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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Project Voyager: send on one launch 11 Kerbals on Eve, together in a big vessel.
It's a vacation tour. After landing they will be waiting a MK2 style aircraft for 10 passengers to travel around Eve.
The launch from Eve will be sent on a 100 km orbit for fly refueling before departure to Kerbin.
Here is Voyager, rated to reach a 100km Eve Orbit from a minimum launch altitude of 650m 

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Put up a couple of refueling stations for my upcoming Duna trip - one at ~130km and one at ~570km.


Thanks to Kerbodyne+ which is an awesome parts mod.


42,400 units of LiquidFuel, 51,500 units of Oxidizer, and 8,000 Electric Charge.  Should be enough to refuel a couple of missions.  The docking node has all 3 stock sizes of docking ports, and the other end has a large docking port for refilling tankers, once they're actually needed.

This doesn't count the 3-4 other "fuel depots" in orbit.  I've developed a habit of putting a docking port on any large stage so that when a mission goes wrong, or I need to leave a stage in orbit with fuel in at, that I can possibly use it in the future.  I also have a habit of running out of fuel on manned missions and having to go out and rescue Jeb, Bob, or Bill.  Oddly enough, it's almost always Val flying out to rescue them.  Apparently she flies better (or more fuel efficient) than they do.

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1 hour ago, panarchist said:

This doesn't count the 3-4 other "fuel depots" in orbit.  I've developed a habit of putting a docking port on any large stage so that when a mission goes wrong, or I need to leave a stage in orbit with fuel in at, that I can possibly use it in the future.

This is a nice idea, do you dock them or leave them free floating?  I try to make all my stages re-enter when possible but can see the point in keeping a few.

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 Jeb departs for the landing on Dres


 Which was done in his usual style as the programmed spot for the landing had him flying through a mountain so a quick change in plans ensued.


And finally a happy homecoming


Only Moho, Gilly and Eve need flags to complete my first ever 'visit every where and come back' game.




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1 hour ago, Corona688 said:

This is a nice idea, do you dock them or leave them free floating?  I try to make all my stages re-enter when possible but can see the point in keeping a few.

Free-floating.  Most of them are there because I sent up a stage with a probe core intending to deorbit, and then it runs out of electricity because I forgot solar panels on the stage, or some such.  I use RemoteTech, so all my craft have at least 1 Omni antenna drawing power along with any reaction wheel and the probe core.  I've gotten better at putting them up, but LKO is getting a lot of debris that I need to deal with at some point before I have a Kessler Syndrome event.

(I know I can just delete them, but I like having the "realistic" scenario of having to deorbit or collect my space junk.

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Well after weeks of trial and error, throwaway designs, failed launches, etc...I am finally interplanetary! 

First had to get my Interplanetary Kerbal Explorer II (IKE II),Tyson Jr. Lander, and Senzu Refuel Module up to the Shenron Space Station. Docked the lander to my ship, waited ~180 days for the transfer window, and off we went. This was a huge accomplishment for me in this game. The only other times I had done anything with other planets was one unmanned probe to Eve, but for some reason I decided the first time I went to Duna I was going to land and come back. Not much testing beyond taking prospective ships to the station and seeing how much Delta V I had left and how the specific engine configuration functioned. I am thrilled with the result though, it really did feel like I was stuck after 20+combined missions to the Moons of Kerbin. Need to make some minor adjustments to my ship, but overall this mission was a complete success! Thanks for keeping me motivated with all the awesome stuff you guys do. Next up will be perfecting a shuttle and building a more realistic and cool looking space station around Kerbin, and a refueling/ science station around Minmus. 

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7 hours ago, gilflo said:

Project Voyager: send on one launch 11 Kerbals on Eve, together in a big vessel.
It's a vacation tour. After landing they will be waiting a MK2 style aircraft for 10 passengers to travel around Eve.
The launch from Eve will be sent on a 100 km orbit for fly refueling before departure to Kerbin.
Here is Voyager, rated to reach a 100km Eve Orbit from a minimum launch altitude of 650m 

What mod do you use? Falcon 9 legs, but the upper stage is new, is it an heat shield on it? 

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5 hours ago, panarchist said:

This doesn't count the 3-4 other "fuel depots" in orbit.  I've developed a habit of putting a docking port on any large stage so that when a mission goes wrong, or I need to leave a stage in orbit with fuel in at, that I can possibly use it in the future.  I also have a habit of running out of fuel on manned missions and having to go out and rescue Jeb, Bob, or Bill.  Oddly enough, it's almost always Val flying out to rescue them.  Apparently she flies better (or more fuel efficient) than they do.

I found this very practical then launching large stuff on 3.75 meter stacks who don't have plenty of build in engines in payload. put probe core and docking ports on it and you have an fuel depot. 
You can fill them with tankers from Minmus, and send them back then dry. 
You save a lot in launching almost try interplanetary ships. 

2 hours ago, AstroBovice said:

Well after weeks of trial and error, throwaway designs, failed launches, etc...I am finally interplanetary! 

First had to get my Interplanetary Kerbal Explorer II (IKE II),Tyson Jr. Lander, and Senzu Refuel Module up to the Shenron Space Station. Docked the lander to my ship, waited ~180 days for the transfer window, and off we went. This was a huge accomplishment for me in this game. The only other times I had done anything with other planets was one unmanned probe to Eve, but for some reason I decided the first time I went to Duna I was going to land and come back. Not much testing beyond taking prospective ships to the station and seeing how much Delta V I had left and how the specific engine configuration functioned. I am thrilled with the result though, it really did feel like I was stuck after 20+combined missions to the Moons of Kerbin. Need to make some minor adjustments to my ship, but overall this mission was a complete success! Thanks for keeping me motivated with all the awesome stuff you guys do. Next up will be perfecting a shuttle and building a more realistic and cool looking space station around Kerbin, and a refueling/ science station around Minmus. 

Congratulation:) Looked like an well planned mission. 

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Started working on this challenge today, and successfully made something that can toss a module up and come back down safely, refuel, refurbish and hopefully launch again. Although the infrastructure is really making things drag on. The big wheels keep breaking under the 70 ton refurbishing tower vehicle and I have to drive a backup vehicle to repair the wheels, but it's real fun so far!


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Came back from Eve, change of crew and new payload and away to Duna.
Because of bugs I can not use KAS struts, after some testing I found it was stable under 5 g anyway.

Pad testing of an ISRU SSTO who can work on both Laythe and Tylo.
Looks like I forgot an landing leg :)

Edited by magnemoe
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On 6/22/2016 at 6:39 PM, Mjarf said:

Bigger isn't always better, looks like a practical little station. Lately I've been focusing so much on huge nuclear powered interplanetary monsters that I decided to go back to basic today and do a good old fashioned mun trip. I did it mainly to test a new rover I designed today, which worked very well, I did however forget to put parachutes on the last stage, and did not notice until halfway through re-entry, so it was not exactly a complete success...

I visited one of the southern craters and I liked the scenery, so I may build a new base there.



Looks like the basic design I attempted for my Multipurpose Rover.

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1 hour ago, magnemoe said:

Pad testing of an ISRU SSTO who can work on both Laythe and Tylo.
Looks like I forgot an landing leg :)

Are those drills attached inside of a cargo bay? I'd love to see the whole ship if possible :)

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Today a long, long-awaited science probe came back from the mun:


It was a long, white-knuckle re-entry...  Actually, it was three long, white-knuckle re-entries since it came in at over 3,000 m/s and aerobraked a little high at 40,000m.  All the same I'm glad I didn't go any lower, ye gods, I've never seen a heat shield that motheaten before.  I think it was close to 50% by the time the flame effects stopped.

It survived re-entry and splashed down!

Edited by Corona688
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I did train landing with plane on KSC runway ... lots of crashes, i still suck at that, improved my planes construction skills. Grabbed some remaining science around KSC. Then, i constructed a wacky vehicule between rocket and plane designed to fly verticaly. Lotta crashes, lotta fun ... got more work on this blueprint !

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15 minutes ago, Riton Lafouine said:

I did train landing with plane on KSC runway ... lots of crashes, i still suck at that, improved my planes construction skills. Grabbed some remaining science around KSC. Then, i constructed a wacky vehicule between rocket and plane designed to fly verticaly. Lotta crashes, lotta fun ... got more work on this blueprint !

This might help?  I accidentally made a nice plane out of basic jet parts which lands super-easy...  It's light enough that when you do a rough landing it just bounces, forcing up the nose and giving you a second try.  Basic Bug

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Today (last night) I finished my KSP v1.0.5 game, bringing all my Kerbals back home - leave no Kerbal behind! All ships have either returned home, or, if probes, have smashed the face of their orbited body and left their mark. The only thing left up was my KSS (Kerbin Space Station) in 300kM Kerbin orbit... I didn't have the heart to deorbit it.

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7 hours ago, Corona688 said:

This might help?  I accidentally made a nice plane out of basic jet parts which lands super-easy...  It's light enough that when you do a rough landing it just bounces, forcing up the nose and giving you a second try.  Basic Bug

Oh thx, i'll have a try with this one for training features

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I am experiencing buyers' remorse.  I got the survey scanner and ground scanner on the expectation that, as the tech tree itself suggests, they are an investment which return more science data.

So far, they do not.

THREE HUNDRED SCIENCE to scan for minerals I can't even use!  what

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4 minutes ago, cubinator said:

I'm working on a little science payload that fits in the small service bay. It should be able to deploy pretty much anywhere in space, and several could be stacked on a single rocket for different destinations.

and what science instruments does it carries ? Nice idea to have a dedicated subassembly for this

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