way too short or I really suck at flying.

I need to improve it first.

Dude mk3 fuel tanks sink. Now wonder it is slow as crap.

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I got my system back up and running how I like it so it was time to re-download KSP and load back my backed up mods and save files. In Career mode transfer window came for Duna so it was next try on triple-contract mission to fly-by Duna, explore Ike and put a station in Duna's orbit. And once again it was a massive fail. Though I looked at the numbers my rocket is of a flawed design. After SRBs detach TWR is just far too low so it looses speed and starts tumbling out of control. I already have plans for new design with all-LFO engines but I will try that tomorrow because I am to tired to think straight at a present.

Here is a pic of that failure of a mission before it was launched. Inside fairing there is a station and small Ike probe. Upper stage is 2.5m tank from Fuel Tanks Plus mod with Skipper engine. Lower stage is made of few smaller 3.75m tanks (I haven't unlocked larger ones yet) with Mainsail engine and 4 Kickback SRBs


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Decided to start work on a sensible Moho mission, it being one of only three places (along with Dres and Vall) I haven't landed on.


OK, "sensible" is relative. I'm in for some long ion burns, but at least I shouldn't run out of delta-V!

The lander is inspired by the Russian LK Moon lander, being a single stage but with the landing legs to be left behind on the surface. It fits, just about, in a 2.5 m fairing.

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About 80% done with my first iteration of my wingless shuttle. The shuttle is meant to carry about 10 tons, 7 kerbals to both moons in the Kerbin system and back, as well as downmassing payload (why I would need to do that I don't know right now). She is finally taking shape!


Edited by SkyHook
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Blarg. Today I finally got back to KSP after a two-week hiatus, only to encounter a strange bug superheating one of my ships so that if I didn't have the "ignore max temperature" cheat enabled, it instantly vaporized itself:


21000 K and rising quickly. This is already hotter than the Sun, so I'm a little baffled as to what exactly happened here.

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Today in KSP I experimented with some radiators, and found that my station in Kerbin orbit probably doesn't need any. If anything they made it warmer than it was previously as the ones I tested (small, folding) tend to have a positive rad value unless they're near the terminator or on the dark side of Kerbin. I'm sure the radiators on the Moho probe I've sent out will sing a different tune.

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With the Duna window fast approaching and my space agency being way, way, way behind in their construction of colony ships today I finally tested a lander that met the qualifications I had set.

Those would be:

1) Carries a minimum of 12 kerbals (this holds 16)

2) Can dock with the colony ship (only reason for the mono tank/rcs wheel on the top... to extend the docking port)

3) Can land safely on Duna within 10km of the colony site.

4) Can be launched in one piece (to save time)

5) Under 40 parts each (cause the ship itself is already 200...without all the addons)



Little scary on the landing will have to be sure I am watching closely if I attempt to land at any of Duna's higher elevation points (this was about 2.5km asl) as the chutes didn't really slow me down to a safe speed until I was already less than 100m from the ground! But it does contain enough fuel for a small burp to break faster if needed.

Now just to launch 4 of these and attach them to my ship...

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Decided to start work on a sensible Moho mission, it being one of only three places (along with Dres and Vall) I haven't landed on.


OK, "sensible" is relative. I'm in for some long ion burns, but at least I shouldn't run out of delta-V!

The lander is inspired by the Russian LK Moon lander, being a single stage but with the landing legs to be left behind on the surface. It fits, just about, in a 2.5 m fairing.

It looks cool, but I mean, anyone could mistake it for a space laser being used as a weapon to destroy your enemies. Just sayin'

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