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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  On 2/8/2016 at 4:57 AM, GDJ said:



The rear stabilizers on the back with the flags on them? Those are FAT-455's. :D  She's a big one!

6 Goliath Engines.
58 metres length
47 metres wingspan
100 tonnes empty
75 tonnes cargo capacity (yep. Tried it and it flew!)
Top speed empty: 330 m/second
Top speed when full: 240 m/s (internal cargo has drag. Darn it!)
Max cruise ceiling: 11,500 metres ( Just over 34,000 ft).


It's hard to tell from the images, but if you haven't already add some Angle of Incidence to those wings.

I'm pretty sure you can improve it's speed and possibly service ceiling if you do.

Just look at the wings of big aircraft in the real world. They all have the leading edge visibly angled up and trailing edge down, relative to the angle of the fuselage.


 It improves performance because it allows the wings to have Angle of Attack (needed to create lift) while the fuselage is pointed prograde (least drag).

You'll have to experiment to find the right angle for your performance envelope, but my general recommendation is 1-2° for Spaceplanes and other high speed craft and up to 5° for slower craft. But it's just a general recommendation. It also depend on wing loading and ascent profile.

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@Evanitis I tried the Blue Harvest ENB for KSP and it just kills my loading times :( I'm playing on a atop with half textures, 64k, KW, RLA, Tantares, AIES and some other mods. With ENB i need to wait about 15-20min for the game to load and without it, only 3-4mins. And i really like that ENB

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  On 2/8/2016 at 12:20 PM, Joco223 said:

@Evanitis I tried the Blue Harvest ENB for KSP and it just kills my loading times :( I'm playing on a atop with half textures, 64k, KW, RLA, Tantares, AIES and some other mods. With ENB i need to wait about 15-20min for the game to load and without it, only 3-4mins. And i really like that ENB


For me it went to 8 minutes from 6. (Blue Harvest + SweetFx, medium preset). But I avoid part mods for multiple reasons - a very heavy impact on my loading times is one of many.

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With Bunny 1 safely home after their training mission the crew of Bunny 2 competed their Minmus tasks and refuelled before heading out of Kerbin's SOI.


"I don't know what the fuss is about, we had over 200 m/s left."

Safely away with all crew actually inside the capsule this time they briefly went into a Kerbol orbit before burning for home. Instead of establishing in orbit before re-entry Leeree hot dogged it straight in, with a cry of "result!" they landed safely. When asked later if he had actually miscalculated his Pe over Kerbin Leeree mumbled something about chicken and wandered off.

Leeree was promptly packed off to do a milk run LKO rescue mission using his newly acquired target hold ability whilst the others had some therapy thanks to his ability to take off with crew tethered to the ship and inability to ask others where the atmosphere starts.

Smarting over the doubts of his fellows he snagged the stranded capsule and promptly set up a perfect return. With the stranded scientist still in her capsule.....


Thanks to his monobraking system he was able to splash down safely but refused to open the door until witnesses had arrived.


With Bunny 1 and 2 completed their are now a pilot, an engineer and 3 scientists available for the Duna mission. And Leeree. Who now has "Jenkins" on his helmet.



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  On 2/8/2016 at 11:30 AM, Val said:

It's hard to tell from the images, but if you haven't already add some Angle of Incidence to those wings.I'm pretty sure you can improve it's speed and possibly service ceiling if you do. It improves performance because it allows the wings to have Angle of Attack (needed to create lift) while the fuselage is pointed prograde (least drag).You'll have to experiment to find the right angle for your performance envelope, but my general recommendation is 1-2° for Spaceplanes and other high speed craft and up to 5° for slower craft. But it's just a general recommendation. It also depend on wing loading and ascent profile.



Already been done. It's a 3.75m fuselage and it has alot of body drag. Besides, the real planes never went supersonic, and mine doesn't either.

And RealAtmospheres makes engines rather hard to stay lit above 15,000 m unless one is going high supersonic bordering on hypersonic so I would consider the plane to be behaving somewhat realistically.

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  On 2/8/2016 at 3:26 PM, ROUGE said:

hello i'm new here and i want science point without going to the moon easy science

cuz i need it to go to the mun :3


Start by doing soil samples around KSC, crew reports, flight reports on Kerbin first. There's alot of points you can get just around the neighbourhood when you are starting out.

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  On 2/8/2016 at 3:55 PM, SSgt Baloo said:

I like making that wing. It has a lot of area, so much that it's almost as effective as having a parachute. Note the low speeds of some of those maneuvers.


She's a beauty for sure. Love the wing design. Very unique.

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  On 2/8/2016 at 3:58 PM, ROUGE said:

what r soil samples and pls sir can u give me mods that helps me and dont change the game 


Hover your mouse cursor over the Kerbal when he/she is on EVA (outside the plane or craft), right-click and the menu will pop up. You can plant a flag, do soil samples and EVA reports. When you are inside a ship or craft you can create a crew report the same way (right click on the cockpit). After that, either transmit the data back to KSC (install a antenna on your craft) or recover your craft/kerbal and you get the science and experience points.

As for mods, there are plenty that can make things easier but to be honest, get your feet wet by sticking to a stock game. Learn the ropes first.

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  On 2/8/2016 at 4:15 PM, ROUGE said:

12698890_1663709497237426_1944244178_o.jk how do i get backo eart and i have 0 fuel 


The same way you do when you run out of gas in a car:  you get out and push.  

I mean that literally.  If you have a crewed capsule, and you have a high enough level astronaut complex, then your Kerbal can exit the craft and use their EVA pack to thrust themselves gently against the side of the spacecraft.  If you can get them back into the capsule before they run out of EVA propellant, they will automatically refill when they get back inside.  This may not be much thrust, but given your altitude it might be just enough.  

Wait until the craft is near the apoapsis, point the craft retrograde, then have your krew member get out, brace themself behind the engine, then thrust against it as much as they can safely sustain, then get back in the cabin.  Repeat this as necessary until the periapsis is below 70K.  At that point aerobreaking should (eventually) return you to Kerbin.  You might not have many options as to where exactly you come down, but I am guessing you will be thankful to get back to Kerbin at all by this point.  

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  On 2/8/2016 at 3:26 PM, ROUGE said:

hello i'm new here and i want science point without going to the moon easy science

cuz i need it to go to the mun :3


To start with, crew reports will be your footstool to greater things.  Right-click on a crewed cabin, and select "Crew Report".  You can get different crew reports for each different biome you visit, as well as different altitudes above planets.  Further, if you have an antenna on your craft, it is one of the few science experiments you can transmit back home without loss.  

If you upgrade your astronaut complex, you will also be able to do EVA reports.  This is also necessary for the soil samples previously mentioned.  EVA reports are something you can collect by clicking the "EVA" button on a Kerbal's portrait.  The Kerbal will exit the cabin and cling to the airlock door.  From here you can right-click the Kerbal, select "EVA Report", and they will collect a report of their observations.  Bring it back to the cabin to store it.  Like the crew report, you get a different report for each biome and altitude, and this will help you get easy science at first.  For example, you can get to orbit and collect crew reports from above grasslands, mountains, oceans, shores, polar regions, etc.  

I would also recommend that, before you even attempt a Mun landing, you do the same over the Mun.  It will get you practiced in transferring over to it, and get you some science from orbiting it before you return.  Since those experients by the Mun are away from Kerbin, they will be weighted more heavily than Kerbin-local experiments and be worth more science.  

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  On 2/6/2016 at 7:11 AM, Dr.K Kerbal said:

I have a few things to say about this post...

1.) In the 4th image, how are you going to get back up?

2.)In the 3rd image, why are you thrusting INTO  eves atmosphere? It's already deadly enough. Rookie tip no. #48: When entering atmosphere, Retrograge.  Not prograde. Also, It's not a good idea to have Sepatrons right next to solar panels. Unless you turned on cheats, go for it! 

3.)In the 2nd image, I see you have a lot of ore scanners ( 8 ) Oh. Sorry.

They are a.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S.

Ok. I think that's it...

No it's not.

Why do you need ore tanks? I don't see any drills.

Why is Enginner dot the the first Kerbal on Eve? Bru? Usually, Jebbo is. He was the first Kerbal on...

Moho, Dres, Gilly, Eeloo, Laythe, The Mun, Minmus, Bop, Val, Duna...

That's it.

But you are really not fit for this. I mean, I and more that happy then writing you a "How to play KSP For Dummies 101." Plz. The thing is, in real life, you would always have your pilot go down if it was a one manned capsule. I am just saying for future references that next time, kick everyone out and shove Jebediah Kerman in. Who cares if he's claustrophobic? Also, I can see you're using some sort of mod to change the texture of the Kerbal in the photo. 

( Don't answer that. It;s a trick question. A. Astronaut complex does care. ) 

In the 1st image, why do you have your A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S. Deployed on the accent?  You usually have it on the decent. 


You really need to make sure everything is perfect  before you press F1. Otherwise, you get posts like these.

Other than that, the only Pro I have for you is that you did a really good job.

P.S. Nose cones work on eve.

Dr. K Kerbal


P.P.S: Nose cones work on Eve.


I am actually offended at this.  Hotaru knows exactly what they are doing, and I literally cannot resist stating as much.

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Did not play KSP since 1.0.5 was released. So today, I tried 1.0.5 for the first time.  In 4 hours I was able to :


1- Launch multiple rockets... Flip and explode most of them.

2- Got into space... But burn and explode when I came back in the atmosphere. We need shields now!?!

3- Got in to stable orbit around Kerbin and return in one piece.

4- Did a Mun flyby.

5- Got in stable orbit around Minimus. And came back in one piece.





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  On 2/8/2016 at 3:26 PM, ROUGE said:

hello i'm new here and i want science point without going to the moon easy science

cuz i need it to go to the mun :3


First off, welcome! It's pretty nice here, feel free to ask questions. Second, for science, one thing you can do is if you get a Kerbal into orbit, you'll pass over what are called Biomes, such as Ocean, Grassland, Desert, etc. They're basically different places on Kerbin. Every planet and moon in the game has them, and you can get lots of science from them.

If you get a Kerbal into orbit, you can EVA them out of the ship as you pass over a biome, right click, and hit "EVA Report," which will give you some science from space over that biome. From equatorial Kerbin orbit, you pass over mountains, highlands, deserts, grasslands, oceans, shores, and more. If you get into a polar orbit, you can get science from all of them.

Good luck!

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i finally had some time to play my favorite space game of all times,so for the last 2 days i build another interstellar ship of my own.

i never been on pol so my destination was pol and getting some science from that moon.

pol got low gravity so my conditions for testing the new lander and that ship was great.

in the high orbit of kerbin 

this ship got 1 huge reactor a lot of energy,and 2 cooling radiators with 4 external radiators attached to the ship

2ykclew.pngfjngcx.pngwarp drive activated going for jools system :D206fslj.pngorbit of jool2a0j1xk.pngilm6j7.png282dg5j.pnggetting to orbit of pol was tricky as tylo was always messing around with my attempts to get encounter1zof3ut.pngfinally got there with low outcomes on the fuel14xnmhg.pngeva time!27y7nu1.pngtaking the lander and going for landing28tjs5e.pngjhvebn.png30jrxp4.png27zxefo.pngdocking back :confused:11tbj29.pngwarp drive activated!going home,mother kerbin calling us back... ax1zs8.pngmuu63a.png

almost there...2rpqvzd.png2up962x.jpghome sweet home!33f6g3k.pngruzpld.png


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I've been playing Kerbal Space Program for quite some time. I have a video from one of the earliest alpha builds. And it shows that I didn't have a clue. And most of the time I still don't!

But anyway, despite all of this time playing, I sent a mission to Eeloo and it was only when it got there that I realised I'd never even done a flyby before. I would of remembered that world as it is quite striking visually.

So I landed my failed VTOL/Rover/Spaceplane (it does work as a rover and once the rover wheels are ejected it can land like a spaceplane) and went for a drive. And also looked at a tiny bright dot, that turned out to be the Sun.

I didn't take any screenshots, but I did record it in Fraps and put it into a video on Youtube. I put it on there because I keep losing videos I store locally. Have a watch. Or don't :)  If you want to see Eeloo with your own eyes first, then ignore the video and go out there and visit! The gravity isn't too strong so you can land pretty much anything that would land on Mun. It does take a while though. Poor Kamby Kermin spent 18 years in that one spacesuit.


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Started working on a reusable RSS launcher based on the Energia-Uragan.

Currently weighs 950t at launch and puts 21t to orbit. The current cost to orbit per ton, if I recover everything, is 2600 funds. It is likely to increase though as I still need to put stuff on the boosters to make them really recoverable and tweak a few things on the orbiter itself.

Haven't tried reentring it yet, as I still need to balance CoM and CoL to fly it properly.

Here's an album showing the current design (actually rotated the boosters engines 45° after taking the screenshots):


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  On 2/8/2016 at 8:08 PM, Proteus said:

i finally had some time to play my favorite space game of all times,so for the last 2 days i build another interstellar ship of my own.

i never been on pol so my destination was pol and getting some science from that moon.

pol got low gravity so my conditions for testing the new lander and that ship was great.

in the high orbit of kerbin 

this ship got 1 huge reactor a lot of energy,and 2 cooling radiators with 4 external radiators attached to the ship

2ykclew.pngfjngcx.pngwarp drive activated going for jools system :D206fslj.pngorbit of jool2a0j1xk.pngilm6j7.png282dg5j.pnggetting to orbit of pol was tricky as tylo was always messing around with my attempts to get encounter1zof3ut.pngfinally got there with low outcomes on the fuel14xnmhg.pngeva time!27y7nu1.pngtaking the lander and going for landing28tjs5e.pngjhvebn.png30jrxp4.png27zxefo.pngdocking back :confused:11tbj29.pngwarp drive activated!going home,mother kerbin calling us back... ax1zs8.pngmuu63a.png

almost there...2rpqvzd.png2up962x.jpghome sweet home!33f6g3k.pngruzpld.png



Can you please tell me what Mods your using to create your ships ?  they look amazing .

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hehe thanks man,i have so many mods installed,i run 64 bit "hack"

but i mainly advice you use these mods- :P

tweakscale,kerbal atomics,atomic age nukes,ksp interstellar extended,alcubierre warp drive,convair nexus,rover dude reactors-from kolonization mod,near future technologies- electrical and propulsion are a must have IMO.but i got all the nft mod installed. and laztek space x 0.90 its really good mod,but chuttes dont work in 1.x.x but most mod work fine even that its 0.90

yeah i'm a mod junkie :confused::blush:



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