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SSTOs! Post your pictures here~

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On 5/1/2018 at 7:18 PM, ArmchairPhysicist said:

Stage three is to combine the previous two. Heavy cargo SSTO with 6k+ dv budget after achieving lko. Not going well. But I’m getting closer

6k dV is not an easy task, especialy for a SSTO. Even with NERVs, which are mandatory at that point, the amount of fuel is hefty to get up on wings. So your best bet is loads of TWR (Rapiers) which are dead weight in the end, unless you plan on Tylo.

I think your best option here is to build a SSTO which can get onto Minmus, then use ISRU to refuel. From that point on you can get pretty much anywhere you want, except EVE and Tylo. It's what worked out best for me and still was manageable. My attempts on SSTA-ing (O = Orbit; A = Anywhere) have only succeeded with overpowered mod parts (I used OPT space parts).

Oh and feel free to post some screenshots of your steps here ;-)

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  • 1 month later...
38 minutes ago, MisterKerman said:

That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Is it balanced when the cargo bays are full or are they mostly aesthetic?

Aesthetic, but they kinda mandatory, since the craft is so heavy, I had to put 10 large reaction wheel inside the cargobay to keep it stable during ascent. The ascent angle is very narrow as a trade-off for the aesthetic, so keeping it stable while in atmosphere is a must

Link for craft file: https://kerbalx.com/ARS/ARCHANGEL

It's based from LCAM-01XA Archangel:


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Skylon C2. The only mod in this one is Tweakscale.





The engine nacelles hold no fuel (they're not supposed to) and the Rapiers are 3.75m. It pitches and rolls pretty nicely with just the large fins up-front (and has clipped wing boards within the Mk3 parts for stable and proper lift). It needs a land speed of 130m/s+ to liftoff and brings 50 tons to about 150km easy but needs to do nearly a lap around Kerbin on a very shallow aerobrake so that the nose (a tail cone) doesn't explode due to its low heat tolerance. It stops quickly on touchdown (under 6m/s vertical speed) with 2 full radial chutes and 10g of drag force out of them.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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2 hours ago, Fearless Son said:

I was about to say, that was one White Base-looking SSTO you built there.


Well, technically, White Base is the basis design for archangel, and the craft that I made has twin vertical tail on the rear, but the front is like the original White Base so... I guess it's a hybrid?

Edited by ARS
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Probably the most conventional thing I've flown recently :o


Bit draggier than expected and I'm not sure why. Fortunately it came down with several hundred LF in the tank so there was no problem getting back to the runway :) 

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Using the Kerbol Rising modset.
For scale, the side cargo pods are Mk3 tweaked to 5m, and the main rear engine is 5m. The science lab and hitchhikers in the neck are normal scale.
Engines by OPT
Warp Drive by Interstellar.
Tested Cargo capacity = 54 tons 
I estimate it can do about three fully-loaded round trips to orbit on the internal fuel..

Earlier version that shows the planform better:

Anti-grav landing gear from Kerbal Foundries is amazing. It reentered from orbit like a boss:

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Cheval 7 mk4-1 30t. to Duna :D




Here is a Cheval 3-5 Rescue Duna approaching portside a stranded Cheval 4 Duna mk2 which could not land safely because of unplanned disassembly when touching the ground ... Never again will I use wing strakes as structurals components !



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On 3/27/2018 at 11:13 AM, erasmusguy said:


Looks amazing and is 100% guaranteed to kill up to three lucky Kerbals. Performance is worlds apart from other SSTO's. Fly up to  1000m using the ships conventional engines and then activate the ships patented RasTech self-destruction and Kraken drive unit. Will leave the kerbin system from launch. 

*Please note. Current version will not leave Eve's surface in one piece. In fact none of the pieces will leave. 

https://kerbalx.com/erasmusguy/Prototype-Kraken-Drive-SSTO for the craft file. 

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/243407076 to see the SSTO in action.

Reminds me of the good 'ol days and the Far Star. Cool!

On 4/11/2018 at 9:53 PM, TAL said:


I don't know why I would expect anything else from you, but that thing rocks, and the video is superbly edited. Kudos! :)


Rune. It's been a long time since I've used airbreathers.

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A thread came up asking for Panther spaceplanes.   To be honest I don't think you can do very much on a pure Panther / Chemical design, other than reach LKO with a small payload fraction.     Maybe by going very large, you can make something that does a worthwhile task in career mode, but i've not much experience in "moar boosters".

However, I know a thing or two about optimising hypersonic lift / drag,  so if you add  NERVs onto the caveman airplane tech,  you can actually make a nice little runabout.



I'm really pleased with the appearance.  With a full tech tree,  it's Big S strakes are pretty much the only aero surface you want to  use, their advantages are just too great.     But with them off limits, I get to use the modular wing parts and was able to create some nicer shapes - though overall planform was dictated by the need to get dry CoM,  wet CoM and lift into the right places.




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While uploading my plane,  I spotted this mad thing on KerbalX.    It's 1Straycat's only upload.           Look at how many passengers this thing carries - and how much delta V it's got (nearly 6k!) yet the body is entirely given over to cabins.    I thought making something so large out of mk1 parts and a welter of strakes would be a floppy noodle nightmare,  but it actually flies good and is more robust than you'd expect.



Well, of course I made my own version, liquid fuel only (apart from a locked FT100 for the Vernors).    Went down from three Rapier to two, but added two Panthers to give it a bit more low speed umph.   Added an extra nuke, deleted the oxidizer tanks.  Overall mass down by 10T.    It only has 4800 delta V in orbit, though TWR better in nuke mode.      Once the RAPIERs quit, TWR drops to 0.21 - but the lift/drag ratio in hypersonic flight is so good, it continues to gain energy - slowly.     



Oh yes, and about the durability.    I wanted to fly it into some KSP buildings,  but when you chop the throttle on this thing it just floats and floats and sailed over the top of the thing i was trying to crash into.    Eventually on the third attempt,  I managed to hit the VAB with it....


The cockpit is still there, and I'm counting the same number of cabins as it had before takeoff.   Crumple zones FTW.   The VAB was totalled, fortunately it's a weekend so no Kerbals were in it.

My version here 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Skylon™ Again™ (probably). Weighs about 100t including 15t payload. It steers very well and can possibly haul more to up to 150km... I finally thought to put airbrakes on its sides to help deal with the tweakscaled nose (actually a tail cone) and its low heat tolerance and therefore the need for a very shallow and rather long reentry slope.

The propulsion system is an all-new mod, designed to fill the gaps left by the stock RAPIER and to vanquish the demon that is the "RAPIER Cluster."


yHiaC81.jpg H2GOd9i.jpg

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Well, if you put your Eve Lander inside a fairing...


Add some wings, wheels and engines to it....

And then strap the whole thing in front of your primary SSTA for world domination. Or leisure cruises. Whatever floats your boat.


Then, you'll discover that the Whiplashs lack the oooomph and switch them for Rapiers. Suddenly, it works again.

(Almost reliable crafts.)


Edited by Mephisto81
Grammar and stuff.
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Something I've been trying to make for ages, a Single Stage To Mun Landing And Back or SSTMLAB which is able to land VTOL style on Mun and because the acronym has 'LAB' in it, the craft had to have a lab too...and a tiny rover, just because.


H7EoEBd.png 0ir1QsR.png


And the slightly smaller crew variant (without the lab, science gear or rover, but with an extra crew cabin)


J0giuGX.png Dtkd4km.png


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2 hours ago, MisterKerman said:

Still want to know the flight profile you used. 3: I wouldn't mine a personnel shuttle similar to that.

I don't know his profile, but for most crafts I use the following:

- gain speed close to sea level to get past 400m/s
- gain some altitude to reduce drag (7-10km), getting more speed.
- at around 20km craft should be flying at 1500 m/s, if possible even 1600 m/s
- switch to rapier rocket mode, as soon as speed start to drop.
- accelerate with rocket mode, until apoapsis is at 75km
- turn prograde to reduce drag.
- circularize close to Apoapsis

If your craft has a really high thrust to weight ratio with rapiers, you can sometimes start your climb earlier. My Colibri has a take off weight off around 8 tons and a rapier. That is enough thrust to take off vertically. You just have to find the right angle on ascent, where you arrive at 1600 m/s on airbreathing engines without exploding at 21km above sea level. Rest of the ascent profile is the same.

Picture of the Colibri:

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