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Your Biggest Fail in KSP!


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Trying to do a returnable Mk2 SSTDuna Spaceplane with rovers as payload. The design just got bigger and bigger to carry more fuel as well more engines, wings, structures blah blah. alot more heavier with the about the same DV left after landed.. FAIL!
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  • 1 year later...

I sent a réfueler to eve, for one of my larger ships, and realized that the docking ports were not the same size. 

To top everything off, After I sent a docking port size adapter, I hit Z as I was trying to dock, and slammed into my ship at around 50 m/s. Needless to say, the ship could no longer be classified as such after the disaster, and became a cloud of Debris:)

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  On 11/21/2016 at 9:01 PM, notsodeadjeb said:

I sent a réfueler to eve, for one of my larger ships, and realized that the docking ports were not the same size. 

To top everything off, After I sent a docking port size adapter, I hit Z as I was trying to dock, and slammed into my ship at around 50 m/s. Needless to say, the ship could no longer be classified as such after the disaster, and became a cloud of Debris:)


Quick! get KAS/KIS and you can rebuild that cloud of debris into something great! (maybe)

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Send a sond to Eve, decoupler the orbiter node to circularize and forget to refuel for the decoupled refuel node......

Start again and the refueling you think its ok, you forget to conect the fuel lines properly to the motors.....

Start again......LOL

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Recently I was testing something in 0g. Yeah. Hack gravity. I forgot to reset it and I switched to the station and reset it there. My station's orbit turned into a steep arch. Luckily no Kerbals were on that station. Plus I didn't like it anyways.


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  On 11/22/2016 at 1:49 PM, Death Engineering said:

Did a really simple sub-orbital test from the launch site to just off the KSC coast. Splashed down but thought it might be fun to launch out of the water and fly about a bit. Couldn't land it safely, of course, KILLED JEB and then realized I am in hard mode with no reverts. Rough career start!


the only reason to try a hard carrer. i started to use alot of F5 and F9... and then revert flight is not possible anymore. so i can also play hard... i think i will give a try to that. poor kerbals...

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Oh god, where to start. :sticktongue:

Some of the most worst disasters are just complete structural failures.

There are of course the many floppy rocket fails before that update fixed that...

Huge planes that collapse if you turn too hard...

Floppy jet trains...

Space Shuttles burning up in re entry...

My Concord went too fast and caught fire, and blew up...

A huge STTO couldn't hold together and separate engines kept on separating twisting and turning...

But in terms of biggest fail not necessarily biggest explosions...

I posted this a WAY long time ago:

My mini HMS Hood ran out of fuel in between the (for me) Not-So-Abandoned airport (I flooded the hangars with military aircraft. :P) So I sent out (mini) Thunderbird Two, but due to a bug my action groups were screwed. It launched fine but the on approach one of the Vertical engines and one of the main engines refused to work properly, the vertical off and the main refusing to turn on. We veered of course and started losing control. I was able to save one Kerbal but not the other :(. So I sent Thunder Bird 2 #2 with a crew of 2, Jebediah and I think Val. Valintinea dropped onto the ship, and Thunder Bird 2 #2 landed on the water ready to retrieve the crew of the ship and the her. The crew of the downed Thunderbird 2 managed to swim over and get rescued. They headed onto the VAB roof  with no trouble. But the landing was tricky, and one of the vertical engines failed to shutdown. The craft flipped and the only the main hull remained. Everyone survived but I personally think this was the biggest fail due to ALL the work that went into it.


The approach on the second rescue.

And this is the video of the first fail. (starts a 3:27)


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I did a Mun mission recently and realized once I achieved Mun orbit that, due to the new way that fairings work, the fairing had auto strutted in such a way that it was permanently bolted to the heat shield of the lander.  The fairing base was part of the TMI stage of my rocket so I had this whole dead stage bolted to my lander.  I had to use the lander's engines to return to Kerbin and then tried to bring the whole stupid mess in through the atmosphere.  I spun the whole thing to prevent overheating and then when there were no more mach effects I jettisoned the heat shield to get rid of the TMI stage which somehow survived re-entry.  The whole assembly flew back through the capsule due to atmospheric drag and destroyed the capsule, killing its occupant.  This is in my custom hard career mode where there is not quicksaving or reverting.  RIP Podsey Kerman.

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I think it was today.

So, I got a contract for extending the Minmus station. More kerbals, cupola, that jazz. I checked KAC, to see if I have the time, decided okay, I'll do it, built the craft, launched it.
 Packed a Sr. port into the KIS bay, because they were unavailable when the station was created, and I wanted to start using them.

Then arrival, rendezvous, draining remainder of fuel into base supply, then a good half an hour struggling to attach the port... nope, KIS doesn't want to let me attach it, it needs to be node-attached and KIS only lets me surface-attach.

Finally I get the idea that maybe that's because I'm using a wrench instead of a screwdriver. I change the tool, and finally, after long struggles, dock the segment.


It's the bulky one, on the right.

So I'm looking for that nice (((1))) in upper right, but nope... I click contracts, scroll... and facepalm. I never actually accepted the contract!

Edited by Sharpy
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My biggest fail was in 1.1.2 due to the oscillating orbit bug. 

New heavily modded save, some satellites in the Kerbin SOI, Mun and Minmus several manned landings, at least one interplanetary probe for every planet, it' finally time to bring Kerbals for the first interplanetary travel, obviously Duna. For a long tradition I built a massive motherships with satellites, landers for Duna and Ike, labs, LF and all the stuff to ensure a secure success.

After three months (in game) building the ship in orbit, bringing the crew there and checking that everything was ready, with a couple of burns I had a beautiful encounter with Duna. I plan to tweak the encounter's periapsis later in the SOI of Kerbol. After few days, my orbit wasn't encountering Duna anymore. Trying to correct the trajectory was incredibly fuel expensive, so I had to make the ship come back to Kerbin after  more or less a year in space, ditching there the landers and the satellites for fuel issues. 

This failure was the end of that save...

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I dont know why i did this...

so i was in career mode, yada yada yada, got to orbit, yada yada yada, and then, Jeb died, yada yada yada, then i upgraded the astronaut complex, VAB, tracking station, and mission control

so i thought "oh hey! i can do EVAs now! lets do a polar orbit to get all the biomes!" which in itself is a great idea, but thats not what went bad.

so i got all the biomes but the badlands, which i got eventually, but had to wait a day, so that wasn't so bad, thank you [X]science!

so i had all the biomes, but top of atmosphere, which you all should know the best place is at the very top.

then i started re-entry

this is where it goes bad.

i had Xsci closed, and i thought "hey! lets see what science i can get!" and i saw. at this point I'm at about 54000m, so just above re-entry heating getting visible, so i couldn't see the re entry heating, even though it is there

so all the science that i could get on this ship (nothing big, just capsules, drogue chutes, parachutes, that container thing i keep forgetting the name for, and some science stuff in the container) was an EVA, so i thought "lets quickly do it"

but at the exact moment i clicked EVA, the re-entry heating started to show.

i talked for a long time, so i'll just say, there was cooked green stuff.

so now, every time i re-enter, i always have to remind myself "dont EVA during re-entry!" which i keep thinking, why did i try that in the first place?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I launched a muner rendezvous mission. So after working out some kinks I finally made a version worthy of s munar landing. So after landing and planting a flag and stuff I waited for the csm to get near the horizon and I fired my acent engine. I did not have enough fuel to make it to orbit. Luckly for me enough of my lander survived that everything went good. I then launched another mission and on Eva I killed the poor kerbal. So I send another mission and while Evaing the kerbal over the kraken struck and killed the kerbal. So I went back to my lander and waited for the launch window then fired up my acent stage and went back to kerbin.

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  On 11/23/2016 at 9:29 PM, Wallace said:

The problem that always returns for me is fixed solar panels all endin up edge on to the sun, battery goes flat, probe is bricked. 


One trick is to arrange them in accordance with the faces of a platonic solid.  Another way to say that is to arrange them like the faces of a die.  So if you know the dice used in D&D this will be familiar, if not you can google them.  So if you have 4 solar panels you want to arrange them in the pattern of the surfaces of a tetrahedron (or d4 to continue the die analogy) if you have 6 arrange them in the six faces of a cube, if 8 then arrange them like an octahedron or d8.  These arrangements will guarantee that at least one of them is always facing the sun.  I should also note that certain shapes are made necessary by the design of your craft (for example, it would be hard to do the cube since the bottom of your craft has an engine where your panel should go, but you could do a tetrahedron instead).

Edited by Chiron0224
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My first interplanetary trip was to Duna. This was also my biggest mission to date sending 3 crafts via two rockets. (Well 3, the third lander rendezvoud with the first in LKO). One was tasked to Ike, and two were tasked for Duna. The mission went great until Duna Lander One touched down (safely), but it was at this time the mission commander realized the gross miscalculation that would strand them there. Even with this information, good ol' Jebidiah not wanting to misd his chance to visit the polar regions volunteered himself and co-pilot to carry-on, knowing rescue was forthcoming. All went well, until approximately 100m above the surface, Jeb initiated rocket burn to assist the parachutes for a safe touchdown, unfortunately in all of his excitement, he jetisoned the engines by mistake. the craft bounced off the surface in a fiery crash, destroying the attached rover and most of the craft. But rejoice, the command module and crew survived! all that was left, hunker down and wait 1(ish) year for rescue. 

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  On 5/25/2013 at 3:56 AM, gmpd2000 said:

Whats your biggest fail in KSP?

Mine is i deorbited a station with debris in a retrograde orbit.

So, Whats yours?

(I posted this because my other Thread was killed in the Great Purge of April)


So my biggest fail was when i finally landed on Moho


My ship exploded,and my kerbals started spazzing out and turning into spaghetti!



And i had to start all over again

I think Moho hates me

Edited by SpaceFanatic10
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  On 12/12/2016 at 9:08 AM, SpaceFanatic10 said:

So my biggest fail was when i finally landed on Moho


My ship exploded,and my kerbals started spazzing out and turning into spaghetti!



And i had to start all over again

I think Moho hates me


This image is nightmare-inducing...

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During a probe landing on Duna, Ike decided to have a mystic eclipse during said landing. It was day, and I had no idea why everything was going wrong. No ground data was returned that fateful day. Lesson: If you don't have a RTG, be sure to have tons of batteries.

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  On 12/14/2016 at 4:29 AM, W. Kerman said:

During a probe landing on Duna, Ike decided to have a mystic eclipse during said landing. It was day, and I had no idea why everything was going wrong. No ground data was returned that fateful day. Lesson: If you don't have a RTG, be sure to have tons of batteries.


Or just watch the position of the moons relative to the Sun. Ike eclipses on Duna are massive and frequent, if short events. Waiting another orbit or two if one is approaching is a perfectly viable option.

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Today, I tried to get a rendezvous with an asteroid (the elliptical orbit you can see on the picture). Seeing it was on an orbit pretty far from the equator, I had to launch unusually... and this picture sums the rest quite well.


KermanMacIntern: Er... did I read the orbit parameters backward?

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