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Please report here if you're having absolutely ZERO problems with 0.20


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I'm having a couple of problems. None of my flags are sticking around, and there appears to be a new invisible barrier that makes my rovers go all wiggly and crashy; I could drive all the way to the western mountains beyond the KSC or into the ocean to the east, but now I bump up against some kinda obstruction when I do go those ways. Other than that, everything is operating as normal. Really love the new rover bits. :D

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I thought I had no problems...

Until I looked at my munbase. Well.... "base" is a bit far fetched. Some vessels landed roughly in the same vicinity.

It seems, they were on quicksand. All undeground now. Actually, not that bad an idea, if you think of it.


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  Tokay Gris said:
That actually reminds me....

Everyone knows Neil Armstrongs first words on the moon.... But the last words?

"Good luck, Mr.Gorsky"

(I know it is not true... But funny nonetheless)

I have a copy of his biography (co-written with James R. Hansen), "First Man". In it he said he is aware of that going around, and while he is slightly amused, he said it's not true.

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Until now i dont have any problems, and i could just finish my Space Station in Kerbin Orbit without any lag and switching between vessels happens in less than a sec. (in 0.19.1 it took me about 5-10sec.) which makes aligning Docking Ports way more comfortable

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Had no problems, only thing I noticed is when walking into a flag on the Mun my kerbals fall over and just slide around, I have to use the RCS pack to get them up.But not a single problem besides that.

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If you have a computer that is half decent and was made within the last 2 years you should have no issues with the game. It annoys me to see people complaining to squad about their game crashing, when they are trying to run it on a Dell laptop from 2006. Personally, my specs are pretty above average so I never have problems, but it is not the games fault or squads that it crashes. The majority of the time, it is down to the system you are trying to run it on. I applaud squad on their optimization work as unlike console games, with PC you have to take into account so many variables and differences in everyones systems.


Graphics card: GeForce GTX 650Ti (EVGA)

Processor: Intel i5-2500k @3.3Ghz


OS: Windows 7 64-Bit.

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  Orange7093 said:
If you have a computer that is half decent and was made within the last 2 years you should have no issues with the game. It annoys me to see people complaining to squad about their game crashing, when they are trying to run it on a Dell laptop from 2007. Personally, my specs are pretty above average so I never have problems, but it is not the games fault or squads that it crashes the majority of the time, it is down to the system you are trying to run it on.

Don't be silly, the game is still in alpha, many of the crashes are due to bad coding. Luckily, it seems there aren't that many crashes (I think I can count on the fingers of one finger how many times I've had a full crash to desktop).

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Sorry, I must be more specific, I was referring to people who get low fps and people who essentially break the games physics by trying to make ships the size of a continent. I have been in this community a long time so I too have had my fair share of bugs early on, but they were down to coding issues as you said. I was saying I am sick of people putting the developers on the spot about how the game is "buggy and bad" because they try and run it on ancient hardware.

Oh, and I did not say that the game never crashed, I said the majority of the time it is not due to game breaking bugs, but from your hardware failing to run the game.

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  Orange7093 said:
Sorry, I must be more specific, I was referring to people who get low fps and people who essentially break the games physics by trying to make ships the size of a continent. I have been in this community a long time so I too have had my fair share of bugs early on, but they were down to coding issues as you said. I was saying I am sick of people putting the developers on the spot about how the game is "buggy and bad" because they try and run it on ancient hardware.

I think the main problem people are having with this patch come from the fact they're stupidly trying to run the game with all their old mods installed, not their system specs. After all, if system specs were the issue they would have been complaining much earlier. :P

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I agree, but I can say from first hand experience (I only built my current PC in Nov 2012) that trying to run the game on an older machine is nearly impossible, it was okay at first, but after 0.15 the game would not run well anymore, I was struggling to get over 10 fps. I have only myself to blame for that, not the devs. I remember one podcast they said something along the lines of "We cannot make the game any less demanding to people with older hardware, as the people with newer hardware will complain the game looks bad etc." (I listened to the podcast months ago so forgive me if I got the phrasing wrong.)

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I had the opposite problem. There was unplayable lag on the demo, but now I can play it perfectly and only get lag when looking down at Kerbin's oceans.

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I've not played a lot yet, but I've had no issues yet. Was fairly smooth before, but it is smoother now. Only thing is my loading time seems longer (wasn't it was supposed to be faster?).

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I haven't seen any major bugs so far, and the performance has been greatly increased. Also my sound stuttering problem is MUCH less prominent than before. There is still some sound stuttering, but only once a while, rather every 3 seconds as before...

Edit: maybe I should mention that I am only using two mods (protractor and kerbal engineer redux) and I always start a new save when I upgrade a version ( I don't see a point in trying to do anything elaborate, since the game is still under heavy development...)

Edited by Torham234
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No bugs for me :) (except for the fact that nobody at Squad understands basic rules of english, if the knowledge base records are anything to go by :) - either that or apostrophes are banned in Mexico).

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