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Favourite engine?


Favourite engine?  

  1. 1. Favourite engine?

    • Lv909
    • Lv 45
    • Lv 30
    • Nerva
    • Pb ion
    • Poodle engine
    • Mainsail
    • Large radial engine
    • Tiny radial engine
    • Mainsail and the KSPX one

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So, whats your favourite engine? Mine is the lv909, that is perfect for Duna and Eve and it works better than the poodle for landing.

EDIT: The LV-1 and the Aerospike are not in this Poll, they just dont fit!

The skipper one is under the Mainsail and the KSPX one option, i could not remember the name by the tim i made this Poll :P

Can i edit Polls?

Edited by Nullspace250
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Well, it depends on use I assume ...

For ascent my favorite 2 engines are Mainsail and Toroidal Aerospike ... for movement in space it is the NERVA and for descent of Landers it is the Poodlemax ...

due to the lack of multiple choice I chose NERVA as it IMHO is the one hardest to replace with other engines (due to its high Isp(vac) )

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It's kind of annoying that people refer to LV-N as NERVA though. LV-N is a NTR - a Nuclear Thermal Rocket. NERVA is a AEC & NASA joint project to develop a NTR. A NERVA rocket would be referring specifically to a rocket engine (eg NERVA XE) that was developed by the NERVA program. The Soviet Union also had program to develop NTR technology and it would be wrong to refer to their engine as a NERVA.

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I feel like the only person who really likes the larger radial engines. 2 of them can land such a relatively good sized lander with ease, and they are decently efficient. The radial mounting is very easy to place and build for too.

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Had to give my love for the Rockomax 24-77.

Yeah, it's ISP is nearly as bad as you can go, but dang if you can beat it's versatility. Want your rover to fly? Here ya go! Crazy lop sided contraption wants to get to space? Let me lend a hand, buddy! Need turbo RCS? Action groups, here I come!

For some reason though, I never use the Mark 55. Not sure why.. maybe I find it too powerful for most practical applications as a radial.

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I've found all four of the standard LV engines to be useful; much as the Mainsail is a powerful engine I'm not happy with its mass or its tendancy to overheat. The LV-1, tiny though it is, has been perfect for my uncrewed Mun landers, as well as any Munar or planetary orbital probe. The LV-909 makes for a good upper stage engine (and will probably be my engine of choice for crewed landers when I finally attempt them), and for boosters and lower stages, the LV-T30 works wonderfully in clusters.

But the prize for favorite engine has to go to the LV-T45. It is the first engine I put onto my launch vehicles for its gimbal capacity, and it is almost exclusively my upper stage engine for crewed vehicles or any payload leaving Kerbin orbit. Stay classy, LV-T45.

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The Skipper is a beautiful thing. I started a new, stock save for .20 and I'm trying to simplify my designs into smaller, lighter packages with fewer parts... Most of my payloads are around 10-20 tons to LKO, so I don't need all the thrust of a Mainsail. The Skipper fills the first-stage engine role nicely, letting me avoid the complication and part-count of clustered engines. With these kinda payloads I usually have a pretty low TWR at launch, so it also gives me an excuse to use SRBs which makes Jeb happy :)

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LV-909 is my top, then the new Skipper, and then the LV-T45 or LV-T30 (it's a tie between those two).


LV-909 is very efficient and powerful for its size– I took Jeb to Mun, then Minmus, then back home with loads of fuel to spare.

Skipper looks AMAZING, plus it's more efficient (albeit less powerful) than the Mainsail, so I'm using it instead of engine clusters for most of my launch stages.

LV-T30/T45 are the workhorses of KSP rocketry– powerful and useful beyond words. Pop a few onto some radially-attached fuel tanks et voila! Liquid fuel boosters ready to be asparagus-staged. Much more effective than SRBs IMO, although SRBs certainly have their uses. :rolleyes:

Nerva's good for interplanetary, although I'm staying within Kerbin's SoI while I work on mods and getting some skills in transfers and dV approximations (I have gotten probes to Eve, Duna, and Laythe, however, plus a voyager-style probe leaving the sun's SoI in ~68 years or so).

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I found the LV-45 and LV-30 are very good all-rounder engine... And proably also the Skipper too.

I like to see as stock engine some clustered engines like the ones in KW rocketry and a new LV engine to put between LV-909 and LV-45 with only 100kN of thrust.

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I use the LV909 for all my probes and landers currently. Works great in most orbit injections and landings I have done so far, although, probably overpowered, as my probes and landers are only around the 1t mark :D

For lifting, I always start off with the LVT-30 & 45's, until I need a bigger launcher. Then out comes the mainsail. Except this time... because I've been playing with the KW Rocketry engines since 0.20.

And once I've managed to get to Moho orbit using chemical engines (I got to Jool last night, first time, including aerobraking), the manned program can begin. Once I've gotten kerbals onto Mun, Minmus & Duna, I'll start using the LV-N.

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I feel like the only person who really likes the larger radial engines. 2 of them can land such a relatively good sized lander with ease, and they are decently efficient. The radial mounting is very easy to place and build for too.

The radial engines with the white housing have abysmal efficiency, what are you talking about?

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