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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I usually start a career by going to Minmus first, and sent Bob on his way there in the name of SCIENCE.  However, Jeb decided that he wanted to be the first to step onto another world, and headed for the Mün. 

First time ever landing on the Mün!  Landed in the East Crater, a little southwest of an anomaly that was detected by an orbital mapper.  Jeb decided to check it out during his ascent to orbit.  Turned out it was a Münar arch... the first time I've ever seen one in the wild! 

Of course, in taking this slight detour, Jeb ran himself out of fuel for the return home, leaving him in a horrible >10Mm Ap, 300km Pe orbit.  If the Mün came around again, it would have flung him who knows where.  So... time to get out and push. 

Got the Pe down to 37km, ditched the lower section of the craft, and settled in for the slow fall Kerbinward.  Had a near perfect skip reentry, dropping to about 36.5km before going back up to about 68km and then back down for a final descent.  Ended up landing on the southern tip of the KSC continent... not bad for accuracy when getting out and pushing.  Chute deployed as expected, and almost landed in a tree. 

643 science!


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I took some time experimenting on my Ares Launcher and pure SRBs as first stage. The new variant is less replica but more versatile for different mission approaches. The craftfile and detailed infos are available here. Enjoy :)



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Following the runaway rover of doom incident a new design was sent to Minmus tasked to general runabout and contract work. Due to the width limit of the cargo bay it had to unload using a narrow wheel setup and have the bigger wheels fitted on site. The new wheels were fitted ASAP as it handled like a hippo on rollerskates.....


Also brought along were containers of science equipment and a new antenna for the lander.


With the new wheels it was time for a test run giving Bill in the replacement mining buggy a wide berth.


Initial reports are that it works. Which is nice. Next is a jaunt to the lander to fit the antenna and do a contract that has come up for nearby.


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Prototyped my second Callisto landing attempt, mainly to ensure the new launcher and transfer stage worked as expected.  I've added a second S5.92 stage what looks like a big Fregat under the lander which will help with maneuvers around Jupiter.  The transfer stage got another meter girth, a second engine, and a few more meters of length to ensure the injection burn would happen successfully.  Those changes brought the payload from @18 tons to over 50, so I built a new launcher.  It's a bit overkill, can probably take 60 tons to LEO all told, rides to orbit on 15 RD-191s plus an NK-43 on the upper so it's basically three Angara 5s in a more compact package.

Mission forthcoming, maybe late tonight.



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Today, I sent a cool little Mun base to the mun !


(I forgot to remap my Steam screenshot key, sorry for the green text)


Here's the inside of the cargo bay, with a little RCS-powered munar vehicle!


My 20-kerbals tourist ship, the Touristos, with the lifter attached to it


After separation


Landed in the sea. Scatterer is just amazing.


I launched a second Touristos to orbit the Mun


I should really improve the way it lands...

Also, I got a weird (And funny) glitch : I don't know why, but I have several tourists not belonging to any contract in my Kerbals, so they stay with the astronauts forever and I can bring them where I want!




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I built a 96 passenger jet:


And, after playing for over a year, I finally got the sand castle:



I also just realized that today marks 1 year since I joined the forums.

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After building a better plane for Jeb and doing some skydiving from 25km up, I then took it to the logical extreme.

It turns out if you slow down to around 1500m/s in orbit Kerbals can survive re-entry. So... time for skydiving from space!





CliftonM - it just hit me. 96 Passenger Jet! Awesome. Now get some skydiving going!

Edited by WyDavies
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That Movie was so boring, i started to fiddle in KSP while continuing to watch... as i plan a large base project on Duna, once 1.1 is out, i started constructing a science probe to gather some data on Dunas surface.


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2 minutes ago, Jolly_Roger said:

I had to put up a pic of my WIP stock floating cloud city... ......


Now lets see a cloud car chase :) - Your StarWars replica are spectacular. 

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1 minute ago, Frank_G said:

Now lets see a cloud car chase :) - Your StarWars replica are spectacular. 

I don't know about a chase but I'm planning to fly & land a cloud car on one of the city's landing platforms.  It should be cool.


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No plans for today, but yesterday I:

- Lowered Station K-1's orbit from 563x563 to 100x100, it was just too high

- Tried to make a suborbital arc with my pet project, the RockoPlane

- Tested a small rover I built on the runway, so far I haven't been able to make a rover that I'm satisfied enough with to send to Mun and Minmus bases

- Pad-tested a new exploration vehicle, just because

- Brought my third and last stranded Kerbal from the crash-landing site on the Mun as far over toward the new base as the EVA prop allowed

- Botched a three-module launch to Station K-1 thanks to a staging order FAIL


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I watched a few You Tube videos of early access Tubers (as opposed to potatoes) playing and highlighting version 1.1 and I backed up my Save files.  I think 1.1 will be available officially within a week or so, based on past releases in connection with Tuber presentations.

I'll be testing the stock engines again and will update my graphs and charts, which are mostly for my benefit, even though I share them.

I look forward to seeing how gameplay will improve for my 9 year old iMac.

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After much trial and error throughout the weekend, I finally got a Kerbin communications network running, and a dish pointing at Mun.

I still haven't completed the contract for the communications network, though - because the 4th satellite is between the wrong ones (I thought between 1 and 3 - but the contract says between 2 and 3), so I'm having to wait for it to shift its apoapsis a bit before re-circularizing.

It's taught me a lot about MechJeb, though - and I'm ready for getting networks around the Mun and Minmus.


Meanwhile - Jeb's returning from a science-gathering flyby of Mun so I can unlock some more tech (like, bigger batteries and solar panels!)

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Built yet another spinney wotsit using parts of keiths satvia station


When 1.1 finally arrives ,i fully intend on building one 4 times the size with a hanger bay and attempting to build a orion replica so i can dock to it inside in orbit

Yer i'm a 2001 fan lol


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