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what kind of parts would you guys want? (beyond 0.20)


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Ok, just to show that I do like mods, and not being a "purist", I actually like the innovative hinges in the Damned Robotics pack--I believe that hinges and arms and all sorts of things that fold away (joints for trusses) should be part of the default structures pack. It makes a lot of sense--it means you can now have spacecraft like SS1/SS2 where you can do "feathered" re-entry, via the folding tail. And of course, for the REALLY creative, it basically means stuff like Robotech/Gundam/Transformers into the fray.

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Outside of what's been announced as coming, it would be nifty to see some inflatable modules eventually. Placing pressurized living spaces up in space with what amounts to a glorified bouncy castle just seems very Kerbal to me.

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-Larger fuel tanks

-Space shuttle style cargo fuselage

-Telescopic non-hinged landing legs

-Hinges and other moving parts

-Quad adapter

-More types of habitats, including inflatable

-Hallways between habitats for bases and more complex ships and stations so Kerbals don't have to EVA

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A part that provides torque like a capsule does, but is more compact (its silly to have to add a capsule just to get extra torque on an unmanned ship...especially if the game insists on populating the capsule with unwanted kerbals).

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A part that provides torque like a capsule does, but is more compact (its silly to have to add a capsule just to get extra torque on an unmanned ship...especially if the game insists on populating the capsule with unwanted kerbals).

do you mean SAS parts? they have more torque than capsules don't they?

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A LOT of surface base parts. Even ones that can be built by eva Kerbals on the surface and are immobile in nature.

Landing legs that have variable movement ranges so I can place them on the craft any way I want and have them move just as much as I want them to.

Moving parts like robot arms and cranes, bay doors etc.

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Longer ladder segments for the side of ships would be a life saver (literally) for me.

Also more science-y things like cameras etc (as mentioned above) although a stock Canadarm would be beyond amazing.

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do you mean SAS parts? they have more torque than capsules don't they?

Yes, SAS delivers torque - but only to keep your rocket steady. Capsules can rotate your ship only with torque - that would be nice on a drone only rocket, as the drone cores don't have enough power to rotate anything. So - a powerd gyro to rotate your ship without RCS would be very nice.

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