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Two years ago today


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I saved two pictures from two years ago, back when KSP was still in its earliest versions, and it shows how far the game has come in two years. I never created a forum account until just now; I decided they would be worth a share.


The old capsule.


Gosh, I was an idiot. Look at me putting solid rocket boosters and multiple SAS modules on top of the fuel tanks...

Back then, there was no Mun, there was no orbital map, the sun wasn't even an object, and there were no struts to help stabilize the parts to your spacecraft.

Kudos to all of the other players who have been around since (almost) the beginning, and thank you, Squad, for providing and maintaining such an amazing game.

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So why'd they get rid of the tower?
I've only been around since 0.19, but I've read that larger rockets crashed into the tower and it got removed in 0.19...

Nice pictures! I like to see the history of this game.

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I've only been around since 0.19, but I've read that larger rockets crashed into the tower and it got removed in 0.19...

I've been playing since 14.4 and this is accurate :)

Nice pictures! I like to see the history of this game.

I've got backups of every old version since .13, so I guess I could do a history of KSP video if I wanted to.

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Is it just me or can anyone see anything that is worse in those shots than the present graphical state of the game? Admittedly alot of other stuff has been changed though. Two years!!! Man I bow down to you old hands - you lot must have had to be very patient!

I dont think I have played any game for two years. I think only Falcon 4 and Frontier/First Encounters possibly are the only ones I have played for that amount of time, maybe EF2000 as well. These days I get fed up with games after a couple of months. Having said that this game is one of my favourite games and I have played it double the length of time of any other game on Steam to date (although I have Minecraft and a few other non-Steam games I have probably played more).

Be interesting to see what the game looks like in May 2015. OF course by then it will have to be competing with Elite: Dangerous and Space Citizen for my time!

Edited by nats
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I recently dusted off my old copy of .8.5 just to see the differences. Wow.

No map screen, no nothing really. I slapped a rocket together to see if I could get an orbit through guesswork. Somehow, I managed to get a near circular orbit right around 120Km. Not going to chalk that one up to skill, though. I'm well aware that was flat out luck!

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Is it just me or can anyone see anything that is worse that the present graphical state of the game?

Actually is better ... much better.

It is not only graphics but nearly all features you know today and take for granted wasn't there yet or where mock-ups.

Even comparing with demo version difference is just massive, 2 years ago you cannot even strap-on directly liquid rockets without using a mod, not mention about such luxury like the map-view (u where consider as "pro" when get into round orbit).

But even today, messing with lots of boosters and only few parts are still fun :)

EDIT_1: Anybody remember how end landing on night side of the Kerbin in early days of KSP ?

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i see alot of "i've been around since this and that..." when and what version was the very first to get publiced? who was the first one to download that version? is he still alive??! :sticktongue:

I believe it was 8.5 not really sure, I started in 0.9 trough a thread in Orbiter.

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I saw the "two years" and wondered if it really had been that long.... The first pubic release of KSP was June 24th, 2011, so those screenshots can't be 2 years old yet. At most that's one and a half years.

But regardless, it does show how far it's come. Back in those days, everything was a placeholder, there was no such thing as a proper space system simulation, and there were a LOT of unsolved potentially project-breaking problems.

There's still a long way to go, certainly, but at least now we're fairly sure the sandbox works (most of the time). :D


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