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You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!


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Great story! I have had many such stupid moments. The ones that **** me off the most are when I try to use my RCS for the first time and realize only half of them are present because I placed them thinking I was in symmetry mode and I wasn't.

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I've used this refueler over a dozen times since .23.5 came out. Now a couple times after sending it up to the asteroid I'm working on, it blows up during time warp. Still does it even after restarting the game. Did I bring the Kraken's trojan horse home?

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  Mazlem said:
I've used this refueler over a dozen times since .23.5 came out. Now a couple times after sending it up to the asteroid I'm working on, it blows up during time warp. Still does it even after restarting the game. Did I bring the Kraken's trojan horse home?

I was going to call out a potential issue when warping through the 70km zone, but then your second flight flew through it normally first. The only common factor I can see between the two flights is that you use physics warp first, THEN time warp.

So the question becomes: does it still do that if you don't use physwarp first?

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Doesn't seem to matter. A few times I successfully time warped while getting into orbit and docked / refueled a ship that's connected with an asteroid. But then on two missions, after it was done I moved the refueler away and set it to de-orbit; the second I turned on time warp, the refueler ship blew up.

I haven't launched any other ships lately, but I have been using time warp while adjusting the asteroid's orbit with no explodifying.

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  Mazlem said:
Doesn't seem to matter. A few times I successfully time warped while getting into orbit and docked / refueled a ship that's connected with an asteroid. But then on two missions, after it was done I moved the refueler away and set it to de-orbit; the second I turned on time warp, the refueler ship blew up.

I haven't launched any other ships lately, but I have been using time warp while adjusting the asteroid's orbit with no explodifying.

In that case, are there any versions of Quantum Struts installed and used on those ships? I had some a while back that seemed to just get "pinned" in space like yours seem to be doing, and it turned out that the struts were locking on the ground... from orbit. >_<

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Nope they're all standard struts.

Apparently it's not just a problem with this ship: Tonight I deleted the whole command pod / RCS tank / ASAS section and built it new - That worked great for three launches, but on the 4th it blew up during time-warp. So I launched a completely different ship, and it did the same thing. Then I went to a ship that was orbiting the Mun, and it also blew up during time-warp.

I've got a hunch that either the asteroid itself or the ship / parts attached to it have something to do with this, so I'm in the process of de-orbiting all that stuff except the asteroid.

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I learned a few lessons this day.

1. Eve's atmosphere starts much higher than I thought... my aerobrake for a flyby of EVE turned into a perfect landing by jeb.. almost. The ship started to topple over and I panicked and hit stage .. my lander (not an eve lander) separated and fell quickly to the ground, the chutes destroyed. It hit hard from the small fall. The cockpit survived and Jeb is now trapped on eve. I sent off a bunch of SCIENCE! on my way down, so all is not lost. Now Bob ... poor dear BoB. In the name of science he wanted to do a report from Eve's atmosphere, he stepped out at about 1000km/s and was instantly ripped from the ladder ... we don't know where his body landed..

Now an over complicated rescue of Jeb is in order, from Eve. This will be an epic adventure.

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I had my first encounter with the Kraken since I started playing again. This time however, rather than destroy a super huge rocket or space station it decided to branch out, causing a class B asteroid to absolutely refuse to rotate while pumping up my RCS with phantom forces to the point where I actually went from LKO to suborbital just trying to turn this thing.

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When flying probe ships or satellites, I cut the engines then time warp to the Apoapsis or a node to make a burn. I always forget to deploy the solar panels before turning the engines off. I try and turn the engines (or solar panels) on later only to realise that I am out of power and cant control the probe :(.

(Why doesn't the KSP forum spell check dictionary have the word "Apoapsis"?)

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It probably needs some more testing to call it good, but my ship-exploding issue may be fixed. After de-orbiting everything I had attached to the asteroid, I sent up a revised ship, then sent up the refueling ship. Both worked fine and I was able to work on adjusting the asteroid's orbit some more.

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Set the bloody brakes before you release your rover! Otherwise this happens


"Collins 1 lander" is where I originally set down. The rover rolled and tumbled 4.4 km downhill, some of it with Neilgee on top but not in the seat, before finally coming to rest. Minus the antenna, seismometer, gravimeter, and one solar panel, but surprisingly with no broken wheels.

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  Tollazor said:
I learned a few lessons this day.

1. Eve's atmosphere starts much higher than I thought... my aerobrake for a flyby of EVE turned into a perfect landing by jeb.. almost. The ship started to topple over and I panicked and hit stage .. my lander (not an eve lander) separated and fell quickly to the ground, the chutes destroyed. It hit hard from the small fall. The cockpit survived and Jeb is now trapped on eve. I sent off a bunch of SCIENCE! on my way down, so all is not lost. Now Bob ... poor dear BoB. In the name of science he wanted to do a report from Eve's atmosphere, he stepped out at about 1000km/s and was instantly ripped from the ladder ... we don't know where his body landed..

Now an over complicated rescue of Jeb is in order, from Eve. This will be an epic adventure.

Jeb would just MacGyver what was left to either make an awesome shelter, or a rocket to at least get into orbit. Bob? After a moment of panic, he did a search for local wormholes and glided his way home. You should find him in the AstroComplex Cafeteria in a day or two, acting nonchalant.

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File this under "failure to fail:"

i tried setting up a low orbital fly over on Minmus. Watching from the ground, it was obvious the ship wouldn't quite clear the first hill, but I kept watching anyway thinking at least there'd be an amusing explosion & debris cloud sailing overhead. Saw the ship hit the ground, saw a small explosion, but no debris. But SOMEthing was still there.


Just sitting there on the side of the hill. Command pod & everything above it was gone, but the rest of the ship was just fine. Gregvan could approach it, jump on it, try fruitlessly to knock it down, it was perfectly fine. If there was a hatch or probe core he probably could have boarded & flown it off.

Kinda reminds me of the ship from Alien for some reason. Kinda creepy, just sitting there like that. There's no reaction wheels to hold it like that either. :0.0:

Edited by CatastrophicFailure
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I updated from 0.23 to 0.23.5 and updated every mod on my list and when I went to start KSP the game loaded... and I could hear the sound playing for the menu screen... but I couldn't see a window. Anywhere. Not even in my Alt+Tab list. It loaded fine with just the vanilla install so one of my mod updates nuked it.

So no going to space today while I fiddle with mods instead :(

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I tried to send my Munmark I to the Mun (it started as a one launch Apollo style craft, but that failed on ascent many times so I sent it up in two launches)

What probably went wrong was me using the leftovers of the ascent stage as a transfer instead of the actual transfer stage I built. (Sidenote, the new mega rocket part thing is a little powerful).

Anyway, the docking port flexed a little and created a pretty space cloud of debris. But Jeb was flying it, so the crew managed to survive (and come home since the return portion managed to come out intact and they didn't leave Kerbin orbit yet)

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I am in the process of assembling a mission to Minmus, stripping as much science as possible out in one shot. I am using a modular design because the SHaRK (Science, Habitation, and Return Kraft) is a hefty girl, needing about 2 of the Rockomax orange tanks equivalent of fuel. Here's most of the fuel payload installed, and the vehicle that brought it up.


It's hard to see the delivery craft of the lower tanks on that pic, but it's there.

Due to a clerical error, Jeb and Bill ended up flying this mission. After delivering the fuel, I prepared for a deorbit, and noticed I forgot to add parachutes. Again.


Thankfully, I was able to fire up my PELICAN LRC to pick them up. During rescue, I snapped this screenshot.


I'm getting really good at rendezvous.

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Ahh, tailstrikes. Even some of the best planes are still vulnerable...

- - - Updated - - -

Ahh, tailstrikes. Even some of the best planes are still vulnerable...

EDIT: and, to be fair, the real-world pros do it sometimes too :P

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