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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Went to Eve and back, landed a probe on the surface, not brave enough for manned landings yet. I almost lost Jeb on Gilly, spent too much fuel forrecting the orbital inclination, barely had enough fuel left to get into a stable orbit around Eve. Luckily the mothership had plenty delta-v to spare so I did the rendezvous with the mothersip. It was a bit scary on the way back from Gilly to Eve orbit, but in the end all went well and the trip earned me several thousand science points to spend on new technologies. I'm using the KSP Interstellar mod, so there are plenty technologies to spend science points on.



Eve's atmosphere is scary btw. :0.0:



Jeb seems to like it on Gilly, might bring a little base to place there next time.


Jeb happily reunited with his comrades.


Back in Kerbin orbit, rendezvous with a Heimdal R ship to get them back to the KSC.


I'm definitely going back to Eve, very interesting planet, I wanna pull off a manned landing too, just need to do some engineering work first. This was the first trip of the first ship in my new Odin class, intended for long interplanetary missions. Later generations will be larger with ISRU capability.

Edited by Mjarf
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I spent some time this morning, fine-tuning my biplane into a triplane. Since I've already made Snoopy's doghouse (probably time to build a new one, come to think of it), I figured it was only fair to make a plane for his nemesis, the Red Baron.


Positioning the small airfoil between the L/G was a bit of a challenge, but Tweakscale helped.


More here: http://s28.photobucket.com/user/SSgtBaloo/slideshow/14Jun16

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After a fiasco with wheel physics (basically it decided that Eve had no friction and half the wheels had divorces with the air inside of them) I decided I was owed a couple of free hyper edits to balance out the universe (also had had several game crashes and it takes 10 minutes to boot back up, so I have to actually interact with people!!!) Anyway Operation Purple Dragon...


Started off with a bang (not sure what exploded,no harm done)


It's a lander to for the Moons of Eve, Also The Mercury 2 has two drop pods for getting the crew onto Eve, Cryo chambers and recycling lifesupport (being trialed for a mission to Sarnus one day) With the crew onboard Bill decided it was time to go and the rest of the stuff can be sent after them (he just fancied a 300 day nap in a cryo pod)


Sent off next was a science drop ship (outpost B) which was sent off on a visually pleasing array of engines



In the middle tried a new booster for my Heavy probes(with a too light payload)



And my dres probe came up, thank god for KAC!



Isn't it a cute little probe (and my first visit to Dres...)


Next the Purple dragon 2 arrived at Eve and commenced it's insertion burn, Can't descend until a kethane scan is done. Then the Wanderer probe arrived, this was made early in the game (sent up in bulk) and had been waiting for the window, sent it anyway for some quick science returns!


Then the Eve Base (Outpost A) arrived, it's incase things go wrong and I can just freeze the crew on the ground!


Meanwhile at Duna the Mercury 1 left for kerbin


Dropping it's boosters, it's still capable of returning to Duna and back to kerbin once refueled at Minmus, but no more landers will be brought (but the onesleft at Duna are fine!)


More capture burns




Eve's gotten a bit busy


I'll leave this post here, and write part 2, where the rover breaks :(

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So time to drop all the stuff on the planet, A kethane rich site was found and the Purple dragon 2 was sent suborbital! (this took about 10 tries!)



One of the failed attempts BoantTF.jpg

And Down...


Up next a mysterious fairing, 


With a Kethane Miner inside (imaginatively named Kethane miner!!!)



Now the science equipment has to come down, eve's a dangerous gal, so gonna get home set up properly!


Logically outpost B goes first... Also totally not polluting Eve....


Nicknamed the Kerb shack, 'tis a short walk from the Dragon



Then Outpost A (the Kerbal Kabin) I may have brought way too much stuff toEve...


Bill decided it was his turn to get down, so took one of the landers without telling the others, well he was in charge of this mission (being the only orange suit present) 


Then He realised he doesn't like the colour purple...


It was gonna be a long year...


With the Rover dead he decided to walk over to Outposts, only 15km (it was so boring even with time warp!!!)


Finally see the totally not polluting plume of kethane smoke!!


After this the plane was meant to be sent down, but somehow this broke the world, Bob claimed some logic about conflicting mods (whatever that meant) and memory leaks, which made Bob reminisce about vegetables. Jeb decided the Kraken had defeated God in the final battle and we should all worship it's krakenness by venturing further into space, but then Jeb always thinks this...

But with a recent backup (Huzzah!!) We return to the base

I dropped a new Rover...


And a new and better plane...


And here's the Missions to come, sciencekits to assemble and exploring to be done!


And that's all folks!! 

Also that smoke plume is visible in the map, did not realise that!!!

Sorry about the spam, this has been waiting for several days

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I made an SSTSTKTSTK (Single Stage To Space To Kerbin To Space To Kerbin).


I then decided to attempt to land it using the engines instead of the chute.


Had I used the chute, it could have gone to space again. Presuming the Kerbal could have repacked the chute, of course. :D

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Well, I was going to do chapter 10 today, except the "private jet" owned by Flat Kerman had problems. The main one is that a four whiplash vtol is kinda really hard to make. Oh yeah, and I experimented with taking the dynawing on a big rocket. Apparently Sarnus Shuttles are really hard to make and are super annoying. I did get one to Minmus and back though! (Took like 20 F9's total.)

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My Goomba emergency re-entry vehicle.  Stay behind the heat shield and you're okay.

Jeb screamed, SCREAMED all the way down to about 100m/s or so, when he went back to his usual cheerful self.  It's a bit tippy once the chutes deploy, and maybe the chair could be centered better, and I can probably leave the probodyne out entirely -- it performed well enough after its batteries died.  Otherwise seems to work well.

Edited by Corona688
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49 minutes ago, Corona688 said:


My Goomba emergency re-entry vehicle.  Stay behind the heat shield and you're okay.

Jeb screamed, SCREAMED all the way down to about 100m/s or so, when he went back to his usual cheerful self.  It's a bit tippy once the chutes deploy, and maybe the chair could be centered better, and I can probably leave the probodyne out entirely -- it performed well enough after its batteries died.  Otherwise seems to work well.

Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times...

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13 hours ago, Corona688 said:


My Goomba emergency re-entry vehicle.  Stay behind the heat shield and you're okay.

Jeb screamed, SCREAMED all the way down to about 100m/s or so, when he went back to his usual cheerful self.  It's a bit tippy once the chutes deploy, and maybe the chair could be centered better, and I can probably leave the probodyne out entirely -- it performed well enough after its batteries died.  Otherwise seems to work well.


Here's its big brother.

Edited by purpleivan
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Wow, it's been month since my last confession..I mean update on my space program.

Did some mining on Mun, pretty simple actually.





This setup worked way better than expect, I though it was gonna take me forever to get the ore for my Contract, but I landed in a rather rich crater.


 Now for the Main mission for Duna, I've been planning for this for months, testing different designs, and my docking skills and rendezvous. 

First I sent up the empty fuel tanks and engines that will take crew to Duna.




Next step after picking crew was to fuel up ship, with just the liquid fuel and very little oxidizers for lander.



Now to Rendezvous and dock...




First Try on target I'm so proud.



Now to send up the lander and return module.








Again first try.

Detached drone fuel barge and set it to crash to Kerbin which I now kinda regret doing as I could have used it later for other missions.


I'll be probably doing my burn tonight or tomorrow for trip to Duna.



On a side personal note, I've been able to do all this work recently because I was recently laid off and been at home a lot, hoping for them to call me back soon for work.


Edited by MrWolf83
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On 6/14/2016 at 4:32 AM, Alchemist said:


Had to land a propulsion module on top of a lander's capsule.

How did it happen in the first place? The autopilot didn't like something about the terrain and the craft tumbled. Attempts to takeoff horizontally resulted in loss of half the propulsion module, loss of control and loss of what remained of the propulsion on impact with the ground...

Docking from orbit on a lander? That's a lot of skillz, yo.

14 hours ago, Mjp1050 said:

I downloaded MechJeb:


I'm not really sure why.

Well, there's your problem. You don't have any fins on the bottom.

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