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What Do you do when you are bored and playing KSP?


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  iRaven said:
It's not that I am bored bored, it's kind of like that time in between large missions, Generally bored as in like messing around for a while kind of bored, you get what I'm saying?

Yep. During those 10 minute burns, that can get a little boring, unless I'm sweating not having enough fuel. :)

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  • 1 month later...
  Brabbit1987 said:
I agree, I have been contemplating making some mods for KSP. I still have yet to get any ideas though.

Sorry if this is off topic, but maybe a generator? Works like an engine but produces more electricity and no thrust?

BACK ON TOPIC, I'm still bad at this game, so I don't really get bored.

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  • 11 months later...

Looking for time-fillers? Setting up geosynchronous satellites, Mun/Minmus bases and/or rovers, asteroid captures, multi-part space stations, and close solar orbits are all good ways to spend time while waiting for transfer windows. Practicing different mechanics (docking, polar orbits, gravity assists) is also a good use of time.

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When playing KSP i have something in mind or something to achieve or explore. That doesnt get boring. When i dont feel like playing KSP but want to game around, i stick with Watchdogs on PS4 and hopefully Alien: Isolation soon.

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  • 1 month later...

KSP is one of the only games I have and I'm starting to get pretty tired of playing it all the time... I'm just going to take a break until they do a few more updates. Maybe try finding another game that can interest me

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  Alshain said:
Actually I've gotten a little burned out on KSP just lately so... GOODBYE KSP!

(I'll be back)

((No really, I just bought Bioshock Infinite on Steam sale, so I'm gonna play that for a while. I'll still be around here))

Hope you won't get spoilers here :)

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  TYRT said:
Hope you won't get spoilers here :)


On topic, I just watch scott Manley, constantly. I can't fly kerbals into kerbol, because to me it's like a jumpscare, you know the explosion is coming but you don't know whe-BOOM.

Pure horror.

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I invent backstories for the crew members. Derski Kerman, for example, has a crush on one of the scientists in the R&D complex. When he was stranded on Vall for more than a year, it nearly broke his little Kerbal heart.

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  Nikolai said:
I invent backstories for the crew members. Derski Kerman, for example, has a crush on one of the scientists in the R&D complex. When he was stranded on Vall for more than a year, it nearly broke his little Kerbal heart.

Speaking of which, I would love to see someone using the audio from the game "Thomas was alone" and making a video with one kerbal: Thomas Kerman, of course.

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I attempt to build planes/SSTOs cause I'm terrible at them. The only ones that work are the ones where I think this'll never work and then low and behold it works. It's all wonky as I didn't use symmetry.


I try and investigate easter eggs as I've only been to about three or four.

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Nothing very special. Usually designing some massive(ly) impractical stuff, like one-piece space station which can fly to the Mun, land, get choke-full of Karbonite and metal, then fly back to Kerbin orbit and spew a fleet of small probes. Then I design a lifter capable of lifting it to said Kerbin orbit from the KSC... Last time it was over 3 million kerbollars in hard earned cash :D

Or some smaller, more explosive-y and/or pretty stuff, like a ship with the sole purpose of "seeding" its designed landing spot with spotlights, using stack separators, small SRBs and parachutes. May be useful as a first orbital drop for a Laythe or Eve base.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/4wKSX/embed"></iframe>

Edited by M4ck
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  AmpsterMan said:
I'm never bored when playing this game.

I... yeah, this. If I'm playing the game its because I'm trying to implement something I dreamed up earlier. If I'm not playing the game I'm thinking about what hijinks to get into the next time I am.

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Build planes, any type of them, big ones, small ones, ridiculously small ones, VTOLs, "MK-1 Cockpit+4 nozzle ARM rocket+small wings"-type things. Anything!

Sometimes i have awesome ideas as such an interplanetary trip that requires docking or making a space station and all that but i end up getting bored after docking the first module :P

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  • 5 months later...

I am a student pilot so generally I like to fly around spaceplanes and admire the scenery. Cause you know, it is a pretty big planet with many landscapes. Sometimes I also like to fly close by mountains and zoom past them. Or you know, set a record of how fast you can reenter the atmosphere, then you can watch your craft burn and put your Kerbals under extreme G Forces. But it is a pretty big game so theres always plenty to do.

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  • 8 years later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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