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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Started a new Science save and went through the usual starting busywork. It's all pretty ordinary, until you pan the camera round and see something like this:


This is part of the "New Horizons" system. From bottom to top it's Kerbin (of course), Sonnah (the gas giant), Aptur, Mun, and Serran

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Nedrop showed off his crash avoidance skills..


Pilot is apparently unnecessary...


And then the universe imploded...again.


I guess its time to start with a fresh install and redownload the mods to see which I can cut and hopefully one I decide to live without is the one causing this.

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The ISX program is working the KSC crew overtime again.

Having just cleaned up the mess from some of the "experimental" launches that where part of the Duna Expasion Phase One, pictured here:


... the crew just now got the upcoming schedule of Exploration & Evaluation launches:


"Go tell your families that bad news,

you won't be seeing them much for the next year!"

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I started planning my career mode Moho mission, and launched a lander to rendezvous with the interplanetary transfer stage I'm going to use.


Yet another typical rocket I've been building. Upper stages are rarely necessary for LKO launches. Slanted nose cones would look better on the boosters, but they have an annoying habit of making dropped boosters hit the rocket.


The lander has a lot of extra fuel, because circularizing to a low Moho orbit with the mothership is just too wasteful.

The ship would technically be ready to depart, but I'll add a command module / Kerbin return module anyway.

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Finally got moving on my 1.0.4 save! It's a modified save where it's a Science save, but I've cheated in tons of science to unlock the parts, making it essentially a sandbox save but with the flavour texts for science, because it adds immersion for me.

Regardless, my aim is to 100% the science archives (all science possible gathered from every experiment, long-term goal), and so first up is a polar mapping satellite which will get me all the biome maps I require:


Having gleaned said biome data, I've started to develop a long-range jet plane which will take my scientists across the globe to gather the data and then be recovered at KSC, for maximum science gain. It's looking great, a trip to the desert and back to KSC only took a third of it's fuel. I should probably add a crew cabin however, so I can take more kerbals, for more longevity in the field.


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After a perfect launch, an uneventful transfer, and a beautiful landing of my mining rig in exactly the spot I wanted it on Minmus, it came as something of a disappointment to discover that my clearly-in-contact-with-the-ground drills have "no ground contact".


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Two posts in one day!

Realised if I was going to 100% science completely, I had to make MULTIPLE visits to ALL the little mini-biomes at the KSC. Absolute torture. Did it in this little wagon:


2 hours and 48 minutes (IRL) later, I'm 1,531 research richer and a hell of a lot more bored. Time for a break. A kerbal hasn't even gone into space yet with 51 days on the save :D

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After a perfect launch, an uneventful transfer, and a beautiful landing of my mining rig in exactly the spot I wanted it on Minmus, it came as something of a disappointment to discover that my clearly-in-contact-with-the-ground drills have "no ground contact".


You've clearly put the drills too high on your rig. Solution: install KIS/KAS, get a skilled engineer with the proper tools to Minmus and reposition them.

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Explored moho in my 64k career save. The ion engine allowed me to do the contract while still getting 400 000 funds in profit. Ion engines should be worshiped. The long burn times can be somewhat daunting, but there's no way I would have been able to progress further with chemical engines, or even the nuclear engine.

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Explored moho in my 64k career save. The ion engine allowed me to do the contract while still getting 400 000 funds in profit. Ion engines should be worshiped. The long burn times can be somewhat daunting, but there's no way I would have been able to progress further with chemical engines, or even the nuclear engine.


I never use nukes (haven't even unlocked them in my tech tree) and rarely use ion engines. All I use is standard rocket engines and I've built ships that have gone to as many as five planetary/lunar bodies (so far). The secret - ISRU.


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I went on a lighter side of things today while waiting for transfer windows to Eve and Duna. I have put a small satellite into Mun's orbit and it was launched on this rocket:


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I never use nukes (haven't even unlocked them in my tech tree) and rarely use ion engines. All I use is standard rocket engines and I've built ships that have gone to as many as five planetary/lunar bodies (so far). The secret - ISRU.


Getting to the surface of Moho in 64k requires 20 km/s of deltaV from Kerbin orbit, and dropping down from Minmus to a close pass around Kerbin takes 850 m/s. I can see ISRU being extremly useful in stock KSP because it might be possible use it to jump from the surface of one body to another, refuel and repeat. This option is far more limited in 64k. It will be useful once I start base building though.

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I launched a fat rocket.





The ship is now almost fully fueled, with about 6500 m/s of delta-v. It might be enough for a direct trip to Moho and back, but I'll probably use an Eve gravity assist anyway.

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Getting to the surface of Moho in 64k requires 20 km/s of deltaV from Kerbin orbit, and dropping down from Minmus to a close pass around Kerbin takes 850 m/s. I can see ISRU being extremly useful in stock KSP because it might be possible use it to jump from the surface of one body to another, refuel and repeat. This option is far more limited in 64k. It will be useful once I start base building though.

You nailed it, the Oberth effect is king. Moon hopping to get around the Kerbin system is a lot more effort than a single long burn with a super efficient engine, but I'd rather land and refuel than wait for a 25 minute ion engine burn. I'm not sure how 64K is different, but I plan on getting to Moho from Gilly with a close pass around Eve anyway. I already have a ship there, just waiting for the right reason to go (i.e.contract).


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I'm not sure how 64K is different, but I plan on getting to Moho from Gilly with a close pass around Eve anyway. I already have a ship there, just waiting for the right reason to go (i.e.contract).


Delta V requirements are √6.4, or about 2.5 times higher than stock. Getting from Gilly to low Moho orbit is going to take about 8 km/s. With the budget restraints of career mode using the ion engine basically became a necessity once I got the "explore dres" contract. ISRU will be useful, especially if I ever move my manned program out to Jool, but without ion engines there's no way I could even afford to haul the ISRU plant around the solar system.

Edited by maccollo
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