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SSTOs! Post your pictures here~

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Add another 1to2 splitter where the cone is and add another intake?

If you are asking how to make an array of intakes like this, you use cubit octagonal struts.

Make sure angle snap is a circle and then place the cubit octagonal strut carefully by hand, this will let you place an air intake in between each cubit octagonal strut. Maybe doing one side first then duplicating it to the other side with symmetry mode.


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Here is one of my SSTO's showing the center of weight, lift, and thrust to give you an idea of something that works very good.

As fuel drains from tanks, weight shifts, so you will want to create a craft that... as the fuel drains, the weight does not shift back or forth or from side to side.

Also, I have stripped my ship of it's wings so you can see what is underneath, as you can see I have made an array of air intakes so the higher it goes, it will be able to have air right up to and slightly over an altitude of 30000. Also placing the fuel as close to the center of weight as possible, so it's center of weight with full tanks is nearly the same as the center of weight when it has no fuel.

Another thing to note is the placement of the rear landing wheels, you will want to place them just slightly aft of the center of weight, this helps you take off easier than if you had put the rear landing wheels right at the very back of the craft.

Building an SSTO is probably one of the harder things to do in this game, but once you have an understanding of what you need to do it becomes rather easy.

Please feel free to share any SSTO you build in the future in this thread.

That's a good "how to build a SSTO 101" lesson. The only thing that I would add is a comment on engines:

There are a few configurations that work, and some that don't. The balance between jet T/W and rocket T/W is tricky, and engines count as payload that you have to take from orbit. Generally, you want as few jet engines as you can while still being able to climb form 10km to 20km, and enough rocket so you can accelerate once you shut the jets off. A good combo for beginners is one single jet (so you don't have to worry about flameouts) and a couple of LV-909's. That will carry up a FL-T800 fuel tank, a jet engine fuel tank, and 2-5mT of other stuff, if you have enough wing. Go with multiples to go bigger, but remember that having a jet placed last in the middle gives you a good flameout warning, and that you are going for vacuum isp, because by the time you light the rockets you are pretty much out of atmo (which is why the aerospike is the worst engine for SSTO's).

Rune. I still remember how impossible I though it was. Now mine make orbit on first try half the time.

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Hi all, there is my spaceliner. Maybe its not the most beatiful spacecraft ever, but it can took 13kerbals and half of orange tank to 130 x 130 orbit. With takeoff weight just 50t. It means that nearly 40% of its weight makes actually usefull payload:cool: (ofcourse fuel for return and rcs are not counted as usefull). You have propably done better, but for me its quite an achievement. Its purpose is to take large numbers of kerbonauts and keourists to space station along with some fuel.

If you have any advices for future improvements please post, especially i would like to get rid of those ugly nacelets but i dont, know how.

fly responsibly



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I really like the look of the intakes circularized and might steal that for a future design with your permission. Can you please tell me how to "spawn" or whatever, multiple kerbals? Is it CFG edit? Thanks.

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Can you please tell me how to "spawn" or whatever, multiple kerbals? Is it CFG edit? Thanks.

In the space plane hangar, when you are building your plane, there is a little blue-green button at the top with a silhouette of a kerbal. Click on that sucker and load up your crew! It's such a great option, and a million times better than the bad old days of spawning multiple flights and walking kerbals around.

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I want to show you my first working spaceplane. Pic's are a few months old. I call it the Hellcat, It was inspired by it's namesake from the game Wing Commander:




I also flies pretty well on laythe, but needs a little help to get there!

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In the space plane hangar, when you are building your plane, there is a little blue-green button at the top with a silhouette of a kerbal. Click on that sucker and load up your crew! It's such a great option, and a million times better than the bad old days of spawning multiple flights and walking kerbals around.

Well, that is with the exception of the command seat. You cannot assign kerbals to the command seat(which is silly)

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I. Just. Can't. Do. It. SSTO's hate me. Any tips? Please?

I dont "Air Hog" like many designs, and you can build a successful SSTO or "Space Plane" without needing to. As someone else said start with a proven small design, and work up from there.

I just finished my 3rd successful space plane.

The SH-415 Bison


Two cargo bays and can move 20tons into a 75km orbit and return under its own power. Doesn't like to take more than 5Gs though.

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quick question...

I see in the highest percent of the images you guys put up:

everyone has a pic of their craft on the runway before take off and in orbit

but not to many pics after or during landing. how many of you actually successfully land these things?

With the lack of aero in KSP, getting some of those monstrousity Im seeing on here on the tarmac would be impossible!

Taking off is easy...landing, that's another story (without using mods)

So It should be a requirement to show the craft landing as well.

A screenshot as the craft is coming in to land.

Im not sure what defines an ssto but I would have thought it has to come back down too.

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Well, that is with the exception of the command seat. You cannot assign kerbals to the command seat(which is silly)

Exo - THANKS ! Cranium - how does one assign a kerbal to the command seat?

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quick question...

I see in the highest percent of the images you guys put up:

everyone has a pic of their craft on the runway before take off and in orbit

but not to many pics after or during landing. how many of you actually successfully land these things?

With the lack of aero in KSP, getting some of those monstrousity Im seeing on here on the tarmac would be impossible!

Taking off is easy...landing, that's another story (without using mods)

So It should be a requirement to show the craft landing as well.

A screenshot as the craft is coming in to land.

Im not sure what defines an ssto but I would have thought it has to come back down too.

Try taking a screenshot while landing one. Pain in the butt, it is. :D

Best I've got are primarily of HSTAC-103 Banshee, which is the most stable for low level maneuvering. Everything else does well straight in or out, but are less than forgiving since the reaction wheels update.

Buzzing the tower, running its aerobatics abilities to its max potential


On Laythe, about to make an attempt on a chosen landing position


Looking for the desert temple on Kerbin


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Try taking a screenshot while landing one. Pain in the butt, it is.

press f1 to take a screey...not that hard!:wink:

ur screenies are exactly what im talkin about good pics!

A quick pic from chase view just before hittin the runway would do. We're not talking art here!!

I don't think the majority of these ssto craft are landable.

prove me wrong please!

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Try taking a screenshot while landing one. Pain in the butt, it is.

press f1 to take a screey...not that hard!:wink:

ur screenies are exactly what im talkin about good pics!

A quick pic from chase view just before hittin the runway would do. We're not talking art here!!

I don't think the majority of these ssto craft are landable.

prove me wrong please!

Landing on the Base-Runway or anywhere on Kerbin that is land-able?

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Try taking a screenshot while landing one. Pain in the butt, it is.

press f1 to take a screey...not that hard!:wink:

ur screenies are exactly what im talkin about good pics!

A quick pic from chase view just before hittin the runway would do. We're not talking art here!!

I don't think the majority of these ssto craft are landable.

prove me wrong please!

Well, I'm saying it is that hard, if your plane is twitchy enough to keep your eyes locked on the instruments, and your fingers busy at the WASD keys.

For example, HSTAC-101 WhiteRaven-


-is super twitchy and requires constant attention to get her down gently.

HSTAC-102 Silverhawk-


-will not tolerate any lapse on the controls. To be honest I have yet to actually get this one landed without some part or another coming off on touchdown. She's just too jerky to get a stable descent, and demands you play Tiddlywinks with the keys to keep her entertained.

SDV-1 Mosquito-


-as a VTO/L is not capable of lateral sustained flight, and relies on its engines to keep it aloft. When coming in to land with a full payload? Yeah, don't look away, don't fat-finger the keys, do not SNEEZE, or she'll dump everything over in retaliation.


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now were talking! theyre the kind of shots we are looking at...and the honesty to say parts broke off on landing.

If your landing with sas on its not to hard to get to f1 really quickly at the right moment. I takes me a nano-second! lol

Landing on the Base-Runway or anywhere on Kerbin that is land-able?

I think the real challenge and art of deorbit, re-entry and landing is to get ur craft back down on the runway.

For VTOL I guess somewhere near the space centre would be cool.

I had an ssto that took me at least 10 tries to get deorbited and and get down on the runway in the right spot.

I must say, landing that puppy and taxi-ing to the SPH was as cooler feeling as my first docking!

Until the program has a better flight dynamic in atmos (not mods) it is really tricky but this program is about the challenge right?

So lets see some of these ridiculously oversized(BUT COOL!) ssto's get back to the space centre.

I dare you!:sticktongue:

Edited by Dashman
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