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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Just getting back into KSP after a few months away. I tested a prototype of a 4-5 kerbal lander I'd like to put on Duna someday, just took it to Minmus and back to see how it holds up to high speed reentry. Needs farkles like ladders, retractable solar panels, and an ISRU plant eventually. Looks like a flying pig!



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24 minutes ago, Ehco Corrallo said:

I did it! I finally did it!

Did what? Put a rocket into orbit?



That's not terribly impressive. 

Around Jool!

Oh. *Mind blows*




Congratulations, I remember my first time at Jool like it was yesterday (a probe in-between Laythe and Val)...
Always exiting the first time around =)

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I think I made Bill seasick.


Valentina and Jeb enjoy boating, Bill and Bob, not so much.


Kerbals are a useful way of judging which way is vertical when you are on a slope.


Team checking out what might be an eroded sinkhole of some sort.


You've got an got yourself into a bit of a predicament, haven't you?



Edited by Tw1
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11 hours ago, katateochi said:

About a week ago I posted a pic of a glider I made, but it used Jet engines to get it into the sky.  They were then jettisoned but still, didn't feel authentic, so yesterday I decided to try and do it properly and tow the glider behind a small prop-plane using a KAS winch.  Let's just say there were some initial problems.....


Amazingly Jeb (piloting the prop-plane) survived that crash! actually he survived all the crashes, while Val and Bob in the glider needed resurrecting after nearly every crash.  It seems that sitting in a command chair, in an open top cockpit without a helmet on is much safer than being in an enclosed cockpit!


Can you upload this glider? I've got a cunning plan.

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Today I built a crew shuttle in Interstellar, thermal turbojet to get out of atmosphere then switching to a rocket nozzle to orbit, all using microwave power via an orbital antimatter power station and a relay network. Returned my scientists from Arin and Laythe.  New Horizons is an amazing mod.  Interstellar is good as well, but the parts bog down my computer after a while - I find myself destroying ships to improve framerate, hard to maintain infrastructure. Microwave power transmission is amazing though!

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13 hours ago, katateochi said:

About a week ago I posted a pic of a glider I made, but it used Jet engines to get it into the sky.  They were then jettisoned but still, didn't feel authentic, so yesterday I decided to try and do it properly and tow the glider behind a small prop-plane using a KAS winch.  ...

It took a lot of tweaking to get the plane capable of towing the glider and then many failed attempts (two airborne things joined together with a KAS line make for really great crashes!) before it was a survivable experience. But finally today I've got the process locked down (mostly).  I'll try to make a vid of this is I have time.



I have to say I am *so* impressed at this.  Bravo.

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Took on a couple of rescue contracts and some science hopping. So built a 3 Kerbal Lander and sent Val to the rescue. Only issue was i struggled getting into orbit. So use the normal fix of more boosters.


She now has a new friend.


Val then went on to do Bobs usual job. She found his job nice and easy 


Rescued the other kerbal in high minmus orbit orbiting the opposite direction and then back to kerbin for a nice big pay cheque and loads of science.

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On 12/12/2015, 2:17:38, McFarnsworth said:

Docking this thing together took entirely too long. Time to go mine some Dresteroids and plonk a base down on Dres.


@McFarnsworth and @Francois424, where do you get those beautiful torus/ring parts from?  Are they part of a mod?

Edited by Mister Spock
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Working on my VTOL spaceplane/shuttle

23777501145_be621ff021_h.jpgscreenshot284 by cantab314, on Flickr

Looking reasonable so far. Uses eight Panthers with the afterburners for VTOL, and with care the transition to forward flight can be made but it is easy to botch up. I'm hoping to improve control at low speeds by adding Vernors. The altitude is good but the top speed of ~960 m/s is a bit underwhelming. I've yet to decide on what rockets to use, I may opt for a pair of rapiers so I also get some more jet power. Biggest problem is the thing is a right handful in roll above around Mach 1.6, I'll need to look at improving that, probably bigger tailfins and maybe increase the wing sweep a little.

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Last night I tested a from scratch 4-person Capsule/Module made from clipping (none more than 50%, but its the only way to "design your own ___") stock low-tier parts, which worked wonderfully, however at the point in the Munar fly-by where I had planned to do an EVA to test egress, all 4 of them looked so terrified that I scrubbed it.  :P


Who says mission control doesn't listen to their astronauts?  :)

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Just for fun I decided to turn my SSTO Rocket Pane into a shuttle like thing with the addition of a big booster.

Launched from a standing start



This got it into orbit with ~1500 m/s to spare..


So I decided to orbit the Mun with it


On the way home


Of course the re-entry speed was much higher than usual.  I picked a high initial Pe to limit the heating, but it still lost the nose cone on the first pass, de-orbited on the next pass through the atmosphere and landed safely


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Nuked the poop out of minmus with North Kerbin Dynamics.


Sure it was a waste of time, but the scale of a tsar mushroom cloud on such a tiny moon is FANTASTIC!

Edited by Red Iron Crown
Language, please.
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